Thursday, March 3, 2011

Where Is The Battery For The Johnny Pag Spyder

Preparación de una nueva guerra mundial

twentieth century. always linked in memory and human history with the world wars: the first, second and third virtual. In his time, VI Lenin on the basis of the definition of war as C. von Clausewitz (war is the continuation of peacetime, but other media) believe that no matter who started first (of these theories is the instigator of the Mensheviks and Plekhanov), it is important that the nature of war objectives , just this war or not. Ridiculing Mensheviks in the novel, the saga of the restless intellectual "Life of Klim Samgin. Forty Years", "petrel AM Bitter Revolution led up kvazimenshevistskuyu resumption proletarian:" Arise, Arise Social Democrats, a patriot, go against the foreign and beat a German proletariat! ". It was the Mensheviks who liked to walk around like that -" a slow, shy way, zigzagging forward motion, the people who work. "However The analysis of the mechanisms of war is of fundamental importance - that shows the hidden springs that push people in the meat world, and then placed in an unjust world, with annexations and indemnities prerequisites for a new ambulance for the Second World War. If Lenin in his heat of political battles were not interested in the causes of war, they are very curious. Lenin gave a general definition: "Imperialism - the source of wars, but because the only war that could destroy, destroy imperialism as" the highest stage of capitalism. " Therefore the evidence of the thesis principles that imperialism is the last stage of capitalism, just before the socialist revolution and the natural transition of the revolution - transforming the imperialist war into civil war against the internal class enemy. Moreover, it is curious to invent all the new versions of "Day" M "(the term traitor spy Suvorov) - Yom Kippur in the enemy attack. The challenge is not pure speculation, but the study of real situation of pushing the world towards war. In general, it is not pushing the crisis situation in the Caribbean as a precursor of the failed Third World: a Cuban counterrevolution inspirirovavanie to land with obsolete weapons and no air support Bay of Pigs (Playa Girón), and Soviet intelligence game with import and export of empty wooden boxes allegedly due under the missiles in exchange for the dismantling of the real Polaris missiles in Turkey and Italy.

From 2001 gave rise to new scripts beginning of World War II. The first is to use nuclear weapons against Israel through its eastern neighbors. The second, with the U.S. under British influence of direct aggression in the Sudan under the pretext of military coup in Khartoum. In the first case of use of nuclear weapons Ariel Sharon Middle East settlement will be destroyed, which will influence equally strong in the world's youth, who had a missile crisis in Cuba in 1962 opens a Pandora's box and the planet will be in a battle situation Armageddonskoy.
What happened? A clear answer to the question gives the situation to unleash the First World War and, especially, pushing the U.S. to participate in this war. In 1911, Winston Churchill was appointed First Lord of the Admiralty, DF Roosevelt was appointed Assistant Secretary of the Navy. As a result, in 1914, America adopted a transatlantic "Luizitaniya" Churchill and began to get rid of British rule. In December 1914, British intelligence decoded German military code and from January 1915 Churchill knew the location of every submarine in the English Channel. The German government has put in U.S. newspapers, note that all U.S. vessels sent to England, are in a combat zone, and may be sunk. May 5, 1915 "Luizitaniya" was sunk in the English Channel by a German submarine, was killed 1201 people, shortly before the German ship saves British guard were removed by order of Churchill in the port. Everyone was waiting at the entrance of America into the war, but the loss of the ship was not enough for Wilson declared war on Germany, due to the flame of indignation did not cover Americans.
election of President Wilson, under the slogan "stay away from the war" was a secret back way - the United States prepares for entry into the war. The action of the secret diplomacy of secret agreements. In May 1916, Wilson appeared before the League to promote peace and stressed the creation of the League of Nations (the same address that Panikovsky Bender informed by the fact that he does not like girls and so it is recommended to apply similar to the World League for Sexual Reform). Therefore, Wilson said that to avoid the repetition of a world war for world government. Therefore, the real reason for war was declared. Since the introduction of Roosevelt, Wilson asked Congress April 2, 1917 declaration of war on April 6 declared war: the United States has become a war to end all wars and save the world from democracy. especially eager to join the war Rockefeller, who participated in the war gave $ 200 million. In 1918 he was awarded the Peace of Versailles and established a system of Versailles that, according to VI Lenin and Lord Curzon was actually a peaceful respite for a period of 20 years.
We are still going to write about who and what brought Hitler to power and how the Second World War. However, it is of interest, such as the United States pushed to participate in it through the war with Japan. Before you say that younger Americans do not know who is who and how he fought in the war, now in the post-modern young Bestiary Russia has even less idea of the named object. America planned war against Japan in 1915, and Roosevelt knew it. As the single "surprise" by the attack of Japan has always been considered of Pearl Harbor, which was vulnerable to a distance of 60 miles of the coast. In September 1940, Japan, Germany and Italy signed a tripartite agreement by which any of the three countries had to respond to a declaration of war if attacked by the allies: the U.S. war against Japan and automatically mean war with Germany. Now we have to - to provoke a Japanese attack, such as Germany avoids conflict with the United States.
November 25, 1941 the Japanese fleet approached Pearl Harbor and leadership U.S. was aware that on the same day that British intelligence (soyuzniki!) decipher the "code purple" armed forces of Japan as a personal code Yamamoto. As a result, on December 7 went down in history as the U.S. "Day of infamy" - the price is to provoke a conflict was low (2,341 dead on the day of the attack, 18 warships sunk old), all carriers were removed before the port, and the decoded messages sent Japanese military headquarters in all staff except for Pearl Harbor. Clearly Roosevelt forced Japan to fight, to seduce her first military success, and maintain the combat of the Pacific Fleet as bait for an attack. About the time the Japanese attack the U.S. government and Britain knew one day before the strike. What does this research - which suggests that the oligarchy and monarchy, Wall Street and Windsor Castle to launch wars directly under the banner of protecting freedom, but in an effort to create a totalitarian world government, world dictatorship. And although this time every non-working, ambitious people pay, they become "cannon fodder." These wars were the oligarchy of the twentieth century. should be numbered in the tradition of K. s Vonnegut's "Slaughterhouse # 5" - slaughterhouse number 1, 2, 3.
is clear that we are today under threat of strategic attack, and the whole world is under global threat of the United States, which acts as a "global empire of evil." Russia, China and other Eurasian countries are targets of interstate and international terrorist forces, coordinated by the British oligarchy, which aims ultimately to the disintegration of the top state and national organization of independent nations. But when Russia, weakened, and yet well-armed country, will continue "against the wall," strategic military implications of this situation is unpredictable. With the collapse of global financial system strategic crazy, like Weinberger and Brzezinski, taking the conflict with Russia before the irreversible stage of development. opposite of the current balance on the edge of the abyss is full commonwealth republican nation-state sovereignty, that is, return to traditional principles of interstate relations in the era of capitalist formation in Europe.
Meanwhile, more offensive, plans Crazy World War. We are talking about the secret Israeli plans and U.S. Kabbalistic mad "fundamentalist Christians" to blow up Muslim holy sites in Al-Garam Al-Sharif (Temple Mount complex) in Jerusalem. And these plans are nearing completion with time as Ariel Sharon (nicknamed "the Butcher of Lebanon"), became prime minister of Israel and plans for peace in the Middle East have become totally unrealistic. Obviously, predicting a "clash of civilizations" (Samuel Huntington) has the terrible power of "self-fulfilling prophecy" murderers of oligarchy ready to die, but to preserve its dominance. So cancer kill: kills its host, then dies in his grave.
Brzezinski A series of articles in the neoconservative journal The National Interest ", published in the spring and autumn of 2000, with titles like" Living with the new Europe "," Living With China "," Life with Russia . " Before the work on" The Grand Chessboard ", the author argues that the collapse of the Soviet Union in organizing the UK goal of the cold war led to the emergence of the United States as the only and the first truly global power. China, Brzezinski, who in turn from a "one country" in a country and a large number of systems, "in which Taiwan and Tibet can get more independence than I could expect from Hong Kong, captured by Great Britain during the Opium Wars in H1H. In this regard, the ongoing U.S. military presence in Taiwan, direct talks with the Dalai Lama and Western support for the Tibetan people. Y although the impact of the U.S. military in the theater of operations in Taiwan do not, it is unclear how to ensure that Western military intervention in Tibitó.

For the U.S., first prize as the winner of the Cold War is Eurasia. U.S. empire Empire than Pax Romana / Pax Britannica. Following the concept of H. Mackinder and Karl Haushofer, Brzezinski believes that whoever controls Eurasia controls the world and therefore U.S. must prevent the emergence of a strong Eurasian power. This hegemony of the United States should last at least a generation, known United States should continue in the first quarter of HH1. These statements are subject of great interest over the elite of Russian Eurasia. Who does the voice or that Mr. Brzezinski Brzezinski? Note first that now, sir, and the title awarded by the Queen of Great Britain is no accident. Brzezinski
British geopolitics has studied at Harvard. His teacher was a racist from an agrarian economy Neshvillskoy group B. Elliott. He also taught and Henry Kissinger. in 1972-1973. Brzezinski, along with D. Rockefeller founded the Trilateral Commission. At a meeting in 1975 in Kyoto trilateral plan to bring to power a "pocket" (ie, a puppet) president D. Carter, until now known only by the farmers in his home state. Brzezinski was executive director of the commission. At a conference in Kyoto, which the report "The Crisis of Democracy" has protected Brzezinski, Samuel Huntington. The essence of the concept of Huntington was the idea of "fascism with a human face, which had applied for his job Brzezinski in the Carter administration. Today, the British butler Brzezinski temporarily retired after several years of work as consultant to the Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. is published in the journal National Interest. "

What is the advice editorial in the neoconservative magazine? itself is very symptomatic! Let's start : SP Huntington F. Fukuyama (member of the editorial board of the quarterly Democracy ", the man who proclaimed the" end of history "at the end of the Cold War), Sir Henry Kissinger, who openly confessed to serving the interests of the British Crown in 1982 D. Kirkpatrick (Researcher, research group leader of Lebanon, whose implementation has buried the hopes for peace in the Middle East), former U.S. Assistant Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, a senior adviser to the presidential campaign of George W. Bush Jr . (the same Paul Wolfowitz, who always demands a new war in the Persian Gulf to ... Saddam Hussein to end once and for all.) List of causes bewildered, and in memory of his childhood pop-up cartoon immortals "pravdinsk" Christmas Kukryniksov to carry out a circle around a missile "warmongers" with icicles clinging to the nose and funny captions below them, like this: "Sliding call for war in saliva ultrabeshenoy frozen . In 2001, for the first time the United States has become not matter who is a candidate vedet White House makes no difference to us - A double monster Gorobush "(Gore and Bush) always uses a fully valuable guidance Brzezinski to unleash World War III.
Nekrasov, SN


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