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Revolution or Restoration?

Freedom of speech. Author: Abab-din Date: 04.03.2008 11:46:38 Revolution or Restoration?
With all my heart Whole body All consciousness - Listen to the Revolution. A. Block Student: In the dialogue "The ruling class got confused," You said that among the consistent Marxists today do not have such great personalities who could lead a socialist revolution in Russia. So where should look for a person? Indeed, perhaps the conversion, as you say, "from Saul to Paul? Ababii-Din: This idea has been repeatedly expressed by our political scientists. A talented young economist MG Delyagin, being, in his words, "consistent and seems to be an implacable foe of Putin, still admits a possibility of destroying the unlikely event of Putinism Putin himself. He writes: "Given the personal ability to Putin, including the hardness of his personal beliefs (which he changed, judging from his biography, at least three times - during the transition from the KGB to democracy Sobchak, then in the service of a commercial oligarchy of the Yeltsin era, and Finally, the destruction of the latter during the transition to owning his own country, the power of oligarchy), and the ability to mimic, it can be assumed, and is extremely unlikely developments, as the destruction of Putinism Putin himself. It is true that the act on the scale corresponds to Lenin's New Economic Policy War Communism substitution or release of political prisoners loyal ally of Stalin, Khrushchev, and requires an appropriate scale of personality "(Delyagin MG Retribution on your doorstep. The revolution in Russia: when, how, why? M., 2007. S. 337.). A friend of Mikhail Delyagin political scientist Maksim Kalashnikov poses this question more clearly and sharply: "You can not prevent a revolution - to lead it" (Quoted from: Ibid., P. 18.). Student: How relevant today, the socialist revolution in Russia? Ababii-Din: The Second Socialist Revolution, and knocking at the windows and doors in modern Russia. It was only mediocre politicians and ordinary townsfolk do not feel it. Words of Alexander Blok, given as an epigraph, as relevant today as in 1917 as in 1917, the national liberation revolution in Russia is approaching, both right and left. According to Moskovsky Komsomolets, a former member of Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, Sergei Gulyaev and deputy chairman of Yabloko Alex Bulk created a new opposition the project "Russian National Liberation Movement" (The People) (Premiership Putin - a bluff or reality? / Moskovsky Komsomolets . 2008. Jan. 22.). The Second Russian Revolution, apparently, will not only be a socialist, but at the same time of national liberation. In the case of natural speech people will achieve national and social justice. State, where the main subject is a thief and not a productive manufacturer, can not long exist, it is unsustainable by definition. The country, which is controlled from the ocean, long downtime. Realizing this, people today puts national liberation not only close to the social, but even in front of him. Student: Judging by your statements, the leader capable of leading a movement of people for social and national justice, on the horizon is not visible. Among Marxists, such a person today is not. Where the same people may find the leader, capable to bring to win a modern national liberation and socialist revolution in Russia? Ababii-Din: In the field of political battle. Among those now in Russia suffered the most devastating political defeat, even though the latter may be unknown even to himself and his cabal. Student: Who is with us today suffered the most devastating political defeat? Ababii-Din: Our President. If you've heard his voice and seen the face of Vladimir Putin during his New Year greetings on Dec. 31, 2007, you will agree with me: it is not the winner and loser politics, which really is only one way - for retirement - and the lives of private person in the family. This speech showed almost all the channels of the country, apparently with the purpose to breathe strength chest pyatidesyatipyatiletnego "elder." But it turned out quite the contrary. He was absent and the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in the night of 6 January 7, 2008, seeking, apparently, more distant and better protected from political storms and passions of abode. We have already cited the example of Alexander I and Fyodor Kuzmich ... In Russia voluntarily withdraw from the authorities at the political career take off with no inner spiritual anguish can not. Alexander I and Nicholas II were sick people sick of the dynasty. But Putin - a healthy person, which is well beaten and the right and left. And in Russia for two broken unbeaten give. Student: Where beaten politician could assemble a new team of political supporters? Ababii-Din: In its past and present. We unfortunately do not know enough either one or the other. All the eight years he was fine skilful intrigue, no worse than Stalin, hiding their real purpose. The newspapers, both here and abroad, often posed the question: Who is Mr. Putin? And while at it there is no clear answer, even though it has written more than two hundred books and thousands of articles. Who is he? Communist who, in his own words, are stored in such party ticket? Liberal, often talking about freedom? Democrat who care about the supreme power of the people? In Russia today there is a struggle between two major ideologies - patriotism and cosmopolitanism. But we do not know which belongs to the heart of our President, who reads the Bible in an airplane. When we say that a man should be judged not by words but by deeds, they mean an ordinary person. And on the professional intelligence can not be properly judged not only by him but by his deeds. Knowing well this law, journalists, scouts magazine «Time» In an interview on Dec. 12, 2007, full version of which appeared on the Internet, have sought to expose the soul of our President. But all in vain. They were able to achieve success here, if Putin went to school every Western intelligence. But Vladimir Putin is a student of Russian and Soviet intelligence, and sophisticated methods of intelligence «Time», he skillfully avoided, and most significant about him after the interview, they know no more than before the interview. Here he writes about the personal qualities Putin talented German journalist and a good scout, a good judge of politics and people, Peter Scholl-Latour: "Do not expect me to moral evaluations, or even psychological analysis of Vladimir Putin. I have not fallen to look into his eyes, as I looked into the eyes of George W. Bush, then making the appropriate conclusions about the terrible naivete of the American president. For 24 years in the KGB, Putin was able to obtain not only a black belt in judo, but grasped the science of hiding from prying their thoughts and feelings, and if necessary, even to outwit the lie detector "(Scholl-Latour P., Putin's Russia: the effect of compression. Empire under pressure from NATO, China and Islam. M., 2007. S. 195 - 196.). But if so, to outwit journalists «Time» it was not worth much effort. Journalists scouts «Time» saw in Putin a politician, what they wanted to see, and came to the conclusion that in the Year of the Rat Vladimir Putin will escape from a Russian ship of state, handing the wheel to the designated successor in Davos, which is moored to Russia aboard the U.S. battleship together to storm the Chinese battleship. Such developments after March 2 is likely. But it is not predetermined. And this uncertainty is largely dependent on Putin's personality and behavior. Student: What's Vladimir Putin may be a surprise to our overseas neighbors? Ababii-Din: It is possible to agree with the fact that journalists are «Time» written on the cover of their magazine: "Vladimir Putin: the new king of Russia." But today one can not confidently say, whose he is king, and what faith: it is the king, or a cosmopolitan, which was Alexander I and Nicholas II, the king or the patriot as he was Ivan the Terrible and Joseph Stalin and how he wants to see the people of Russia. The relationship between Putin and Medvedev today resemble the relations of Ivan the Terrible and kasimskogo King Simeon Bekbulatovich. In 1574 suddenly surrounding Ivan the Terrible Simeon proclaimed "King of All Russia", settled in the Kremlin and began to call themselves princes of Moscow, being called derogatory Ivashko. According to historians, all this comedy was necessary to Ivan IV to justify his anger against the boyars. Being a real master of Russian land in 1575 Ivan the Terrible moved into the city older women formed a new Oprichny army to crack down on unwanted people boyars terrible punishment. As a result, there was a change of ruling elites and strengthened Russian centralized state. Stalin in 1934, without taking any public position, and even not being a general secretary, and being just one of the secretaries of the CPSU (b), has become the real master of the Soviet state in 1937 - 1939. replaced by a pro-Western, cosmopolitan elite to patriotic than that saved Russia from defeat in World War II. The same did Mao Zedong during the Cultural Revolution, strengthening the young socialist state. But the change of the ruling elite during the Leninist revolution - is too well known thing to talk about it here. Student: Do you think that in Russia there is the need to change the ruling elite? Ababii-Din: Not only overdue, but it and "overripe". This is one of the main political tasks of the Russian Revolution. Marxist communism and capitalism, Yeltsin - the two vectors of the same, Western in origin and anti-Russian direction, destructive force. The peak of Marxist communism is party-political oligarchy consumer occupied by the redistribution and appropriation of wealth produced by the people. The peak of the Yeltsin wild capitalism is the financial and usurious commercial oligarchy also occupied the redistribution and appropriation of the results of the labor of others. And in either case, all power is concentrated in the hands of not producing, and assigns, a parasitic class. Russian man can sometimes feed and the two generals, but to feed two Abramovich, the Americans want it now, he is physically unable to. Therefore, Russian and found ourselves short in its ranks at a million dollars a year. Strategy Yeltsin as a strategy of Marxism, is not entirely constructive and destructive. The main mistake Putin for all 8 years of his reign in the fact that he is only somewhat mitigated the devastating poison Yeltsin, but not rid the country of consumption of opium. But sooner or later the truth breaks out. Today, scientists have discovered, even such a fact, how the poison had been poisoned by Stalin. The poison, which poison the Russian people for 20 years, too, sooner or later be discovered. And people, if he has at that time still remain self-preservation instinct, casts from their shoulders parasitic social classes and their political parties. Says well-known actor and director, artistic director of Theater "Commonwealth actors Taganka Nikolai Gubenko," people over time, maturation, and rallied for the solution of their own destiny, will regain its power "(quoted from: Arguments and Facts. 2007. № 32. C . 3.). Student: How do you imagine the prospects for Russia's development? Ababii-Din: Objectively, Russia for positive social development remains today are only two ways - Leninist revolution and the Stalinist restoration. All other paths lead to a dead end and further exacerbate the situation in the camp - being pushed to the state, civilization and demographic nothingness once great Russia. Russia's revival begins with the revival of socialism with a human face, with the creation of human civilization of Russia of a new socialist type. This is the only real way to the rebirth of Russia. All other ways are not just uncomfortable, but to the disappearance of the wreckage of Russian and Soviet civilization. Student: And you believe that Vladimir Putin ("new Russian czar, according to the« Time ») can lead a revolution Leninist or Stalinist type of restoration? Ababii-Din: At least theoretically, this can not be excluded. Putin may become the same "true" disciple of Lenin, what was Stalin, who was able to in 20 years to restore the traditional Russian political relations. Putin, like Stalin, not a revolutionary and a reformer. He is to restore traditional Russian socio-economic relations. Yeltsin made a counter-revolutionary coup: to destroy the Soviet state, he would not even begun the restoration of traditional Russian social and economic relations, leaving Putin amerikanopodobny wild capitalism without the American worker. Instead, he came merchants, moneylenders, the oligarchs, corrupt officials, corrupt informokraty and making "elite" new ruling class, to the skin robbed the Russian people. For eight years, Putin has taken the first steps towards the restoration of Russian statehood and the traditional Russian socio-economic relations, which in essence are socialist. And in these circumstances to give the wrong hands the helm of the Russian ship of state - worse than the crime. This is a strategic mistake that will lead to the collapse of the Russian state, but also to the death of Russian and other peoples of Russia. It is no coincidence, seeing that error, internal and external enemies of Russia are jubilant and are pushing the President to ensure that he insisted on his mistake. But it can it and fix it. Catching the helm the ship of state at the new Lzhedmitrija or Simeon, Putin could make revolutionary restoration or revolution from above. If the leaders of the ruling class is not smart enough to follow in this matter to Ivan the Terrible, Stalin, Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Raul Castro, the revolution will start from the bottom, with a much more serious consequences for the Russian state and Russian peoples of the ruling class. Student: But why do you think that such a revolution from above or restoration will not be able to commit, Dmitry Medvedev, as president? Ababii-Din: revolution from above can make a natural born sovereign, such as Amenhotep IV of Egypt, who took the name Akhenaten after the coup, Ivan IV of Russia, called after the coup, the Terrible, Peter I, called the father of the fatherland, or the person who has the dominant authority in the nation and in their environment, like Stalin in the USSR. In the 1930's. formally equal to Stalin after the order was Kaganovich, Kirov, Zhdanov and other secretaries of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b), but none of them could not have done what I've done this Russified Georgians. And history would acquit him, even if scientists finally prove that he sacrificed his friend, the Kirov and many other supporters. And now here's to! Raised a national leader - and to the dump. Eight years of friends and enemies have worked on the authority of Putin, wrote about him a lot of books, and now it would just throw away this wasteful social capital is not used for building of a sovereign Russia as an independent power center. Descendants of us do not understand and was convicted of a political profligacy. Put on the shelves of shops, libraries, more than two hundred books, raising the authority of Putin, was named a national leader, a man, and even the Russian czar, confused him, made a prey «Time» and west of usurer's capital, which focuses not on the mind of our President and his pro-Western sense, brought the facts of Western culture with which he faced while working spy in East Germany. But all is not lost! The people have the right not to persuade, and to require the application of his leadership of faithful service to the interests of the country in which it was raised to the level of national leadership. Student: It turns out that with the departure of Vladimir Putin of Russia loses big-time politics of arms, which she had equipped to deal with their adversaries? Ababii-Din: Yes. But it may be even worse if he had these weapons be used against those who armed them, as did the part of the KGB, which helped to destroy the state and productive forces of the USSR in 1991 in Russia today is ripe again a revolutionary situation, and it is either will result in the second Russian national liberation and socialist revolution, or end in complete collapse of Russia, in comparison with which the destruction of the Soviet Union would seem a school prank. Student: What external factors contribute to the maturing of a revolutionary situation in Russia, exacerbating the situation inside the country? Ababii-Din: The global crisis of capitalism and usury threshold of the collapse of the U.S. dollar predatory social system. "This crisis is not only economic but also the nature of general civilization ... The total debt of the subjects of the American economy, which amounts to 50 trillion dollars today, which is about four and a half of official annual U.S. GDP ... it is growing, with a rate of 10% per year. That at times exceeds the growth rates and U.S. and global economy. That is the main indicator of the severity of the crisis ... The global meltdown may happen in two weeks. Can happen in six months. Can happen in two years. But over the next five years, he almost always happens with a probability of 99% (Khazin M. The global crisis and Russia / / Tomorrow. 2008. № 1. S. 1, 2).. Student: What do you see the main danger of this crisis for Russia? Ababii-Din: The main danger in the lack of real-Russia economic, political and informational sovereignty, in its dependence on Western usurer's capital in everything - from bread to ballpoint pens. "The main problem in Russia today is that its economy is not self-sufficient. Unlike, say, the Soviet economy. The Soviet economy, even if completely block imports into the country could provide its citizens a minimum level of food, clothing, housing and so on. Today, we are unable to provide themselves with food, even "(Ibid. S. 2.). But most importantly not even in it, and that the ruling class of today's Russia is not interested in, to create self-sustaining economy. But "if Russia will not be an independent center of power, it will inevitably fall apart. U.S. can not through a weak comprador, hated by the population of leaders in Moscow to retain much of the area. As a result, everything east of the Urals, fall into the hands of China. Partly be directly included in its territory, it will be partially utilized. And if so, then China is clearly emerging as first among equals within the world of geopolitics, that does not suit anyone. In most of China "(ibid.).. Student: What do you see reason that the "ruling class of today's Russia is not interested in, to create self-sustaining economy"? Ababii-din: And this is a question of questions. Part of the answer given in the article quoted Michael Khazin, in which he wrote: "Russia is now - a huge area with vast resources, which is completely missing the national elite. In general, as a kind of - no. Within the division of the world ... Russia as an independent centers of power today, not ... if we begin to do in Russia, "power center", then we need an independent Russian elite, which today's system of governance does not exist. All those who tried to defend the national interests of the country since the early 90's with an iron hand from the government discarded. Everything. And under Putin, too "(ibid.).. Student: Do you think that this statement M. Khazina true? Ababii-din: I think it is consistent. Cruelly dumped and continue to throw out anyone trying to "defend the national interests of the country, from all three complementary main power structures - political, economic, informational. And this happened not only under Yeltsin and Putin, but starting with Khrushchev. Will not go into a long-standing Soviet times, take a look at the past two decades. Where the chairman of the Congress of Russian Communities, a patriot of Russia V. Skokov? Where conscientious Attorney General A. Kazannik? How clever SY Glazyev, who as a minister would be proud of any civilized nation? Where the former Minister of Culture Russian patriot S. Melent'ev? Where a naive patriot General AI Lebed? Where fierce patriot, General Alexander M. Makashov? Where the playwright VS pink? Where the former chairman of the Committee Print, zetetic BS Mironov? Where writer-patriot MF Antonov? Where well-known economist who specializes in traditional Russian economy and prolific Russian writer-writer OA Platonov? Where the Attorney-General Yu Skuratov, who in the modern civilized form could play the role of the famous Malyuta Skuratov? Where patriot SN Semanov, 40 years fighting for Russia's national interests? Where the historian and patriot, IY Froyanov? Where a talented writer Yuri Mukhin, for 20 years against usurious economics for the development of productive, productive economy in Russia? Where an excellent organizer, writer, historian and specialist on social strategy AI Podberyozkin? Where the singer National Bolshevik socialism EV lemon? Where the leader of the party "Rodina" Dmitry Rogozin? Many-voiced singer of authoritarianism and democracy AA Prokhanov barely afloat. For how long? How many tens and hundreds of the same ardent defender of Russia's national interests? They really do not have in the current "elite". Nicholas Zenkovich in "Putin's Encyclopedia" gives 400 personalities from far and near close to the president of Russia. There's even a paper devoted to child-owner of Putin's dog puppy, but there is almost no one above the name. Judging by this encyclopedia, for Putin it is suitable words from the famous song: "we must turn to the left - right turn." Student: What was the result of a "right" rotation? Ababii-Din: In this issue M. Khazin answers in the article cited above. As a result, the selection of the ruling class of people who are not interested in defending national interests, in fact, there was anti-national elite. It includes "people who today represent the interests of the West in Russia ... It kleptomany oriented to the West. Their children do not live in Russia, many even in Russian do not speak. They inevitably will, inevitably weaken our country - that was nice to live in retirement in a "civilized" countries "(ibid.).. If the authorities will continue to remain in the hands of an "elite", the song it will soon be sung. Student: Talking about the maturation of a revolutionary situation in Russia, you name Putin as a possible leader of the impending socialist revolution. But he expects Mr. Putin, if the revolution did not happen or if it fails to take advantage of this opportunity? Ababii-Din: One of two things. Either by leading a socialist revolution from above, it will make the country a socialist revolutionary restoration and life will become popular leader in Russia, the first person and in fact and in form. Either permanently surrender their positions west and rossiyanskim lenders and leave the politics and history, ended his life somewhere abroad simple inhabitant, shivering in their millions. Money obtained by unjust labor, deprived of moral and spiritual values, yet no one brought neither happiness nor peace. Putin may live a long life, like Kerensky. Not by chance that he is two hours a day for sports. But for history and for myself, as Kerensky, he is still a loser. Third, apparently, is not given. Of course, besides the desire to fight for his vocation to be the leader of the people and the savior of Russia, needed the will and mental capacity, appropriate to the level goals. That's what about this wrote Chairman of the Presidium, scientific director of the Institute of Globalization Problems, a famous Russian economist and politician MG Delyagin, considering the question of unification of Russia with Kazakhstan and Belarus: "It appears that Nazarbayev and his strong-willed Lukashenko and intellectual qualities exceed Putin, which makes it very likely his loss in the natural vnutriapparatnoy competition within a single state. If we recall that Lukashenka and Nazarbayev quite convincingly demonstrate a deep concern for their country and ability to achieve real, not fake the results, there is a serious danger that in the case of a significant association of Russia's population would prefer to find a head of state does not "own" Putin and "alien" or Nazarbaev Lukashenka (Delyagin MG Retribution on your doorstep. The revolution in Russia: when, how, why? M., 2007. S. 257.). Student: Maybe this fact is the reason for Putin's departure from politics? Ababii-Din: In terms of mental abilities, Stalin was inferior to their rivals, but overcame them. And even that turned into a lack of dignity. And not so much mind the leaders of Belarus and Kazakhstan has allowed these states to be higher than Russia in terms of socio-political development as their patriotism and an almost Stalinist in touch with their peoples. For this reason, "in the modernization of the elite, not to mention the socio-economic sphere, Kazakhstan has overtaken so degraded Russia, which represents for her direct and immediate reference point" (ibid.. S. 356.). Add to this the fact that Kazakhstan has preserved many socialist institutions in management, science, education, medicine, and is a steady increase in population, Putin does have a lot to learn from Nazarbayev. Student: Will Putin shake off the legacy of Yeltsin? Ababii-Din: "Judging from his speech at the State Council on Feb. 8, 2008, will, if strongly wants. In contrast to the interview on December 12 magazine «Time», where he sang the praises Yeltsin, February 8, he started to criticize Yeltsin's policy of 90-ies.: "Russia itself had become a 'patchwork' of territories. The majority of regions had laws that contradicted the Russian Constitution. Some examples were simply outrageous ... the status of individual territories defined as "a sovereign state associated with the Russian Federation." Legal provisions were drawn under the territorial claims regions held against each other ... such disputed territories, in fact, we have over two thousand. " Maybe the ice was broken and began a movement to Julius Caesar's maxim: "Better to be first in the village than second in Rome." It remains only the question: what Putin will choose - for better or worse? February 14, 2008


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