Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sensory Deprivation In Los Angeles

Перспективы человека в Третьем тысячелетии

concept and image of the man emerged in the historical "Axial time", so aptly described by Karl Jaspers. Everyone is familiar with the dispute Hellenic philosophers about the man, when those declared Cock - "biped without feathers." Fun and discussion about the man depicted in the movie "School of Athens", exhibited in the Vatican Museum. I have been extremely difficult to be photographed on her background, but it was: a gray-bearded, Plato points to the sky, apparently, saying "Anthropos" of the soul as the essence of man, and the youthful Aristotle, for whom "Plato friend, but truth is more" powerfully points to the ground as an analogue of the human body: "Gumanus. Chekhov's character is a teacher surnamed Belikov schoolboys 'Anthropos in love, raised after Plato's finger and pronounced "anthropos! How sweet sounds these things the word ... "Hence, anthropology and humanism with different parties describe the terminology in Western culture, the same phenomenon. It is known that in the ancient city man was not everyone, but only a man, a slave-owner and citizen.
In the Sermon on Christ declared all persons human beings: a man and a slave, and the Greeks, and Jews, and the gentleman, and a woman. This program is "neither Hellene nor Jew "has infuriated the hierarchs of the Old Testament religion and made Jesus a dangerous subversive to the whole of the old world. In light of the Christian tradition man is God's favorite creature, the image of God («Imago Dei»), who is capable of God («Capacite Dei»).

On the other hand, the Apocalypse of John Theologian today is the basis of all anti-and psevdohristianskih millenarian cults. This is their idea of what God has programmed the story people and the universe in accordance with a secret calendar of events are inevitable in a well-thousand-year fixed intervals. In essence, this pagan numerology Babylonian priesthood is more suitable than a modern mankind. Sleepwalking nature of the millenarianism clear in the interpretation could third letter of Fatima, an active discussion in the Catholic Church.
In contrast to the position of Pope John Paul II emerged Catholic millenarianism and expressed the view that God planned a virtual apocalypse in the coming period. We meet here not with the peculiarities of theological interpretations, but with a form of mental disorder of the masses, always dangerous, as history teaches us, for the fate of civilization. In essence, the third letter of Fatima is the forecast total risk in case of failure to adjust the church's recent history. The west in this situation can only create new designs such as millenarian "Shining city on a hill" (Reagan), or New World Order "(George Bush), or the fantastic images of the" Matrix "and" Star trek » a .
Unlike scientific social science, the essence of man is understood in Christianity not as a set of social relations, but as a unique quality of individual free will, the most important manifestation of which is a sovereign power of the cognitive ability of the individual to make the original discovery of universal physical principles and other universal models of the world. Millennial fundamentalists reject the principle of free will. Essence millenianistskogo psychosis is that its adherents do not perceive himself as a man, that is, being with moral obligations to act in accordance with free will to humanity. The opposite is the human cattle (social animal), the moral degeneration of the plebeians of the late pagan Roman Empire - vox populi. Last always and in all civilizations within view themselves in accordance with a romantic view of history and culture, as expressed in the critical period Kant in terms of the Universal Spirit and the Spirit of time.

non-classical science of man and the ideology of laissez-faire
non-classical science, beginning with the Copernican the coup and continued in the subcritical Kant points out to man his new place in the world - a bug on the surface of cosmic dust. Thereupon Marx finds a new sun, around which actually revolves Society - "The Sun of Labor." In "Theories of Surplus Value" disappears human problems early Marx: instead of alienation of human essence introduces the notion of capitalist exploitation, rather than the individual - the classes and mass. Global capitalism in H1H. was the first period of the free movement of capital, and that capitalism was more stable. Then there was the single currency (gold) Now, three key currencies collide like tectonic plates of the Earth. If the United Kingdom before spending free its "policy of gunboat for debt and restore order in the most remote corners of the globe, the U.S. police mission in the late twentieth century. faced with many difficulties in its implementation. A new global capitalist system that emerged at the second attempt in 1980 (the first failed in the collapse of 1929), based on the ideology of the perfect competition. It is assumed that markets tend towards equilibrium and this equilibrium point corresponds to the most efficient allocation economic resources. Any restriction of competition reduces the efficiency of markets, and therefore introduces an absolute taboo against intervention in the market game. Such an ideology in H1H. called laissez-faire and that it is a common episteme is the basis of scientific paradigms Postclassic society.
notion of laissez-faire feudal ideologue F. Quesnay, mystical image of the "invisible hand" of philosophers, empiricists B. Mandeville, Adam Smith and J. Bentham express this pagan belief in predestination "End of history." Such faith bestializiruet rights era of the Millennium - makes him a creature, not creator, created in the image and likeness of God. Psychosis globalization cult destroys free will, making us the animals with fur farms D. Orwell. The destruction of civilization at the same time providing not at the expense of predestination, but as a result of the illusion of nonsense about their own free will.
In fact, the history of this culminates in the collapse of the global financial system parasitism and global speculation, which leads the aforementioned stupid supporters free market. The collapse is only remotely resemble the Great Depression of 1929 - it will be all-inclusive: something like the collapse of the fourteenth century. as a result of the collapse of bank Bardi and Peruzzi homes. Then the collapse led to economic ruin and the Black Death wiped out one third to one half of the population of Europe.
in 50-60 years. past century existentialist mania swept the Western intelligentsia and youth. This craze has evolved from a Dionysian level roknarkosekskontrkultury into a generalized hatred of the industrial society and the approval of neo-fascist neo-Malthusian myth of post-industrial society. Until now, the traces this cultural revolution are present in the philosophy program of Western universities and colleges. The core of philosophical courses here are the Nietzschean dogmatic Nazi philosopher Heidegger and radical forms of existentialism, JP Sartre, Karl Jaspers, M. Buber and H. Hesse, all of this has resulted in hatred Science, as stated in the Hollywood films, where the relatively scientists often say the following: "These mad scientists will kill us if we do not kill them First. "
vision of man as homo pictor (producing animal characters), homo faber (animal gun manufacturing industry) is still fully consistent with the mentality H1H in. People were considered in these images as being able to create in the minds that will subsequently be translated into reality. Recall Marx about what the worst architect differs from the best bees. In contrast, modern culture has become the most dynamic component of the postindustrial civilization in which man is dissolved in a subject-symbolic world. V. Woolf once said: "Somewhere in the December 1910 human nature changed." Following that change society and its priorities - started in a general degradation. Movement started by the Protestant work ethic to the psychedelic bazaar. Consumer society with its antidekartovskim motto inscribed on the supermarkets: "I buy, therefore, exist! - I shop, so I am! »Did not fall from the sky - it initially blew the Protestant work ethic activity and puritanical morality savings as the two basic code of the traditional bourgeois society America and Europe. Make this destruction was quite easy, since the very free market destroying traditional morality. The Protestant Ethic Puritan morality and ideology were farmers and the population of small-town America - one-storey America. This worldview was on the two pillars of the early American spirit - the Puritans relied on D. Edwards, and Protestants stood on the ideas of Benjamin Franklin. The basis of the Puritan outlook was hostile to civilization, the Puritans generally tried to ease the original early Christian church, get a boost directly from God. The attack on Puritanism as the ideology came from the so-called "new wave" of liberalism beginning of the twentieth century. In this wave, everything was new: A New Democracy New Nationalism, New Freedom, New Poetry, and even the New Republic. " Another source of the collapse of Puritanism was the problem of sex. Thus, already in 1913, Brooklyn midwife M. Zander has issued concept of "birth control". From this term arose a movement for birth control and distribution condoms. In his lectures on homosexuality anarchist E. Goldman developed the idea of "intermediate field". F. Dell welcomed the free-love as a result of young intellectuals turned to neregistrovannym civil marriages monogamous type.
Finally, the third key area of criticism Puritanism was the terminology and ideology of liberation. In the art of liberalism put in Fauvism and Cubism in literature, this influence came in the form influence the work Shaw, Conrad and Lawrence. However, the greatest influence was the philosophy of Bergson and Freud. Traditional morality has been replaced by psychology. If Psychoanalysis arose before the First World War in order to remove the repressive puritanism, the hedonistic movement have poured into this stream of destruction traditional morality in the form of a group sensory training, "joy therapy" group B. Erhard. In the 60 years. , a new cultural style - Original He was named a psychedelic, but then was called the counterculture. "The new Voodoo-capitalism" (the term arose in 20 years. XX.) Continues to appreciate the Protestant Ethics in the sphere of production, thus stimulating demand for pleasure and self-realization in the sphere of consumption. This circumstance contributed to the spread of urban lifestyle, changes in sexual behavior of women, as a result of expansion of the offices and the liberalization of social contacts. Dr. M. Yelom of Stanford University argues that the bras on the women appeared when dropped the demand for parachutes after the Second World War. Was said quote: culmination of years of scientific Study was that it is America that has put an end to European stiff corset, after covering the world of far less burdensome and simple underwear for women, which became a kind of revolution.
However, the description enslavement of women and their liberation forces big business leads to a more important conclusion is that "modesty instilled in men the world", in other words by jealous men, as husbands and lovers much of the history of Western civilization "controlled female breasts, the same husbands and lovers dominated institutions such as the state and particularly church with its concept of carnal sins. Global studies of the evolution of open women's breasts, as well as studying the history of cigars and masculine Beret only distract the audience from the real special programs management of people in peacetime. These programs should replace the study of human function War on managing people in wartime. The first program (peace) to be costly, they should work outside the normal system of supply-demand that is, people can not require the government to stop wasting money paid in taxes. To program other than demagogic projects free health care for all are universal education, mass public transport, huge program to study the cosmos, to overcome pollution, a program of social welfare, control fertility through regulation of fertilization. It turns out that has not happened yet planning cycles of wars, governments are turning to alternatives to war - the peace program of the cost and manipulative nature. Sometimes researchers expressly state that in postmodernity the government wasting money on:
- the study of mating calls of frogs in Central America
- study groups, the blood of Polish swine Zlotnik,
- the study of hearing-Prussian cockroach (turns out their ears back, which is useful for catching insects ... vacuum),
- Analysis of purity of surface finish musical instruments,
- study habits of seals during diving.
As a result, postmodern mutation culture Puritan ethic, which can be defined as a deferred-pay and limited consumption, gave way to unbridled pleasure. High standard of living has become a leading motive for social change. Old habits of respectable American families, covering the embarrassingly tissue even feet of grand pianos, a thing of the past.

nonclassical understanding of man and his prophet - Nietzsche
century that began on our planet will be the most difficult and crucial in the millennia of human history. Under these conditions, you can not spare any effort to ensure that our homeland has established the validity of at home, ending the exploitation of man by man, you must create a system of distribution and production of wealth in the name of the ideals more just and humane society. Public with undivided domination of private property and its ideology - market fundamentalism - History put a limit on the turn of the millennium. A Global Phenomenon of the new "Black Death" - foot and mouth disease as a disease of farm animals, as well as mass men of old and new epidemic diseases exhibit indictment by capitalism. Suffice it to say that British farmers are openly accused of deliberately infecting their animals to obtain compensation from the government. There is growing evidence in the UK and in the world that the country's armed forces carried out large-scale experiment for the extermination of people as the human race through spread of disease. London's "Observer" published an interview with Brigadier General Alexander Birtvistlom, military assistant to the Queen Elizabeth II. He was responsible for the operation of the armed forces to destroy millions of cattle die from mad cow disease (MDR). Before the British General press claimed that the destruction of diseased animals was similar to his past battles on the battlefield with the enemy. In the past, he served in Africa and "hot spots". In the subtitle of his interviews were made words: "Yes, I Nietzschean and I believe that life is useless." Magazine has named the entire interview: "Man or Superman?" And gave a crib - the soldiers who won a brutal war with the plague, used a secret weapon - Nietzsche. " The area in which has won the last general war in 2001 - a region of England - Cumbria. It was here that the highest concentration of lesions in the plague of HH1. and are annihilation cattle was the most intense.
Revelation general were regarded as a signal that everything done with the cattle (turning it into a dregs - «cull»), will be done with people from the spread of deadly infections in Britain or anywhere else. Journalists note that such a development events is fully consistent dream of Prince Philip on a radical reduction of the population with the deadly bacteria. This desire fully Nietzschean. Nietzsche ended his life in a home for mentally ill, his illness came from the expansion of syphilitic brain. Nietzsche was a Nazi ideologue conservative revolution 20 years. Therefore, when in Russia today for the first national TV channel as wide an audience impose movie-reflection about the greatness and significance of Nietzsche's contemporaries misunderstood, it should be interpreted as an ideological diversion significantly worse properties than Direct Advocacy Rezun-Suvorov. Nietzsche admired not only possessed the Fuhrer and members of his inner circle, but many of the leading intellectuals of the "Western liberal tradition. " For the Western left intellectuals, who wore party membership cards, was normal and natural appeal "to kill a fascist, but the aggression of liberalism under the cover of the ideology of tolerance and respect for the individual destroyed the natural impulses of anti-fascist groups and social classes.
Nietzsche motivated pathological hatred of Christianity, classical science and humanism. Proclaiming "God is dead", he announced the termination of any and all moral norms. His Superman is "beyond good and evil" and is a race of lords. Nowadays, L. LaRouche and associates often Nietzsche identifies with B. Russell and HG Wells, as the forerunners of political and cultural movements of fascism and the counterculture of "New Age". Nietzsche has many fans. In In 1992 a leading British scholar of modern literature from Merton College J. Carey published his book "Intellectuals and the masses." He proved that Nietzsche was main source of inspiration of such writers - Fan genocide as DH Lawrence and HG Wells. Sam Carey refers to Nietzsche's aphorisms as to that the vast majority of people have no right to exist and the necessity of war against the masses. Likewise, Lawrence insisted: "Close to all schools at once. Most of humanity should never learn to read and write. " In "Fantasia unconscious," he exclaims: "Long live the inventors of poison gas! "Similar statements are available to Wells in 1901," Expectations of the influence of mechanical and scientific progress upon human life and thinking. " Wells based on the works of Malthus and Darwin and the insisted that the nation should be sterilized, export or poison "people of the Abyss" (as he refers to as mass).
in the British press published a series of articles about the complete insecurity of the country from a new wave of the pandemic, which has to be "human plague." Infection will be drip-liquid (by mouth) and through his legs - in this kind of illness can take away the lives of 30% of the population. Such an expected new wave of flu medicine which - Relenza - unavailable to most people because of its high price. If there is a combination of influenza and plague (transfer method and content), no stand on a spit of death. Most experts agree that implementation of this scenario - just a matter of time. Thus, an epidemic of flu (influenza) in In 1918 killed around the world for more than 20 million people, and death occurs several hours after the first symptoms of the disease.
Nietzschean understanding of the rights allocated to the individual thing "all too human and social as" inhuman ". New scientific, more non-classical view the man paints him as a social machine in which a biological human, superhuman and structured social-cultural, in turn determines the social and biological. Great personality actually turn out to be a mini-social machines, under all its functioning of the mystical goals of the historical process. These are Stalin - the last great emperor, Churchill, and to a lesser extent Hitler. These most advanced social machinery for the successful operation and management history in dire need of theoretical constructs and models world. In this case they are successful or not planners stories. Before his death, Stalin said, "Without a theory to us - death."
Global Change 60 years. Twentieth century. can be named "the mutation cultural paradigm of the West, resulting in the narkorokkontrsekskultura, led to a new Postclassic episteme. It was a temporary surge of people, drawing on the sea shore, disappearing under the blows of the surf. This image of the figure was introduced Foucault in software treatise "Words and things. Archaeology of Human Sciences. " Instead, there is an inhuman way of human "language" - an image in which there is no place man has no place humanism. In a society being formed as a set of language characters and symbols, but not language as a horny outgrowth in the mouth. On the second care plan anthropological perspective: just as Nietzsche proclaimed the program of "shedding of the gods" and the formation of Superman: "God is dead and that we killed him! ", and Foucault said:" Man does not exist. " Happened in the Soviet film Eldar Ryazanov "Garage": "Oh, you look into the Soviet satire! Study what is not ...». It is clear that no man had disappeared, but the image of man in the classical episteme, through which people could see and observe. Similarly, in the early Twentieth century. during the revolution in physics, many scientists said in a panic that matter has disappeared, and the remaining energy. In fact, disappeared not matter, but the extent to which we knew it. The history of science has shown that matter is infinite in breadth and depth, and the atom is inexhaustible. Something like that imagined, and Foucault, and before him Jaspers doubted the existence of man and culture.
Posleosevoe time, according to Jaspers, begins with the Nazi transformation of the world. Slogans on the gate of the concentration camps "Everyone - my", "Work makes you free" were those "Newspeak", which was described in a few years D. Orwell in "1984" and above in "Alice in Wonderland ". After the Nazi culture axial age has disappeared, evaporated, and humanity is in dire need of new posleosevoy culture, which should be synthesis of science and religion. Jaspers 8 years lived in the Third Reich in anticipation of internment in a camp and death, when he was removed from the lectures, publications books and lived only study of different philosophical traditions. Jaspers, a philosopher and a psychiatrist acutely perceived decline of the various myths of the twentieth century - the Nazi racial the myth that the crisis of the communist class myth reorganizing society, which was clearly revealed in the report of Khrushchev on Stalin's personality cult and its consequences at the Twentieth Party Congress. Jaspers foresees and the crisis of liberal democracy. To refer to the myth of liberal democracy in the late twentieth century. there was a better term - market fundamentalism. Meaning of the term that everyone is fundamentalism fanaticism or belief taken to extremes, which presupposes the universal knowledge and answer all questions. We know from history, as in modern times took the place of religious fundamentalism, scientific fundamentalism.
In H1H in. on the status of the most fundamental theory claiming Marxism in the twentieth century. during the period of post-modernity of the new global capitalism is replaced by market fundamentalism. A holy place is never empty! However, the ideology of laissez-faire has discredited itself, the rejection of this ideology was the result of the Great Depression, and product appearance Keynesianism. Funny, but Soros wrote on this subject is something totally unacceptable to the liberal-marketeers: "In the early fifties, during my undergraduate years, to the ideology of laissez-faire attitude was more negative than it is today to state intervention in the economy. Then submit that the ideology of laissez-faire can to return to their positions, it was impossible. I think the revival of market fundamentalism certainly not due to its scientific validity, but only with a belief in its magical power. President Reagan spoke of "the magic of the market," "invisible hand" is really, other than a magical tool, not name. Fundamentalism - it is always black and white world view, his opinions are based on the principle of "either-or." If some economic thesis recognizes erroneous opposite him can not be true. On this logic is built as a non sequitur, Marxism and market fundamentalism. "
Fundamentalism leads to the consequences unpleasant, even for serious scholars and experts in specific sciences at a time when they try to rise to the level of global generalizations. Thus, in 90 years. a conference organized by AOC, I spoke with the academician Nikita Nikolayevich Moiseyev. He then suggested that the decline in population Earth would be beneficial for the environment. I replied in the sense that it would be good to start with a reduction of the rich, as one American consumes as 10 Indians. Academician found my comment funny paradox, because the rich today are well protected by the armies of their countries, the power of the media. I reminded him of the grim dystopia of Ivan Efremov Chas bull "about post-industrial civilization Tormans planet ruled by social racists who shared population in the GI (long-lived individuals) and kzhi (short-lived individuals) - the last to be dismantled for parts. Tormansiane murdered aliens from communist Earth as a carrier of the new draft more equitable society.
Nekrasov, SN,
Ph.D., professor,
Honorary Worker of Higher School Russia,
member of the Russian Orthodox Academy,
member of the Academy of Military History,
member of the International Academy of Acmeological Sciences,
member of the International Academy of the study of ethnic minorities,
corresponding member of the RAE


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