Friday, March 4, 2011

Duracraft Aluminum Boat

Adviser to the President of Russia wants to crush people with tanks, and while splashing saliva

November 5, 2010 at 9:35 AM
aleksei_44 Originally posted by [info] avvakoum at Advisor to the President of Russia wants to crush people with tanks, and while splashing saliva
Here that little bureaucratic tihushnik, just a simply a Matveychev adviser Oleg thinks about the Russian people.

pleased him ratings of Russia concerning the level of corruption. Angry Mouse coat.

Meet: Matveychev Oleg
Counsellor of the Russian President for Domestic Policy.

most sweet in comments to psto His Honour, but psto too nervous. ( entertaining reading, especially for those who still have illusions. )

tanks moved into the "United Russia » « United Russia will hold a cleansing of the statements in the blog
- 11.11.10 19:53 - TEXT: Elizabeth Surnacheva
«United Russia" Boris Gryzlov, and personally promise to deal with a former employee of the Presidential Administration Oleg Matveychevym, called for "crush the opposition tanks. Scandal in the blogosphere, caused statements of the former employee of the Presidential Administration Oleg Matveycheva spin doctor, now touched the party "United Russia".
«This is to say or think only in a state of insanity. We will understand, "- wrote Thursday in his blog, the chairman of the Duma, the head of the supreme council party "United Russia" Boris Gryzlov. It was the first post Gryzlov Learn (blog opened on 30 September last year), which is lexically and thematically not like Official press releases.
So Gryzlov responded to a collective letter to bloggers, outraged at his remarks Matveycheva LJ. "... Power is the shepherds and cattle are cattle herders who graze ... I dream ... to one day have gathered all of you on the big Independence ... together with all of your banners and shouting officials at the lights! No corruption! power, people! ... and that's when all you got out went to Panzer Army and the whole svolotu ... reeled on to tracks, burnt to all red-hot iron, "- wrote on 3 November in his blog Matveychev (punctuation retained).

Who is Oleg Matveychev
Oleg Matveychev - well-known political strategist, bestselling author of "donkey's ears flap", and since 2006 served as a consultant, then Adviser Office of the President for Domestic Policy in 2010, gone ...

Perturbation of bloggers fueled by confusion with the official biography of the former official. At first it was called an advisor to President (from his once an adviser to management on internal politics of the presidential administration Matveycheva fired in early 2010), followed by vice-governor of the Vologda region (until the Governor Vyacheslav Pozgalyov has posted to twitter that Matveychev resigned since October 1, long before the odious posts).
Once screenshot statements spin doctor flew ðóíåò, Matveychev wrote that his "sentence of the tanks was a regular network provocation, which designed to show how easy it really is excited that evil spirits. " After that familiar Matveycheva wrote that the scandal has contributed to promotion upcoming book spin doctor. Learn
But users continue to demand an answer for the words of a former government clerk. They drew attention to the fact that Matveychev has a certain position in the party "United Russia" - is included in the commission of the Presidium of the General Council of the EP for the Coordination of advocacy in the regions.
As a result, the blogger Max Averbukh wrote a letter to Gryzlov, in which he requested clarification on whether the statements of ex-officials and party figure of the official position of the United Russia party.
Gryzlov, wrote Thursday that he saw the letter "only today". "I am very sorry that Gryzlov manipulated some forces that slipped him a paper, and he did not understand and began to give a reaction, "- said Matveychev in the air," Russian News Service (RSN). "We need more view, whose authority in the party above - Gryzlov, or my "- he added.
however, does still Matveychev any relation to the party, is unknown. In RSN broadcast, he stated that "never was and is not in the" United Russia ".
But in the summer of 2010 the decision of the Presidium of the General Council of the party he had actually been introduced of the advocacy committee. The chairman of this committee deputy Irina Spring refused to explain, is there now Matveychev in this structure . "Did we have to tell you about it?" - United Russia, angry, and added that aware of the situation and statements Gryzlov.
«All that is needed, Boris V. already announced, "- said Spring.
Secretary of the Presidium of the General Council of the Party Sergei Neverov has explained to that when a commission headed by the Presidium Member of the Presidium of the General Council of the party (and so is Spring), the formation of the personnel of the commission - the privilege of its chairman.
Does Matveychev to the Commission Spring - Neverova unknown. Matveychev himself continues to write in a blog. Judging by the accounts of bloggers who are familiar with Matveychevym, the disgraced political consultant can be in Italy.

Read more:

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Does Arsenic Taste Like Bitter Almonds

Why Russian industry is dying

Новость на Newsland: Российская промышленность умирает
authorities assure us that the country is all very well, and it's good. Constructed Skolkovo, developing nanotechnology, celebrate the anniversary of the "great" leaders of the Yeltsin and Gorbachev, "liberated" the people from the "accursed past, grow pensions, citizens as never before, rallying around the ruling party and prepare for new elections to vote in tandem, in which fresh and not tired by simultaneous torsion rider pedals whether peresyadut, or not.
But what is happening in the industry, without which, as is well known, and the country - not a country? Talk about it like it is not accepted. Well, except that occasionally show on TV some wretched screwdriver production, where there is kutsee but sparkling equipment and working in clean overalls busily bustling around electric forklifts. That's all.
more valuable for us to fragmentary information, sometimes coming with these companies - large, otrasleobrazuyuschih, yet the Soviet buildings, of which there are foreigners, we do not build and never build will not, because such constructed only at home and for ourselves, but not for the conquered barbarians.

One of these posts recently have been published in the Journal of Skepticism, titled "The Russian industry: the definitive diagnosis. Notes by the engineer. " And had the effect of a cold shower. Industry, we die, and, die very quickly.
«It is well known - the author writes, without naming his business - that the vast majority of existing production facilities inherited from the Soviet times and since then has not been any any significant changes and improvements. "
He expertly analyzes the situation affairs in the engineering industry, as happens in the mission to neighboring businesses and sees that the situation is roughly the same everywhere. "In Russia the early 90's a huge number of pieces of equipment have been canned or not repaired at all, even more - simply destroyed, dismantled for parts or turned into scrap metal. The rest (very, however, a small) part of how we can judge, is now in a rather sorry state. "
pitiful condition is easily explained: "The horror of the situation is that often the equipment is simply impossible to repair, as necessary for this to take parts of nowhere - the producer no longer exists. In my shop it happened with a pair of Soviet CNC machines - they are beyond repair because of inability to fix the electronic control system. I had to completely switch to machines with manual control - is to put it mildly, a clear regression. Local oases, glittering new production lines (eg, Vyksa flatting complex), the scale of Russia can be safely ignored. Heavy Engineering in the 90 years has been dealt a mortal blow, of course, the level of production of machine tools, forging and rolling equipment We dropped in the 30's - 40's of XX century »
equipment works, as long as possible, then stands perfectly still and forget about it. "Not so long ago I had to take part in the inventory of the shop, - continues the story of the author. - Looking through the list of equipment that has ever been found on the sites, I finally convinced that the current production (one of the most "advanced" in modern Russia), in comparison with the Soviet period is nothing more than the scanty remnants - from the former production facilities remained only 10-15%. In practice this means that most of the aisle simply empty or crowded with abandoned tools, machines or even entire automated production lines, the purpose of many of them to me (as any lately come to the plant) is absolutely unknown. These piles of dead gland produces dismal, sometimes recalling the lost fragments of unknown civilization ".
Why unknown? - I want to add. - It even led - the Soviet civilization.
«Complete overhaul - laments the author, - Usually occurs only at a time when the equipment is simply broken, and it jeopardizes the production - and hence profit owner. Say, in my shop to stop the mill for a month to carry out major repairs had to be a huge number of papers for signatures of all key personnel of the plant, explaining why in a short period of time, the number of inappropriate blanks attacks in marriage breakdowns units of the machine, and only after the owner decided to planned downtime. "
By the way, about the owners. After it seems those "effective managers" who are so hard to impose upon us and the fat red-haired, two major privatizer. And what are they?
«On a sad smile I have to listen to Maxim's in that spirit that the owners finally have become smarter, generally care about the development of their enterprises, etc. Each day I see the results of such care. Development of the enterprise must always be connected (at least!) With an increase in production capacity, upgrading production, expanding the range of products, increasing numbers of staff. In the current climate of almost total absence of investment going to upgrade equipment, and constantly renewed "optimize the number of employees" to speak of any development a bit strange. We must bear in mind that the Russian capitalists effective profit is not necessarily associated with industrial growth or development of the enterprise, and the concern for the future. "
That is, the "effective owners" just want to efficiently pump out profits, but not effective develop production.
«Business is much more profitable to exploit the maximum available equipment, maintaining a certain level of profit and for capital investments and favorable loans in the event of an urgent need to go to the State, - concludes the author, who is very well illustrated, the behavior of this same business. - Profitability of providing service, masters and engineers, manage for very little money, the hardest conditions, the morally and physically obsolete equipment to produce competitive products (often for export). Thus, in modern Russian management effectiveness and competence of the owner is almost nothing on impact. Do not forget also that in most cases big property fell into someone's hands after a series of questionable transactions or fraud (in other words, the legitimate owners in Russia are very, very small) - Therefore, almost always in some degree real possibility of weaning the former owner of the company, competitors or the government. "
However, coldness of the owners to invest may be due to other causes: "It is quite possibly the most far-sighted among the capitalists, whose business not associated with the production or transportation of raw materials, have already realized how bleak the prospects of most Russian industries, and therefore not hurry to invest in them their "blood".
Another whip industry - staff, rather lack of them. Stalin once said that the cadres decide everything. But now they are almost gone. The process resembles the one that goes in a sick human body, when the full cells are replaced by useless connective cloth. Competent specialists for various reasons go, but in their place come worthless "managers" who know nothing about technology or production.
«For the first decade after the Soviet collapse in low-skilled (in most cases have found no work in the specialty) manufacturing companies by, filled with lots of amateurs, dropouts, ignorant, and often outright crooks. Over time, and as a result of career people of this sort have taken a number of key positions (with rare exception, and certainly not without the "cronyism").
not better and senior management: senior managers, many of which deal in equipment and technology is simply humiliating, is now willing to believe strongly man who lies charlatans, scoundrels, amateurs with beautifully named diplomas and certificates, and no longer trust the people with great work experience, which manifests itself in a constant reduction of the TDI in the shops. "
remember once smacked his lips mumbler, ryadivshiesya economic guru, shows us that a planned economy - is bad, but the market - wonder how good! So what now running businesses in the market?
«In today's market conditions a basis for planning of the enterprise is a pure voluntarism, - says the author - the plan is based on all orders that could grab "Prodazhnikam, and continues to be supplemented for a month (it seems that way," senior "managers try to curry favor with the owner). Any warnings from the guild leadership that the plan can not be made for objective reasons (the calculations equipment loading, performance furnaces and units of time on mechanical tests, etc.) are not perceived as an attempt to deliberately reduce the profits and give up their official duties ".
And our eternal pride - the aviation and rocket science - there is something, perhaps, things are better? Alas, no
«Until some time I myself have entertained some illusions with respect to domestic aviation and rocketry. I - as a metallurgist - specialists of aviation or missile plant is spirits; sverhkompetentnymi, experienced professionals who are not aware failures and ability to solve complex and diverse problems. Topics more cruel was my disappointment. In the mission I had to interact with the shy and zashorennymi people completely otvykshimi from serious work. Apparently, the constant downtime, lack of new orders, challenges and use only the older developments lead to the fact that even with the Soviet industrial workers experience these plants gradually lose their qualifications, and their behavior and outlook are similar for clerical workers.
level of competence has fallen dramatically and there: "I had to get to the aircraft manufacturing plants in the complaint suitable parts, whose dimensions have not been properly measured caliper (sic!), inability to deal with specialist engine builders to use the Soviet OSTami and guests on relevant topics, in general, to meet roughly the same setbacks and the decline of that in my professional field. "
And what's the conclusion? Alas, he's the most disappointing: "The Russian industry is dying. Even in its present miserable form of existence it remains not for long. Confidently talk about it can completely clear signs of regression: all obsolete equipment, which often have no meaning and the possibility of repair; technology is stuck in the best case of 80-ies of XX century prolonged absence of new research and development; purposeful destruction system of higher technical education, leading to a catastrophic drop in the level of training of engineers of all disciplines; worthless and ineffective management of enterprises and industries in general; permanent reduction and optimization of the number "of personnel engaged in the production of coupled with an abnormal increase in the number of jobs for white-collar, a total forgetfulness or loss of the Soviet experience short-and long-term planning; absolute unpopularity and prestige of the production occupations, permanent lack of investment in plant development.
As was the case with education, science, etc., all these trends carefully masked and silent power. Expect and hope for the that the process of degeneration can somehow stop or reverse without taking drastic measures, it would be unwise and shortsighted. Toadyism on the Soviet legacy can not last forever. In the coming years, when the latter retires specialists with Soviet production experience, and to replace them come like barbarians or Papuan graduates beginning of the XXI century, there will be a giant roll back the country in all positions.
Militant ignorance of higher technical managers in conjunction with negligence and incompetence of engineers set lower and middle levels will inevitably lead to some serious man-made disasters. Come the dark years. After some time, Russia will again be ignorant and undeveloped country with a poor and fragmented population, living in one-dimensional world of illusions (of course, with the exception of the representatives of the comprador and parasitic elite "middle class").
From Russia industry is likely to remain only factories of components for large Western firms, or "screwdriver" (conveyor) of the enterprise; moreover, in both cases, the foreign owners will inevitably be interested in maintaining, if not exacerbate, poverty, the bulk of the population (and for what then even the transfer of production to third world countries?). Wait for it remains not for long.
Peering into the future awaits us, we must once and for all goodbye to the harmful illusion that the status quo is normal. Should be harsh and ruthless sobering associated exemption from all imposed by the ruling class ideas and ideals. It should be understood that the situation in Russia today is comparable to the occupation cruel and inhuman enemy, and that rescue Russian industry under the existing defective socio-economic system is impossible. Stop its degradation can only be a radical transformation of social reality "- the author concludes.
Liberals like to spend too much time saying, that if something is there does not happen, "we wake up in another country." But we're already in her wake - 20 years ago. It is, this country has no clear goals or coherent policy. Not knowing herself, she knows where rushing and still holds the remnants of the Soviet past ...

Romanov Alexander

Pinta Ship With Labeled Parts

Russia is approaching total collapse.

not call his name. He is thin. It appears that his dry face covered with a barely perceptible aluminum powder - for so many years he spent near the aircraft. On the monitor of the computer rotates the mysterious multi-colored flower with golden petals and a bright red heart. Computer graphics engine represents another non-existent aircraft. He was very tired, but this fatigue contrasts stubborn stoicism rights, once and for all choices made. His choice - Russia, the defense industry, overcoming enormous, fell to his homeland threats.

To immediately be clear - I am a designer. We have technical people in our company Tech. We are making gas turbines. We have more than one hundred candidates and doctors of technical sciences, most service engineers. In our company employs 18,000 people and 6000 of them - are technical designers. They have engines. Plus we have a subsidiary company, it is still 5000 and 9000 people, and have a factory-partner - it's 20,000, for a total of about 50000 people. What are my continuous care and thoughts? I believe that we are losing the competitive race with the West. This occurs in aircraft and missile systems, air defense, offensive and defensive weapons. And, unfortunately, output while this is not visible. We, the factory people are doing everything in our power, everything depends on us. Spend all of the accumulated resources that are putting the last money because they are well aware: the state money in the end will give a military order, but the time will be lost. The country can not find the answer to the most the main question: "What?" Who is to blame - it is clear, this better not say, but - "What do I do? Today's time, of course, differs from that was 10 years ago. But each year thereafter is equal to the value of the previous five. This proportion, which is led by Bill Gates. From this proportion we are lagging behind. Many things are on the surface. Must confess that I made many mistakes that the current government strategy does not envisage an active industrial policy. Authorities realized that there is money, and thinks that everything else will follow by itself. Do not follow! Because aside money to deal with complex technical questions need in one place at one time to collect thousands and thousands of skilled people, they need to motivate, to make sure that they worked on a single goal.

So it was during the great Soviet project: Atomic, virgin, space. In many places, almost all erased. There are museums, flags, firm. Tupolev, Ilyushin, Mikoyan. And airplanes can not do. Was such a firm - the MiG, and others like her Lockheed - Martin. Americans were, and MiG's not. The name is, and products do not. And lies about prosperity is for all levels. Authorities did not know the truth, or knows it, but manages not to recognize. She can not recognize the loud, but it must do something. For everyone who has access to information, it is clear - we have remained a matter of time before everyone finally zagnetsya and curdle. After 5-10 years, so we fall behind by Europe that we all remain powder guns, and they have - modern sniper rifles with laser sights. Russia will be thrown back into the Stone Age. This applies to all - missile cruisers, submarines, aircraft and engines. Why say this? Because we do engines for cruise missiles, aircraft, Sukhoi, for Chinese and Indian aircraft. We did the engines, even when the entire country fell apart. Long time country makes serious mistakes. She was not ordered or weapon, or the latest technology under the banner of the fact that the military-industrial complex has ruined the Soviet Union. And he had ceased to exist. These 15 years, destroyed nearly all the features of the country. They revive, or at least stop their destruction of the red line, it is very difficult. If the answer to this will not be given as soon as possible, the world's powers just come in and take everything that we have today. We will stay within the boundaries of the Tver principality: without Siberia, Far East and the Urals. This vast area we have nothing to defend all our wealth, stocks of natural resources were left without protection. We very few people and no modern technology. Recent war, which had America - Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, two in Iraq. American infantry decides about 5% of combat missions. 80% decides to aviation, that is, cruise missiles and aircraft, 15% - this information field, that is, satellites and command and control. And only 5% - it is the police force. In view of our territory, our borders, our demography, we need to defend themselves using unmanned, completely new types of weapons. This modern tanks, a modern aircraft, this modern high-precision missiles. All Americans have achieved in Yugoslavia and in other wars - all this they did without the people. Loss of Americans are negligible. Because the average distance of high-precision missiles - is 2000-3000 km. All we have is the remnants of the Soviet Union that rot. What is a rocket that had lain 25 years in the vault? And it is the average age of our cruise missile. All the missiles are in the ampoules. Fuel is filled into the engine. Start, start working the powder charge, then the engine and it flew. In the ampoule is gum, which had rotted away. There were formed, air bubbles, because of which already occurred depressurization. The engine is started, the bubble gets into the fuel enters the combustion chamber and the engine stalls, the rocket falls, where run it. The country does not order any missiles or aircraft. We have seen, what we are fighting in Abkhazia, Georgia and Ossetia. This aircraft age 40-50 years. What kind of a "weapon of victory," if the pilot is flying blind? He has no mapping, no modern "grid". Such aircraft are very few may be in the air as consumes a monstrous amount of fuel. To fly around the map, linked to GPS, the pilot goes to the store, buys a GPS, primatyvaet it on his knee taped, flying and bombs on the overseas GPS. It's a shame. I talk with the leaders of Air Force, and with the tip of the Defense Ministry, and with people from the General Staff. And I see the tragedy. Instead of In order to deal with the case, the essence of the processes that occur in the Army, they are engaged in politics. How to turn to the President that will order from the Kremlin any man looked like.

military options are sharply reduced. On television, we broadcast one, but really - all very different. Now I'm not talking about the prestige of a military man raids pilots and their training. This is not my expertise. There are a huge number of aircraft. They all seem to be combat-ready. But can not fly. Today, the budget increased, poured kerosene, but immediately ran engine life. Everything! Money is given, but on kerosene. A repair engines - It is quite different amounts. And if the President will arrive in any regiment in the Arctic, for example, or somewhere else, then all will see it. Just not in the Lipetsk center where sit is not the pilots, and acrobats. They know how to skip the tricks in the air. This idea - that we see at the air show. And in war acrobats are not needed, there opponents there are hundreds of miles apart. They do not see each other, they see the radar, "grid". You just need a good number of pilots, a normal amount missiles and bombs, contained in a normal state of the art. Nothing more.
I communicate with those who make the rockets, and those who make bombs. We are heading for disaster. In our country, smeared, and silenced almost everything. Any desire for truth, the disclosure of truth is perceived as a demarche. And the main question, "What do I do? Have to start with high schools, with schools, vocational schools. Today, for example, that a minimum program for the creation of military and civilian aircraft do not have tens of thousands assemblers. Take them nowhere. Today, there are also the objective processes that our government ignores. We have more than 50% of the military-industrial complex was concentrated in Moscow and Moscow region. There's now impossible to work because the wages of working in Moscow or ordinary engineer is Salary Air Force commander. Where can I get such money? Further. Today the whole world is crazy production. All produced by the thousands. Scale production determines the cost, technology level, the level of competence, funding and so on. Today we are making motors 5-th generation. Its the same make and Americans. Right around 5000. 3500 will buy U.S. government will buy about 2000 to those countries which take part therein. I like a man who has all forms of tolerance and responsible for the engine, I can not say how much we will buy the army.

We know how many pieces to be done for prototypes, and how many will buy the series, nobody knows. Today almost completely fallen polytechnic education. We have a huge number of graduates from the MAI. I ask the Institute: "Why are you so bad cook dvigatelistov? "And they laugh and say:" Why? " The best professionals out either in America or in Israel, and the remaining 80% of the specialty does not work. They need only MAI Diploma as a brand. "And then one by one, all lead to the collapse. As soon discover that we are not able to respond to technical challenges, we are immediately erase from the face of the earth. Today, technical direction - to resolve the issue rate of missiles and aircraft, rapid start. If the White House decides to cause по какой-то местности удар с воздуха, то в течение двух часов эта команда Президента должна быть исполнена. Что это значит? Это значит, создается платформа, ie, it's a plane, which must fly at a speed of 4.6 sound velocities, and the rocket, which flies 7.9 sound velocities. Withstand this speed, ie detect, catch and destroy it is virtually impossible. Ordinary, non-nuclear, high-precision warhead resolve all issues, nuclear weapons are no longer needed. Create a system Defense against these weapons is impossible, because the cost of creating these systems in the thousands and millions of times will be greater than the cost of creation is these systems. To catch a missile, which flies at 8 swings, you must have a missile that flies at speeds of 12 strides, plus you must have supervychisliteli, which should follow the objects, a huge surveillance system. What is the weakness of our country? We ignore all the trends that exist in the world. We go to some their identity by which unknown to date. We are stepping on the rake or two, or three times a day and night - every day.

I think, being of sound mind, that war would be. And the war will be very serious. It will happen much faster than anyone thinks. But the country is not ready for it. Do not be afraid if we are kicked out of the Group of Eight, but scary, if we declare a technological blockade. We have no machines, no huge amount of modern materials, no new elements, not even a tool. If you stop the supply of tools from Sweden, Japan, USA and Israel, we will have nothing to treat the metal, which is required for the aircraft. Work of the commission. For example, would like to recreate the Soviet military-industrial commission. The result is a mockery of the body which in Soviet times could solve any issue in the country, all the most difficult tasks. Today's body simply can not solve anything, and it works for some unknown reason. Anyone who asks for discussion issues - the troublemaker, the next time you can simply call. Everyone says that our weapons were very expensive. And why? Bought it in minute quantities, and to contain the plants, calculated on the entire process chain, you must have machining, welding, must have protective coating, all assembly plants, test sites, stands and booths. The amount that is ordered, obviously unprofitable. Plants spetsmetallurgii that ensure production of high-temperature alloys based on titanium, chromium, nickel, tungsten, they are loaded on 8-10% of capacity, and power have to keep everything. In that world, which is the largest consumer, we do not wait and there will not be allowed. China is by all indicators of capacities in the year introduces more than we have in general.

We are serious dwarfs or nanovelikany. We shied away from the extreme to extreme. We should all take advice from the West, make friends with him, and all of it to get - the license, technology, and stuff, stuff, stuff. Then we need to develop completely autonomous, we want to immediately have composite aircraft polukompozitnye engines. We all want, but you do not understand that to build a plant for production of composite materials Aircraft must have a huge sales volumes. But our orders never will recover these costs. The State explains why not give money. "Steal everything." Even control systems for the money the state does not believe it. And rightly so, that does not believe! There is a vicious circle, and no light at the end of the tunnel is not, and can not be. Creation of various companies end up in failure, and no one to ask. But nevertheless, we have an enormous advantage. We are not dead yet not quite grown old people who participated in major projects of the Soviet Union, who received a classical education and who have the ideology that they can convey. Who know what to do technically.

But among people who have the technical knowledge and those that manage money - a colossal wall. Between creators and the power, by strange coincidence, turned out to people who are not liable for anything. They set themselves the task at all costs to hold on to their privileged position, no matter what. This situation leads to frustration. Start to think that the country from collapse can only get those funds, which so skillfully Stalin. Another will not. We rolled down to the very serious repression. Say: "We gave you the money? Given. And where are they? Why fifteen years built submarine, built it, and the missiles to it, however, did not?". And so in each industry.

president became acquainted with the complex Iskander missiles there, we send thousands of kilometers away, there are our engines. The President talked with the developer of the complex 3 hours, we expect a decision on the construction of factories, because Iskander should be on line. As a result it ends nothing. And so everywhere. We have a very good aircraft Su-34. This attack, the only modern aircraft, on which stands the jammers, and can completely safely overcome the defense and throw the missile. But, unfortunately, the plant on which they are made, they can annually make one. Salaries at the plant is small, he is in a major city of Novosibirsk, where the salary does not solve anything, and a man with a normal degree in Engineering, engineering, technology, may come to another plant, and make it exactly at 2-3-4 times higher. But we have what we have, and this must be selected. But how? .. Existing government problem: by 2015, 4 times more productive. How to do this if, for example, the average speed of processing details with us in Russia - 2,5 thousand revolutions per minute. In the U.S. today, handling 30 to 50 thousand. High speed machining - 300-400 000 revolutions per minute, I mean the heat-resistant alloys. That is, even on such simple example shows the difference in 15-20 times. All of our declarative statements under a have no basis, no objective reasons. The only prerequisite - We have a lot of smart people - are genetically and education. Just from China we are different in the intellect. In principle, we have a "point of no return" has passed. We do not overtake the world and have to run across the path, intercepting the expense of high intellect, will and resources. We have, unfortunately, no example where we have collected All these three factors together. We have no Beria, the Queen, then Kurchatovs. All for some reason it seems that the President is enough to say the Premier, Premier - Vice-Premier, Deputy Prime Minister - the Minister, and all will be. We know the president in the face of all the oil and gas industry workers and metallurgists. But to the head of KB Sukhoi could get to him, call or even meet - is excluded. By Joseph Vissarionovich they could get when they wanted. Yes, he called them, but they could always come to him on any question - for aircraft engines, missiles, bombs ... This is nothing! We, the gasoline the country, in the end, and gasoline, and polymetallic ores, and ore will be taken away. Leave except that the outlets, Building and casinos.

Those tasks that we need to solve in the allotted time, require considerable resources. And we of course, lacking. With this plant we decide not to plant the problem and the problem state. We - "state-" the enterprise. The state thus is aside and does not give money. But for our monetary transactions jealously watches. For example, a certain country gives us 600 million dollars for the purchase of various equipment. We bring the equipment to 100 million, because it is impossible to bring everything at once. We immediately asked about the remaining 500: "Where Delhi? Maybe stole?".

That which we sights, something that we were ready, requires an entirely different understanding of the state. And not at the level of ministerial clerks. We're advocacy, releasing books and writing articles, conducting seminars, we bring here all the committees of the Duma, and so on. But this is not just us. In addition to our factory, there is another 5-6 points, where the same thing happens. These centers should be raised to a whole new level of relations with the state.

What is Siemens of Germany? Everything. This is Germany itself. And so it is possible to enumerate the various brands of the world powers - the pillars on which rests modern civilization. And our brands? Gas, oil .... Although we have only 10% of its oil supply to world markets. Next on the list - a Kalashnikov rifle. But now not all the army would go over to him - out of date. When Bush arrives, behind his back the economy and U.S. military power. When Putin arrives, everything is fine, but behind him is nothing. Supply to other countries, we too will soon nothing will. India, we will just about do not need. We have exhausted all Soviet novelty, and further we offer her nothing.

Bluff burst through a couple of years or much faster. Here's why: we are the eyes lose most of the manufacturing industry. Rates equal to the world, ruin the industry. Right now passed energy reform, I do not want to go there to climb, because in our hands is the only Russian gas turbine, and we got 54% of the direct efficiency. From next year the rates by region for electricity grows from 50 to 100% per year. Gas grows 25%. For plants this noose. Further. Do state employees increased wages, the labor market is changing, but labor productivity does not increase. All small Plants that do not export that do not play a big role - they are all going to die. And so dies the whole manufacturing industry. She falls apart before our eyes.

Previously the Ministry of Aviation Industry consisted of fifteen hundred picked men. And today it is 60 people. We had the academic and industrial science, and have been productive forces, that could do everything. Now this is not. The first thing we need - it is honest to recognize who we are and where we are. Grasp the real threat. This is the first. Second. You need to replace people who are at key locations. Managers need to provide everything you need: money, giving, protection. But it must all the time with them asking to do so they have taken responsibility, accepted it. If not, then the repression. Here, a no way out.

must give his, president, an indication that for three years, replaced the fuel combustion. The world today burns of 40-45%, we have the same - 18-20%. World tends reach 60% efficiency, and we go only by 22%. That is 1 to 3.

Let's move on to other equipment. Gas in the forward loop can simply be banned. We must remove all the fuel oil boiler. Comes to me head of the rural district and asks black oil boiler convert to gas, but it needs 20 million, I do not give. A subsidy on fuel oil boiler up to 100 million. The same is madness! And if it is prohibited by law in the oil, then everything will be okay. Need entire legislation that would prevent lift rates at low efficiency. The political problem should be supported by technical action. Everyone wants to live well, but nobody wants to work. In Chubais today personal tragedy. It consists in the fact that buyers are fragmented RAO UES will refuse entry of new capacity. And when all this will open - at Chubais will be personal tragedy.

price for the nation, will be marginal. This will happen in our lifetimes. The whole world is now watching over us, he is ready to invade at any moment and use the situation to their advantage. Above that employs thousands of talented people. Prepared organizationally. Are we not aware of it? We forgotten how to make airplanes. For example, to make the main plane, we have no avionics, "the board" no, not for the composite wings, how do we do? Oh well. Gave money - 150 billion. And where is the person who will answer for all this? No names. Dry - Full Tupolev - Full Ilyushin - surname. And so on. There are political, ideological machine, while it is technically a machine that performs the same function as the political. Only know about it less. She not declare their intentions, for it is the politicians do. But it defines all the real possibilities of the country. If today is the B-2 can fly to Yugoslavia of America, otbombit and back, this is one situation. Today, we can not build an aircraft carrier, which has 5,000 officers and men running around the hold, you can do such a ship, which opened the hatches and start 5000 cruise missiles simultaneously. And the carrier delivers them, as earlier served on the cruiser shells, so it feeds cruise missiles, and can simultaneously serve as 2,5 thousand pieces. And so a warship, where 300-400 people, could destroy one of the average European state. And half of these supersonic missiles and a half - subsonic. And we did not put a rocket on storage, we only maintain our heritage from the USSR.

Do We Need a President - a military technocrat? I think not. It can be of any profession - writer, lawyer and economist. But all around him need to be collected a decent and knowledgeable people - a real elite, the aristocracy. And in that aristocracy should be technocrats. They should be kept close to the president. And we lose time. All our clerk and as clerk born. They were not in any projects, they in no way directed, they are really nothing do not know. It's useless people. Security officer can not be chairman of the Military Industrial Commission.

state must be different. It must be strong in many respects. It must be an infrastructure strong. Arrives at Sheremetyevo airport, and there mess. The state must be healthy. I'm talking about the physical health. Russian for foreigners - a country with a decreasing population of very poor quality. Country declares that we will develop something else, but it's all bluff! We have to have a nuclear plant site. There did transportation system warheads, decontamination submarines, nuclear systems, cassette mining. Now there is this all there, now we're doing for our components for gas turbines. Inside there is a production of precision valves nuclear contours. We offer the State to make orders for these contours for "Nuclear Project 2", as they call it Kiriyenko. Order to refuse, but offer buy all the shops in which we produce. That is the level of corruption in the country such that it is already affecting foundations of the state. In Gazprom is impossible to put a single gas turbine, without paying a commission is not clear to whom, who have an obscene amount, it is much more than 20%. It turns out that the suppliers VAT paid twice: first, the State 18%, and then fees - 20%. No compensation, only 38% VAT. This is a full timeout. The state must be strong, healthy, educated. It should solve the problem of overcoming the demographic well. Maybe not quite overcome the traditional way. If I could, and the total insemination and cloning, and something else. I believe that we can sacrifice moral principles in order to preserve the ethnic group.

need to gather people who know and appreciate all the pluses and minuses. We do not have enough workers, engineers. We do not have anything to hold the territory. Should be 400 million Soviet people. And we have to Moreover, not Soviet. Hence, we should be even greater. We also distribute the idiotic people. Why do people want in Moscow? There, their abundance, and Siberia pants without people.

ideology of the state do not. Nobody wants to do for the country, let's just money. Of all the graduates, with whom we work, only of 15% we can grow the elite. 50% - a swamp. They were neither Octobrists or pioneers. Everything else - generally sucks.

Sometimes I feel that I do not work, and serve. Set and stand, no matter what. I work at the spot on which my destiny has set and all. I am not alone, we have a lot of people, dozens of people think so same as me. They are different people. Someone 75 someone 60 someone 40, and there are those who just turned 30.

What do we do? Leave in the U.S., or what? Just leave everything? To be sure that will come after us new people, in which all bloom? But no such people. I think that for so long can not continue. I guess that all changed needed a push from the outside. It is possible that a military conflict that would be much worse than Chechnya and Ossetia. Or sudden resignation of the government, or coup in the country. I do not know. I only know that there must be some serious changes. Somewhere in the parade falls Tu-160 on the head chiefs. It's really very dangerous. This old flies. I saw how destroyed all the plants, I realized that we might be in the bottle neck, when we come and say: guys, give whatever you like - just help.

at all, in Russian history happens the miracle which is the driving torque. Russian miracle, which draws from terrible hopeless situations. Miracle - it is a war, the phenomenon of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Stalin, even the appearance of early Putin in the early 2000's. These things are unpredictable, they foreshadowed the course of the preceding events. And now there historical improvisation, which breaks the whole situation.

The probability of this Impromptus enormous. If this does not happen - hence, would not the country. But there are forces that will produce a miracle. This becomes clear more and more people. Once all have different attitudes to this knowledge. Someone is trying to extract profit of yourself, someone is indifferent, someone with attention, and it is that someone will soon act to help his country. Personally, I see its role in maintaining the technological capabilities of the country. One of the largest world's finances have on technical upgrading. Before we started these deliveries, the plant was forced to sign a lot of documents, the vast number of constraints - that this equipment, we will not do any biological or chemical weapons or missiles. Inside there is a serious computer storage of information, and when repairmen come out of this company, then they see what we do - for speed, voltage, which metal handle. One day a repairman drank, took me and says: "What do you think we do not know what you doing on our machines?" All we see and know. Simply, we are silent, we are helping Russia to the world has not remained generally unipolar. Do you have an opportunity at least to do something against this. "This is representative of a very serious company one of the pillars of the world's supply. They put us a hundred machines, and are we on a par with Europe to do whatever we want. Now, if we also state our like this played up? Its his? But no. This machine, which can be processed metal at the molecular level - is electrochemical machining. This is crazy accuracy and quality. Therefore, the efficiency increases, falling fuel costs, grow more important indicators.

The plant has a very complicated relationship with authority. I will not go, explain the surface. We have our share of the state. When we were making engines for the Tu-154 and Il-76, we did not need anybody. For ten years we have bought one KB, attached 10 plants, where the state's share was 2%. We have cruise missiles, engines for fighter aircraft, engines for training planes. We are told: let's take back the plant. As soon as I give to the plant, then I'll sit in the waiting room of any official, which itself I would not put the master. I do not I want to work with people who represent the state. They have crippled psychology. For example, people want water. Someone from the source is selling water. Psychology so - what to buy water, you simply take away the source. The same psychology of today's state.

flew the Su-35. The next year, rising fifth generation fighter aircraft. On our engines, among other things. Very nice plane. We are finishing the testing of a new cruise missile. We have our engines increase the range of its flight in 2 times. Generic missile for all the armed forces. Previously, each of the armed forces had its own rocket. The same idiocy! In 80 types of troops engines. The main advantages of the new aircraft: stealth, supersonic afterburning speed, weapons inside the fuselage. In order to build something that necessary for the country, you need to build new cities, new productions, give birth and nurture new people. We must return to the experience that was the Soviet Union. We need to develop small towns, invest in their money. So it will be to develop production. All the children of scientists from the closed cities is very advanced intellectually. They all go to study in Moscow, and even further, and neither returned. And why would they go back into poverty? All technical colleges are preparing or auto mechanics or secretaries, or hairdressers. I am working after these vocational schools do not need it on modern machines can not work. I have to relearn them again. Minister of Education should be here with such a head, with his fist and an iron will. Fursenko is not the man.

Inozemtsev, an economist, said that development is impossible in Russia because that the elite of the country to receive funds for their existence from the gasoline economy rather than on innovation.

We could sell all the gas to China. China would have bought. But we do not define who we are and who we are. Under the table - an account in Western banks, real estate in London, and people are talking about "strong position relative to the West." We are waiting to begin the financing of military R & D activities. Instead, the decision on arms reduction. BBC should be reduced from 88 000 to 35 000. This signed Serdyukov. Fleet - from 300 to 72 surface ships. Who then Serdyukov? Ivanov - an empty passenger, he even said irrelevantly. At least one plant was record its meetings or meetings? After visiting ministers, Deputy Prime Minister, ask questions, ostensibly written protocol. Then, as a result there is only one TV picture. At our factory he visited 2 times with an interval of 3 years. No question he has not decided a single decision is not adopted. How can this be?

must put sverhtsel for the country. Need to change a lot of laws. For example, to prohibit by law to enter into any office if the person does not served in the Army. Also legislated to prohibit a property in other countries, if you hold public office. A person who serves must fully declare their income. Unable to run the state, and thus fill their pockets.

When Peter the Great the man who for some reason said, was the king at arm's length. And now the President and those most responsible person a lot of useless people. Putin we had at the plant. For two days we were visited and said: "For God's sake, do not say anything, we decide." It was June 2000. But until now, our problem was never solved. That such things - darkness. Kasyanov, Stepashin, Mironov, Mikhailov, Commander of the Navy - we all were, but nobody does not want to listen. In Russia engines for cruise missiles did not. They were made in Ukraine. Therefore, a discussion. What to do? Enter into a strategic dependence on Ukraine? Putin suddenly turns around and says: "Addresses, turnout will be wet." The Director said that to solve the problem of preventing war. As a result, we have built spetsproizvodstvo, built a test base, and today we have completely solved the problem. For three years we have built. The decision was taken to Putin, but there was no peace and no money was given. After Putin's all gone like clockwork. Americans are now invested huge money in the creation of the engine from the minimum number of parts: 2 monokolesa, turbine, engine, and flew. Our missiles are now worth a million dollars from the Americans - 200 000. It's a fantastic thing. And under those developed by the engines in America, creating new technology, trained people - and get a huge payoff. Then they will remove the pilots from their aircraft. People will sit at the computer, and each programmer will maintain a 02/03 aircraft. What is the pilot? This seat, parachute, catapult ... Risk! Then you burn millions of fuel to train these pilots. And then age factor - in 20 years began in 1940 - ended his career, waiting for retirement. We would also undertake the development and manufacture of aircraft without pilots. But we need the will and responsibility. They have a single-engine plane, we have a twin. Thus, our plane before it becomes more expensive. Soon we all would lose any price advantages. All meetings are held highbrow commissions for the sake of the first flight, that is, for the sake of the television picture. Anything else anyone not necessary. The rollout, the launch will come to all. Conscience, something no one else.

But to reach that goal if Tskhinvali shake-up that could be obtained? Positive that at least made the decision to strike. The kick is not misspent. The war was carried out conceptually. But where Gori, where Belgrade? Americans have been destroyed power, television, bridges, police, Ministry of Defense and the Central SPRYU without casualties. If it were possible, it should have done the same thing.

If Ukraine joins NATO, the first thing they Yushchenko ordered to send to Iraq 2.3 division. What do you think, do not send? Send. In order to make the independent republics Ajaria, the Crimea, we must prepare. Most graduates of Moscow State Institute of intelligence refuse to go - 75% failure rate. They do not like the long and dusty pit. Serdyukov sold training center for illegal immigrants on the ruble. And now, where they cook?

Now Putin and Medvedev. I think that the president of a country can not think of themselves and about his family. If the President thinks about the welfare of the country through the prism of his personal welfare, then this country is doomed. Can not be responsible for 140 million the man behind this great country and at the same time to think about their own safety. It seems they do not think.

The Xpress Train Online


Valuable Admissions on Ekho Moskvy »

Суббота, 20.06.2009 Lead: Yulia Latynina
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...« Julie comment on the dairy War between Russia and Belarus ", - write to me on smskam. I remind you that sms - 985 970-45-45. You know, the essence of the whole story is that we lost Mr. Lukashenko lactic war . Once Lukashenko in response to the words "We will not allow Belarusian milk," said "And we will close your border, so we lost and we had to go back down and sign an agreement with Mr Lukashenko. We lost because the rule violated the basic tactics for constructing the conflict: it is always necessary to do stroke, which may be followed by your side in an even stronger move.

I want to tell a few episodes of Lukashenko. The first dates back to the time Yeltsin, when Russia signed a treaty of alliance with him. The then head of the presidential administration, Voloshin was the last time looked at the text of the agreement and discovered that, to put it mildly, he does Lukashenko, how shall I say? Full co-owner of Russia and the true victor in the presidential race . Then This text of the treaty was, of course, been corrected, but it is very important episode in the relations between Lukashenko and Russia because it was understood that the Union State never been to the dictator Lukashenko way to go to Russia, or even get away from it economic aid - economic aid it receives and so. Union State for Lukashenko was a tool of gaining power over the whole of Russia, Russia absorption instrument Lukashenko.

The second episode is to the beginning of 2004, when still prime minister Mikhail Kasyanov was. Lukashenko and Putin began another bout of controversy, Lukashenko has once again begun to express Political mat. President Putin wanted was already cut off the pipe, and Mikhail M. Kasyanov said a categorical "No". Explained why to do it impossible - not because of Lukashenko, it is clear that Lukashenko Kasyanov was no road, but due to the fact that Russia will appear as a result of an unreliable energy partner in the West. This was the last conversation between Putin and Kasyanov, the next day Kasyanov was dismissed.

I do not want to say that Kasyanov was dismissed only because - There was still a denunciation of Kasyanov's what he wants to seize power in Russia. Well, of course. Serves, there Nevzlin interests and so on. And apparently, the Zionist intelligence. But the point is that Kasyanov was then the man who opposed it. And since then, if you remember, every January our relationships with one or another country then to Ukraine, then Belarus, have become such gas wars. Since the latch and started to overlap. And doperekryvalis to the fact that the share of Gazprom in Europe gas balance has fallen from 31% to 16%. So we blocked off and tried to prove that we are a reliable gas supplier. Overlapped and were told that we have gas - it's our energy weapons. And, after all, Europe is believed that the gas - it is our energy weapon. And does not want to let our arms to him.

Well, this is the second episode. Third - I'd like to remember what happened when yet another, a few years later, tensions between Russia and Belarus, I am here on the "Echo" as a joke recalled that, in general, it is precisely due to the fact that every step of the conflict must be followed by even more stringent step. Well, if we cut off oil pipelines in Belarus, the next step - is to take one of Minsk Parachute Regiment.

My God, what happened! Apparently, it showed Lukashenko. Well, the Belarusian reaction does not bother me, I'm worried that the issue was dragged out there for discussion in the Duma: "How dare offend Latynina Lukashenko?" I repeat that I in this story terribly confused? I was confused power probelorusskogo lobby in Moscow. There are countries with which we are obviously hostile relations: none we did not Hamit except Lukashenko, well, except maybe North Korea and South Ossetia. But there is a lobby, which immediately starts telling me that we have a station in Vileika that we have a radar in Baranovichi, without that we can not, that we are brothers forever Lukashenko. This is a very interesting question, because we Kremlin been constantly concerned about the presence of some foreign spies. As for Western spies do not know. But here's a fact: there is a hostile relationship between Russia and Belarus. Obviously, when hostile relations should be military plans. Well, it «matter of fact», it's just a rule of public life. This does not mean that there is a war - should be military plans. And judging by everything, not just the military plans, but there are many military lobby, which opposed us to give us something threatening father.

is, you know, is very similar to the story of the Astrakhan Pedagogical Institute. Here I am afraid she was surprised when I heard that the Astrakhan Pedagogical Institute prepares us outstanding graduates Iranists with excellent knowledge of Farsi and with deep sympathy the ideas of world Islamic revolution, which then go to work in our embassy in the republic of Iran. And then let it looks strange when the state Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, that Iran can not create a strategic missiles. A few days after this statement, to which Robert Gates says that "if you report to your intelligence, thank you your intelligence." A few days after that statement rocket takes off.

That is about the Western spies, we are very worried. And then there are agents of influence, which are completely not Western, that from our dear friends. Although, I must say that in the case of Belarus is, probably, overcame a syndrome because the pay attention to one very interesting thing. Several years ago during a previous conflict between Russia and Belarus on all sides by our military experts also - this was the Minister of Defense Ivanov - started screaming that there is a radar station in Baranovichi, it is invaluable to the defense of Russia. And they began to shout, that there is a communication center with the Navy in Vileika, without which, here, just the Russian defense also failed.

This year, these last few weeks nor about Baranovichi, nor about Vileika one simply do not remember. Only, apparently, is whether these guys just cleaned out of the Defense Ministry, with what I just congratulate the Minister Defense Serdyukov, because it is obvious that the Russian military does not need to work on the Belarusian military, especially in the Belarusian president. T about whether they instilled the fear of God, and they were silent - no no Baranovichi nor Vileika.

Why the lobby as possible? I recall one episode involving the murder of several years ago, but apparently it was a murder, journalist Kommersant Ivan Safronov, a 51-year-old, which is the last thing he scout, was a deal to sell Russian P-300 systems to Iran. And went to such rumors that the C-300 should be delivered through Belarus. Translated into reality, this meant that we supply S-300 to Belarus on the inside price, ie $ 14 million - little thing. And in Iran it is sold at market price, ie $ 180 million. At the circle turned out somewhere in a billion, which leaves left. Here's consent, this billion Mr. Lukashenko could be sure that he will have a strong lobby among the Russian military and among Russian officials. And very glad that in the first place, and the deal will not break, that is, we now have very different mechanisms of supply Belarus weapons - we are, after all, they supply good, but the old weapons, uploading their own work of the same plants. We have very different mechanisms. Is the deal with Iran, it is bad or good, but it is not so Here are askew.

And, in short, little has changed military relationship, here is the undercurrent of our military relationship with Belarus. Still, of course, I can not remember the wonderful story that happened before Putin has ceased to be president. If you remember, he then traveled to Belarus to meet with President Lukashenko, brought with him all the Russian senior officials from Mironov to Gryzlov. And then there were persistent rumors that President Putin brought with him 2 options the union treaty, then there are 2 options market. One - well, just that they have signed, they signed up some credit once in Belarus. And another option - it is a union state, which would, respectively, the then President Vladimir Putin to stay quietly at the head of the union state.

Lukashenko did not even met with Putin at the airport. They drove to the residence of Lukashenko, sat there till morning. And the morning came and said: "You know, we discussed the loan. " Here are a few hours 2 President discussed the loan. In my opinion, this rudeness, in my opinion, this is certainly a very good policy Lukashenko unfortunately. Because we see that Russian politics is constantly loses Lukashenko for the same reason that Western policy is constantly Russia loses.

After all, the diplomatic advantage of Russia's relations with the West is that when you're dealing with civilized people, bullying goes unpunished. Just imagine it: sitting diplomat with civilized people, and suddenly climbs onto the table and say, makes a pile. And hide his eyes, said: "Well, let's go back to the discussion." And man, the diplomat returned because of this table in full confidence that the West is weak, the West rotten, that's before it can be a handful. And when you are leading negotiations with rogue states, then only you zalezesh on the table, you just start to unbutton his pants, how - once you back. That is, a bully can be no impunity for suckers only among the civilized, but not among tillage. And this is the secret to why we are again for Thus we lose the relationship with Mr Lukashenko.

And it is very important, I repeat, is that , the idea that Lukashenko was - to gain power over Russia. This clear that Lukashenko had, in fact, much better tactical data to get that power. He is indeed a dictator. He order. He may not be such a mess, as the abduction of her son Mikhail Stavsky, it may not be any Skolkovskoe highway, which ends a deadlock. If his son Defense crushed poor old woman, the son of Defense Minister and Minister of Defense would have broken the Nazi symbol. He has no Baikal, Gunvor - I did even suspect that he had just enough money, he is unselfish man , because he is interested in pure power form. And this power in its pure form is based on an alliance with the people against government officials.

Several Internet questions ...

xxx xxx xxx

questions to the reader. 1. Which of the two major modern State Historic RUSSIA you trust more: the Republic of Belarus or Russia? Option: South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Transnistria, or, for example, Russian Classical philosophy?
2. Whose is the reserve for the public service consists mainly of ... perjured? (Ie those who swore an oath that the Soviet Union and broke).
3. Whose health (and technological) control over the milk and dairy products is more reliable and causes the greatest (maybe unconditional?) trust - Russia or Belarus?
4. ... The Russian gas which is geographically part of Russia is material wealth of the Russian people closer to ordinary people the most: in the Russian Federation or in the contemporary Belarus?
5. Are they right when the minister of agriculture of the Russian Federation and MP State Duma Ostrovsky that they actually gave us all to understand exactly the Republic of Belarus, are subsidizing their farmers, undermining thereby the economic interest "of the Russian agricultural producers? (That is, is the main enemy of the Russian peasantry, ...).
Михаил КАЗАРИН, бухгалтер из Перми.
                                                      June 22, 2009

PS . «Oh, Yulia Latynina ..." And how, I wonder, believe in this case, she?

Anusol Actually Get Rid Of

Russia has the record for inflation in comparison with EU countries

Новость на Newsland: Продукты в РФ дорожают в шесть раз быстрей
Russia in January became the record inflation in comparison with EU countries. At the same foods in Russia rose in price in 6 times faster than in the EU, according to Federal State Statistics Service.
According to some data, which leads Finmarket, increase in food prices in Russia in January 2011 was 3,1%, which is 6 times greater than the rise in the cost of food in the EU (0,5%).
In January, among the countries EU the largest increase in consumer food prices compared to the previous month was registered in Cyprus (3,7%), Slovenia (2.9%), Slovakia (2,6%), compared from January 2010 - in Estonia (10,4%), Latvia (8,5%), Hungary (8.3%). At the same time in selected EU countries (Netherlands, UK, Sweden, France, Denmark) in January prices food decreased by 0,1-0,7%.

Food prices in Russia increased from January 2010 to 16,4% (average for EU countries by 2,7%).
In Russia, as well as the average for EU countries, the largest rise in January is still noted for vegetables - by 14,8% and 2,0% respectively. Significantly increased the prices of fruit - on the 5,3% (in the European Union, prices declined by 0,3%), sugar, jam, honey, chocolate and sweets - by 2,7% (increased by 1,0%).
prices for oils and fats for the month increased in the Russian Federation an average of 2,5% (in the EU - 0,6%), bakery products and cereals - by 2,3% (by 0,2%). Meat and meat products rose by 1.5% (average for EU countries - 0,2%), fish and seafood as well as dairy products, cheese and eggs - by 1,2% (in the EU - by 0,8% and 0,2%).

Compared with January last year, in January 2011 in the European Union, most notably increased consumer prices for vegetables, fruits, fish and seafood, oils and fats.
Over the same period in Russia, as in the EU, the largest price increase was noted for vegetables - by 75,5% and 6,7%.
Oils and Fats in Russia for the year rose by 25,4% (in the European Union average - at 2.8%) dairy products, cheese and eggs - by 16,6% (1,7%). Prices of bread and cereals, as well as for fruits grown, respectively, by 15,4% and 14,4% (in the EU - 2,6% and 5,2%). Sugar, jam, honey, chocolate and sweets went up by 11,9% (2,4%), meat and meat products - 6.8% (by 1,1%), fish and seafood - 5,6% ( by 3,1%).
Overall inflation in Russia in January In 2011 amounted to 2,4% in the deflation in the EU 0.4%. Annual inflation in Russia in January amounted to 9,6% on average in the EU - 2,8%.
Daria Neklyudova

The growth of prices, rates and inflation. Part 2

Announcing New Doctor

dung, stoves and Flame Wrath

No - Utilities robbery

the hot summer months teacher Nellie Anatolyevna Pozdneyev brought from the service of housing and utilities account for water: 3000 rubles. It's almost her entire salary. There
reason to think, however, as any person working. On today's life in general and about "reform" of housing and communal services in particular. Why, and invites Vladimir Petrovich PUZY, which led to this fact. He is a member of the Bureau of Regional Committee of the Communist Party, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Orenburg Region. Vladimir Petrovich knows it is better living overseas guidance "reformers". For several decades, he headed the largest farm, now a farm Producers Cooperative - farm them. YA Gagarin's Orenburg region. Not too big an exaggeration to say that such an enterprise - the State in the state, but his head is often in danger imagined himself as the Emperor, so vseohvaten range of his concerns.

It's not only the direct responsibility Head of a complex multi-industrial enterprise, but also daily custody of all the parties being residents of the village, starting from his birth, upbringing, education, health, and last but not least - the housing and communal services, which we're talking.
- Vladimir Petrovic, how do you assess what is happening in this industry?
- Like all the people: a robbery. And here is a robbery of the workers. This is for short words, simple people. But you can work together peacefully reflect. We lived in a socialist society that puts its mission of providing practical human rights. Including the right to housing: receive free, in a subsequent very small rents and with full coverage of housing and utility costs by the state.
Such costs gradually developed as a public consumption funds in all spheres of social life in Soviet society. They are in fact not only to ensure everyone a minimum subsistence level, which then do not say, because this problem for granted in such a way solved automatically.
social consumption funds have already met the minimum over the ever-growing needs of people, literally their lion the proportion that is well remembered for his life. And if you think about all the good count, it is easy to see that this was a very economical system, with the least the costs of its content, though with a very favorable moral-psychological climate, when not even the question arises as to how now, pay bribes at every step, for each certificate for execution by officials of their duties.
- theoretically and then we could raise the question of restructuring order of payment. Public consumption fund transfer to the private, to make appropriate additions to the salary to every man of his salary is fully covered housing and utility costs.

- And today in this setting, the question is not even discussed, though this can and should be housing and utilities reform, once the "Bears" and other turn their rods, break the country. "Market", and if no uncertain terms - Give them capitalism, and, therefore, down with this "relic socialism. "
But then for any simple zadachka Bazaar: liquidate the public fund - to distribute it to society, return the people money. That they themselves paid for housing.
However, the Fund liquidated, but its co-owners nor the ruble did not return. Simply
money from the people robbed. Like other "market reforms", "reform" Housing for workers is confiscatory and predatory nature. "Reform" several times the salary cut, and even from this reduced wages are forced to increase spending on housing up to their full coverage.
vast majority of people tightening their belts, many experiencing hardship, and many faced with a choice: flat or famine.

Meanwhile, the public fund of consumption does not melt like last year's snow. According to the laws of conservation of matter, it just goes from one pocket to another, for example, in the so-called Stabilization Fund. From there, he tells God to take away the money his masters - the working people.
- And a holy cause - the massive protests against unscrupulous increase utility bills.
- Communists first advocate for vital needs of workers, with examples from everyday life of each show bestial essence of capitalism, which stands for and create "reform."
And Communists in elected bodies are trying to measure the forces mitigate the "reforms" which they condemn in principle from the standpoint of the Communist Party.
After fifteen years of "democracy" in the housing and communal services, especially in the countryside, close to the disastrous state.
This is despite the inflated rates for services Housing in the formation of a unique and arbitrariness. To me it is especially striking because until the last years of the housing and communal services of our villages rested on the shoulders of the farm and just recently transferred to the balance of the municipality "Orenburg region.
Our farm them. Yuri Gagarin in his time built as agro with a full range of modern amenities. Central heating, water, sewerage in every farmhouse.
Cost Services evolved from its own self-cost and could not be overestimated - the system of calculating farm created an interest in frugality. According to the present law residents must pay the so-called cost-based tariffs. But what is the economic rationale if the utilities' charges a cubic meter of supplied water in the area Sorochinsko 3.58 rubles, and in the neighboring Grachevsky - 23.59 rubles? And this is roughly the same conditions.
characteristic that price anywhere in the cities is less than in villages. Below is a privileged suburban village near Orenburg (formerly Uchkhoz). Explain that here each house is meters.
Why not create conditions for the entire population? At our village caravan is not installed meter supplied water, as in other places. You can write any amount of that done.
- Have you checked the validity of tariffs for your village?

- checked. When I was a member of Orenburg District Council. Before New Year's administration has raised the question of approval of increased utility rates.
We (there were three Communist deputies) opposed the growth of high cost and suggested further study the formation of tariffs. Themselves considered them for the village Caravan. Price cubic meter of water obtained at most - 4 rubles. A district zhilkomhoz requires to pay 12.8 rubles. The Communists immediately demanded to put in water pipes in a caravan and others Rural counters. Director raykomhoza Neretin flatly refused: "Currently there are no meters in each apartment, there will be no total count for the village."
Clearly, that power itself is not interested in the precise accounting of housing and communal services. The same position in all its branches, also in the supply of heat, hot water and other services. Often do not find all.
Raising tariffs is ungrounded and provides a revenue growth of officials, managers. Where
eventually arrive in the country a rusty cart utilities, we can see in their village Caravan. For example, water for technological needs on the farm, we fed electrically.
With the growth in electricity tariffs abandoned. Switched on dung and wood - a technical progress! Worn to the limit of boiler, heating, plumbing, sewerage - plain village is doomed to drown in sewage.
People refuse to irrigation networks to irrigate vegetable gardens: in the summer requires a lot of water, yield does not pay off.
A case - an astronomical water bill teacher Nellie Anatolyevna Pozdneyev, from which we started today's conversation.
Attempts to irrigate vegetable gardens with salt water from wells in the courtyards of destroying the soil.
And this is not the limit. Under the new law on the division of housing and communal authorities Management transferred from district level to the balance of rural self-government, which has little of their income. This is a dead end. Will the output from it?

«Reformers" not think about it, they make the next step of passing utility costs to workers. Soon 100% payment for housing will make the common man from his miserable wages. He will be forced to give up the benefits are not available. Can not afford to heat the entire apartment, isolate one room.
were cases already return to home "stove" - is that they "has registered" in the apartments because of the high cost of central heating.
- most sensitive to ruling strata perceive risk to themselves: massive domestic social hypothermia causes overheating and even an explosion. And because they tend to produce pairs. Contrived system depressants meager handouts, hypocritically called the support of disadvantaged or vulnerable groups.
- At the recent parliamentary hearings have even members of the faction "United Russia" to recognize that 30% of the population unable today to pay utility bills. For the disadvantaged law provides subsidies, targeted benefits on poverty. However, these peanuts are often not beg.
expensive to prove their poverty. To form a noble: concern about a simple man, like a splinter of socialism. But in their own skin feel the difference. Through public fund worker satisfies their needs naturally as breathing, with dignity, equality to all, not even thinking about it.
And now, instead of respect - The humiliation, when created by his labor a man gets if he will make his stamp on his forehead that he is poor, underpaid, worse than others. And for this purpose "Democrats have to cut out as if turned inside out and trimmed to the wretched scrip is also a" foundation of public consumption "- the budget of" targeted subsidies for the poor. "
Finally, if you already thought up the housing and communal services to take on the inhabitants, it must first be honest to return to the industry backlog decade and a half debts when there is almost nothing has been done from the fact that earlier created as a fund public consumption. This is the same internal public debt, as debt at discounted savings deposits.
have a moral right and obligation to those actually existing debts to pay from the Stabilization Fund, which in their own ways they too settled.
should be restored on the basis of modern logistic base housing, for example, to pave plastic pipes, put in each apartment meters. And only then transfer utilities fully to the new procedure of payment through the purse of the consumer. All this is taken into account in economically sound program demand CPRF: housing and utility costs should not exceed 10% of total family income. Together we will achieve this.
moderated conversation Fedor Podolsky.

Orenburg region.

John Wagner Maxine Writer Gay

Market Basket compared with the norm camp

Market Basket residents of Belgorod less than the rate of food in the gulag. Want gulag? Of course, we want to!

begin with the food that our government carefully "packed" in the consumer basket. Not once could read that the rate of food under the MP for retirees, much lower than the rates that the firm "Pedigree" considers it necessary for dogs, and below the level of supply, which provided the capital pets animal shelters. But specific data of this kind do not ever meet. But Belgorod newspaper Find »(№ 4, 2005) with reference to the" Work "has led food rations in the same Stalinist Gulag," which the authorities scare the inhabitants. And it turns out that for a variety of basic food standards in Stalin's camps were higher than those that the current regime laid the basis for the able-bodied PM resident of the "democratic" Russia.

Bakery in the PM 134.2 kg per year, 11.2 kg in a month - for soldering Gulag 21.6 kg potatoes and vegetables in a PM 204.6 kg per year, 17, 05 kg a month - for soldering Gulag 18 kg, meat and fish in the PM 54.4 kg per year, 4,5 kg a month - for soldering Gulag 4,8 kg. So that when the "democrats" sardonically ask: "Do you want again the gulag? ", millions of Russians have reason to respond:" We want to!!!

added that when the People's Commissar Ezhov its decision to lower food rations in the camps, which led to a sharp increase in deaths of prisoners, he was shot. For the incredible rise of mortality in the "democratic" Russia (in 2009, he was more than a half times exceeded the level of "Stalin" in 1950) nobody is not responsible.

Another comparison. For children "prosperous" Belgorod PM provides annually 85.6 kg grain products (including pasta, flour, cereals and legumes). On the day goes 237 grams. And starving Soviet Russia itself early 20-ies in a boarding school for homeless children, as they say pupils' republic SHKID "Panteleyev L. and G. White, the children received a day per pound (400 g) of bread. Millet porridge and soups at this pound is not included.

Fresh fruit - an essential element for food. In the PM, our power from their largesse laid for working-age population much as 23 kg per year - more than three times less than the required medically reasonable standards of consumption.

stunning planted in a PM to pensioners number of trips - 150 in a year. If we consider that person to go somewhere out of the house has a habit of returning back to the same transport, it turns out that a retiree may to make such a "trip" once in five days! Probably, the governor signing the PM was referring to his recommendation: to be healthy, we should move more. By the way, the social travel for veterans put 38 stamps per month. And many people, especially gardeners, even think this (228 trips per year at both ends) are clearly inadequate. I wonder what people would say if they were in compliance with the PM began to give to 13 coupons per month?

Payment HUS. The drafters of the PM proceeded from the standard 18 square meters per person. But as there are such who lives alone in a studio apartment or two in a two-bedroom. What should they? Move into a hostel? Difference That would be very big. If a family of two people in a studio apartment to pay for housing services around 800-900 rubles per person, then a single pensioner should put only one half of this expenditure cost of the entire market basket.

In the list of "services" separate graphs are "cultural services". On They identified the "5% of total expenditure on services per month. The total value - it's utility bills, plus 20%. That is, based on the cost of housing services according to the norm of housing, we for cultural services somewhere 50 rubles a month per person. Interestingly, the drafters of the consumer basket know how today is worth a movie ticket in theater, concert, how much is the book?

And another one, not the least important, the time - drugs for seniors. These, together with the essentials and sanitation as part of a group of "non-food items and up to 15% of pensioner total expenditure for this group, for children 12% for able-bodied 10% of the population. Which part of the PM allocated for the purchase of consumer goods, the law does not specify. Calculate yourself the cost of this group difficult because there is not time spending a month or a year, and 2.4 years 3.2 years 8.8 years, etc. But if you estimate the cost of food (roughly 1400-1500 rubles) and services (about 900-1000 rubles for those who fit into the standard of housing) and subtract them from the PM, we see that our government allows the retiree to spend on drugs about 150-170 rubles a month. Comment this "generous" offer by the retirees. Only I'm afraid that the comments will be mostly unprintable.

And the last. Set PM as a criterion of poverty, in principle, incorrect. Because the consumer basket PM as is listed in the law - is "a minimum set of food consumer goods and services necessary to maintain human health and ensure its functioning "(emphasis mine - VV). Consequently, people whose income is below the level of PM exist in an environment lacking its life. And it is not the same as poverty.


"Rossiyskaya Gazeta"

Vyacheslav Bobkov: One of the guns against poverty could increase in the minimum payment level labor. Photo: Kolybalov Arkady

Almost 90 percent of Russians have incomes below the "average" and thus live with low standards. In addition, their incomes do not allow to fill in the required size of state and voluntary insurance system. These are the results of studies conducted All-Russian Centre of living. Voiced them at the press conference, the center's director Vyacheslav Bobkov.

If we divide our society on the quality of life, can be get five groups: very poor - those whose incomes are below the average subsistence minimum (SM), today it is 5,153 rubles per person, nizkoobespechennye (with income 03.01 PM), secured below average (3-7 PM), average income (7-11 PM) and higher income (over 11 living wages).

So, early this year positive tendency. If in the first quarter of last year the most needy (those who received less than 5,000 rubles) was 17,4 percent, but now to 15,2 percent. This is due, according to experts, primarily from an increase in pensions. Although raised pensions do not allow the holders to purchase more than three Consumer lows, and on such a package in a large city can live with great difficulty.

Number nizkoobespechennyh (with an income of 5-15 thousand) left unchanged - 51.6 percent. Number of secured below the average (income from 15 to 35 thousand rubles) rose nearly 2 percent, from 25.5 to 27.3 percent. Slightly more (increase from 5,5 to 5,9 per cent) and was serednyachki, earning over 35 thousand rubles per person.

Nevertheless, according to Vyacheslav Bobkov, very comforting, these data will not name, because they suggest that two-thirds of Russians are on the threshold of physiological survival. The first group is barely enough money only for food. Second besides food can afford to buy clothes, but no more. Naturally, neither they nor the other can not rely on expensive purchases, even on credit. Representatives of the third group can buy in installments TV or refrigerator, but, for example, the car is unlikely to be pulled. "Thus, it appears that more than 90 percent of Russians do not even include the concept of "middle class", - said Vyacheslav Bobkov.

If we divide by the same criteria employed, the picture will differ only by nuance. Thus, even at the cost of living does not earn 12.6 percent of workers (in 2008 there were 14.2 per cent). Salary from 5 to 15 thousand Rubles gets the majority of Russians - 50,2 percent (in 2008 it was 47.4). And from 15,000 rubles to 35,000 - 24.8 percent, and it is 2.4 percent less than in 2008. The share of medium-and high-paying Workers, too, shrank - from 11.2 to 7.4 per cent.

During the crisis, according to the center, aggravated the problem of social inequality: only 3-4 percent of funds receives a "low income" portion of the population and more than 40 percent - High. And the difference between the poorest and the richest Russians - more than 20 times. The total capital of the ten richest Russian billionaires for the year increased nearly 2-fold - from $ 76 billion to 139 billion.

According to Vyacheslav Bobkov, one of the guns against poverty could increase the minimum wage (currently 4,330 rubles) to the size of the real cost of living минимума - 5153 рубля.

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In his time on the deck of perestroika Posner Donahue imagination of Soviet citizens were affected and then became a slogan of one of the participants "have no sex in USSR. The lady had in mind, we love melancholy. Today in developed countries, adults economy advanced information (the "new economy", where manual labor is not more than 5% of total employment in the nation) - they call them baby Boomers thought teenage and adult child behavior issues - spend 20 billion a year on Viagra. Last - a medicinal drug to treat more about "erectile dysfunction". Antidepressants and medically unjustified and sexological cosmetic surgery are not used because patients are sick, but because I just want to look good - Sexy, youthful and attractive.
The main drug markets in the West does not cover the elderly and people really sick (their disease was declared a natural result of aging), but patients of average age - 40 to 55, who is the baby boomers. The discovery three years ago, Viagra by Pfaytser highly inflated profits in the market is attributable to payments of this class of consumers. The company revenues in the first quarter of 2000 only because of megaproizvodstva Viagra has increased by $ 1.2 billion, or 45% for a year! accounts for U.S. $ 2.5 billion of revenue for these highly specific drugs for impotence imaginary $ 4.3 billion in worldwide sales aphrodisiac. In North America, sold 19 recipes for patients Millard 6000000000 - consumers of Viagra for the first quarter months of 2000! Today Pfaytser explore the possibilities of massive sales of funds frigid women as an aphrodisiac to increase libido, as is well known in the West sexopathology popular guides of the two-thirds of women reported "or sympathizers Marsianka frigid simulate orgasm. Some pharmacists in these conditions directly demonstrate the benefits of drugs for pregnant women, like the disciples of Nietzsche in the last century have been treated with their own young children with vodka for early cultivation of these supermen!
July 5, 1946 the world was a bikini bathing suit, which was voted by journalists, "an invitation to rape." French fashion designer (former engine designer) L. Reyar saw a nuclear explosion, conducted by the U.S. Bikini Atoll, the name of overturning the world of work. In a period of four triangles bikini: three in front and one behind. To fight against the planned J. Heim "atom" (the smallest swimsuit in the world), Reyar created a slogan - "a swimsuit that is smaller than the smallest swimsuit in the world." Back in 1943, the U.S. government under the savings program universal ordered 10% reduction in the amount of tissue in a bathing suit for women (where it was a planned economy!). The French offered to minimize tissue the size of the parcels on a rope, so that everyone can spend a wedding ring. Catholic countries have banned the bikini and decency of the American League has demanded that Hollywood does not shoot a movie in a bikini, because the function "opens in the very young girl, but the maiden name his mother. " However, B. Bardot popularized the bikini and in 1960, the American singer B. Hiland costume taboo immortalized the song "The little yellow dot polka bikini, three years later Hollywood made a movie," Beach Party "and Puritan America delivered a few years before the recognition of co-parenting different races. Consequently, the total exposure, and began after the sexual revolution, the Americans began to experience serious problems with power. Sexual Revolution in fact led to the mental castration of men!
"Baby Boomers" - "Am I beautiful? Am I sexy? "Text
It is known as baby boomers improve their quality of life is also due to the surgery - they are literally walking on a knife edge for the sake of illusory values of youth, beauty and success. Of the total annual volume of surgery in 31.5 million U.S. 3,000,000, or 10% are purely cosmetic. Subtracting this number 700 000 corrective operations necessary for medical reasons, then 2.3 million transactions simply monstrous and terribly expensive. These recent transactions include: Breast Implants (132 thousand), removal of implants (43 000). breast reduction (70 000), neck and facial implants, skin treatment, laser liposuction (removal of fat), fat injections, ear reconstruction, hair transplants and more. In fact, this is all done with a 50-year period from the mid-life crisis it and dreading the thought of his own fragility. The main issues of their life cycle becomes: "How do I look? I sexy? Am I popular? I look young? What people think of me? ". Accordingly, 40% of cosmetic surgeries performed on men aged 34 years. Text
The crisis of Western culture artificially choreographed by conversion the bulk of the population in the Roman Empire "popyulos" requiring "bread and circuses." Mass then becomes completely the child in the perspectives and collective responses compared social animal, that is, people live under the laws of the "second signal system", but did not mind. We have already noted that the "new violence" - the term adopted in Western humanist thought describes the phenomenon of transformation of the near-destruction of Western civilization in the death of reality. In studies of postmodern culture, attention is drawn to the fact that possession of a penis is a unique advantage of men before God. Furthermore, God created human beings as "phallic, so the main religious symbol of humanity - an erect phallus as the body. It is obvious that this kind of "more violence", the value of the interest in the sexual side of man, thus restoring the pagan phallic initiation.
Against the "new violence" and act in the periphery. Thus, in Russia at a meeting of representatives of the Russian intelligentsia in the administration Russian President on August 19, 1996 (the day of the celebration of the defeat of the coup), the writer F. Iskander and pianist Nikolai Petrov suggested a moral censorship in the context of the invasion on television screens of the layer of aggressive sexual minorities, "any Penkin and Moses". However, "continued resistance" to the proposal was a Westerner Mstislav Rostropovich, citing his familiarity with the John E., by which he understood the origins of rock homosexuals. division even people in gomofilov and homophobia is a product of aggression " by new violence. "
Introduction to the secret rapture of sexual taboos Obviously, the term" introduction "was for 90 years. a more appropriate, as the meaning of the term" conclusion "for 30 years ... The atmosphere is the withdrawal of all sorts of taboos and prohibitions (which is not prohibited - is allowed, "as the saying goes in the style of staff of the highest platform), was struck by the life of USSR late 80 - early 90 years the widest range of hoist 6 of the Constitution of the USSR until the cancellation in the minds of people of faith in a better future, science, solidarity, inclusiveness and equity.
Western ideology of the market in the form eshanzhizma Free penetrated the grounds of human society, and in 1993 the force division Western liberals and patriots pochvennikov led to more civil war in the heart of the capital in opposition to sexual liberation, pornografizma, eroticism and female aggressive type zakompleksovannosti intoxicating modesty, men from the disposition of issues of gender, switching activity in the field of sociality. On the original intentions of Democrats, on the side of the second moods were "red-brown" or "communist-fascists" in the terminology eltsinistskoy. (Known then quite symptomatic: "unctuously-tsinistskoy).
Meanwhile, the sad experience in the field of drugs and sex, which acquired Scandinavia shown that the more a country of rampant pornography and more naked bodies on screen, the less real sex acts, plus the birth rate. Freedom Image Sexual turned "castration" of men spa companies in the West. Now, such a fate awaits the West together and then a global "cheloveynik" and not save it, not Viagra.
In Russia, the sexual revolution took the form of contamination Western consciousness the ideas of Dr. Freud, sex education programs in schools, the draft laws of the State Duma erotic products, the emergence of "lobby prezervativnogo" to the Federal Assembly (the fraction of "Women of Russia"), ie realities specific domestic version of the Western sexual revolution. In the 60's. This process was carried out by British secret services in the form of a thought conversion project Tevistokskogo youth and create konsyumeristskogo society in developed countries for the realization of the eternal problem of the British Empire - undermine the productive power of geopolitical rivals.
bummerov baby retirement, which came to power today in the West was young in 1968, he was adored the image of a modern society "of the show, created in accordance with the ideas of the late Frankfurt School. The latter is seen as a first draft of ideological sabotage against the Comintern rotten capital of Europe then came under the influence and financing of British intelligence and was used after the collapse of the Third Reich and its totalitarian racist myth as a major source of new myth of the West - the myth of the consumer. In this under the guise of criticism of the hysteria of consumers and its superficial symptoms - psychological alienation - proclaimed the ideal of emancipation of the individual in a free dialogue.
Worldwide consumer has the right at all - he can eat anything, because the state regularly pays taxes, but in the stomach "neither bourgeois nor proletarian, for a steak equalizes everybody. " In this society, even the chairs look like psychoanalysts and the key here - "pork her like a pig and be flexible as a snake" - overeating in a wide range of products from food to food intellect patient and degenerate art. For people bummerov baby - not only the stomach, it is man-man-term vagina, anus and man, there is a ban on single antiratsionalny man as a thinking substance, a question social. individualism remains naked and pleasure, in which the company is reduced to the level of personal interaction with other individuals in the epidermis, where there is love, there is a marriage and sex, no friendship, but only a business relationship. Meanwhile, in the past socialist blessed all this already, as have relevant past, is essentially a potential future of humanity.
For sex Frankfurt School becomes a battlefield ideological - in the space of liberation. For these freydomarksistskih neofreydistskih but not revolutionary (from left to right), before going on the barricades, you should get rid of the bourgeoisie itself and its sexual pair - get rid of bed and tried to implement the fantasy. In sex begins to address "our" and "not ours" - deep archetypal model of true freedom and imagination. Since overcome the critical point of layperson surface of Western civilization is sent on a journey of his most profound criticism - traditionalists, P. Guenon, A. Dugin.
What concerns us today, that the white men, as men in the main topics of discussion? Attend the murder of white civilization, the white race (branches iafeticheskoy descendants of humanity) by talking about the collapse of the Atlantean race, and lemurs, the presence of a file of humanity genokod pyramids and Tibet (Muldashev Yu) ... Russian, Russia over 10 years is at the forefront of this giant strawberries, the threshold of 1.5 million from Russia each year - the last of the indigenous population of the planet! 1
Albion Netherlands, Sweden, foggy filled came from the Afro-Asian countries. British women in recent years have given the population explosion, apparently fearing a complete replacement of white descendants of the great cities of Britain. yellow race wins again America - Boston, gateway to the U.S. from Asia - is mayor-Chinese. In Israel, white minority trying to defend their rights and voted for Bush, the American Jewish community with African-Americans voted for Gore A. ... Remove laboratories of the CIA or the African jungle on AIDS mowing his victims in the aristocracy and Western artists. Blacken Europe, America yellow and red. hours short when Paris will be difficult to distinguish from Algeria, and the Viking blonde will look like exotic wonder.
At the same time, the Afro-Asian countries do not use condoms, do not drink beer, China and the entire continent give enormous population growth. Today, European intellectuals (Roger Garaudy, for example) sees salvation in the adoption of Islam, his men attacked the rigid logic, but this logic is flawed - there is no place for a woman . Female diminished, it - is secondary, but it is wrong, because a woman gives birth, the woman - the soul of the people. From the moment a woman came to be regarded as a man in Western civilization (Christianity and the "axial time" Karl Jaspers), homosexual relations are no longer human meaning. the feminist movement in the West there is a clear aggression to women's isolation in "seksoterapevticheskih fronts." the U.S. position is known lesbians L. Fulani, who made a united front with the party of R. Perry reform in the last presidential election. Initially, Fulani has worked with a Gestalt therapist black lesbian, then she went to work at the New York Institute for Social Therapy and Research, and F. Newman started a therapy group of black women. During the therapy, they read "The Communist Manifesto by Marx, with Newman, then turned to the legacy of LS Vygotsky , who discovered the difference between the subject's actions in relation to themselves and others - and this range has been called revolutionary activity. But this activity is against the norm and against men. I think Vygotsky - the "Mozart of psychology" - would be aghast at the sight of the direction in which the use of destructive ideas.

Against outgoing Program / outgoing cabinet F: Project antiseksualnoy cons
IS Cohn believes that the need to deepen the sexual revolution, we also emphasize the cons-antiseksualnoy revolution. Cohn writes: "For the emancipation of the male body and make it a subject of reflection and artistic images of the crop would have been if not removed, then weakened a number of prohibitions: nudity); b) male nudity; c) on sexuality; s) of homosexuality "2 In the liberalization program, the output of its mechanism of gay ghetto: a open acknowledgment and acceptance of his homosexuality, coming out / coming out F (publication or coming out). It is assumed that the most dire consequences of prejudice against the gay community poured into the so-called suicide motivation and adolescents over more educated and more cultured family (?). Poet DA Prigov remembers his homosexual experiences as follows:
We had the company of school Athletes honor And the nicest surprise
; Committed suicide
They suspected nothing
We, he and I I asked my strength
Grief and anxiety Surprising, as it was then
It seems to me
; ; The young age
Especially for men
Con same, sorry for gays and lesbians beautiful young people believe that the risk of suicide increases dramatically when they: a) too early to disclose publicly his homosexuality; b) are related to violence and harassment; c) attempt to resolve their problems through alcohol and drugs; d) rejected by their families, 3 Contrary to this program destruction of salvation seems to come back to our roots, with ancient roots and Vedic culture healthy masculinity - the purity, the fullness of life, notions of hierarchy, rank, the concept of coherent cosmological worldview. So, off the Western sexual revolution - a revolution against the imperfect men and women - with their feminist raskompleksovannostyu, pornografizmom, nostalgia - down with all sorts of perversions! As we were told by an American scholar, if the U.S. wins the line of political correctness and tolerance, just the worship of minorities and the humiliation of the values of the white man, next president American is a blind one-legged black gay. "This intellectual recall the fate of Russian intellectuals, engaged in" Tribute, "self-flagellation, but in practice -" beliberdyaevskimi Satanic Mass "...
Cheers health, strong men and beautiful, strong women who give birth to children's pink! And forget sexual minorities and their problems with Dr. Freud, led an entire army of psychotherapists and psychoanalysts with their sofas! Cheers men-cons who are learning revolution antiseksualnaya the fullness of life in the national and religious traditions of the people! A conspiracy of white intellectuals - the men we will save humanity from the boiler globalist "end of history"!
What is the essence of the conspiracy suggested men? Love more women as a soul of its people, produce a healthy offspring and plentiful. Text Am sorry for gays and lesbians, sympathizes with them and love them like brothers as executors of the great mission of humanity cleaning genetic disease genes. Facilitate the opening of brothels clubs gays and lesbians in major cities, allowing the worst part of "God's people to" go to "no". Stay nation bearing - non-Orthodox Christians, act and live according to the model of reality-Nav, right. Creating the conditions for the salvation of mankind updated the Russian people - to realize the "Russian idea" through the implementation of the project ELEPHANT (Union of Organizations left and people) as "the right path" for the Russian socialism.
is the general model and the draft strategic evolution in which it becomes clear to the dispute of the hermaphrodite and its details such as the evaluation of sexual orientation in the world of Tradition and the Postmodern. Without a methodology in these articles do not understand!
However, "higher Sociology (degeneralogiya) captures three sides of the degeneration - sexual perversion, mental illness and birth defects. It provides a guide to find the degenerate first in the field of power relations, constitutes a new look at the class struggle - the struggle of ordinary people with degenerates, forming the analogue of the Western Soviet Comintern - GOMINTERN (where the Internet can have on gender GOMINFORMOM west side). This aspect is very problematic described G. Klimov, author unknown in the national scientific literature. It is advisable to give a certificate, a commentary on Klimov and so-called "klimovschiny.
Help - Commentary: Klimov and klimovschina
Klimov, Gregory (1918 born), a Soviet officer, military engineers in the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, he emigrated to the United States during the first "Evmigratsii. Resides in New York, the representative plenipotentiary in Russia Klimov - Mironov, Vladimir Leonidovich (Krasnodar).
The principal GP in degeneralogii Klimov: "Berlin Kremlin" (2nd edition published under the title "Wings of serf"), "The prince of this world", "My name is legion "," Red Kabbalah, "" God's people. " The last two works represent a synthesis of 75 hours of video conferences Phonograms a course on "Higher Sociology Klimov GP recorded to be broadcast on Russian television." These video conferences are still nowhere in Russia are not represented ...
GP Klimov over 50 years studying the secrets of degeneration (degeneration) -. "Prince of this world" what the Bible calls the devil and The author claimed in 1999 that the United States the third person - "Legionnaire" (as Dr. Kinsey) and among the leaders of the IMF - 90% "specialties degenerates" and "Yeltsin and recruited to the team" - a band of degenerate planted to do what they do with great success. "
GP Klimov, however, believes that Russia could theoretically be a normal government, because fools are" good, bad and nasty. " For small businesses - there was by simple tests (like a piece of paper on a string, we determine if there is a cat under the sofa) to determine exactly that stupid rule in the country. A normal person for a long period in power will not, because wolves live - in the howl of a wolf. Therefore the question arises on the teachings of GP Klimov as a whole - on the World klimovschine ... Culture of Death and the Culture of Life: eschatology and soteriology western Russia What is the positive content of the concept Klimova? Klimov talks about the huge mass of "degradantov" to seize power and seek to death. People are, indeed, share a preliminary death Klimova death, half dead and alive, full of life. The first group of perverts and drug addicts - humanity and sentenced to create a sort of "umbrella of death." speaking pope during a Mass on the occasion of the Passover (Light of Christmas) April 15, 2001, the call "to the city and the world," said he feared that humanity HH1 century can expect to live under the sign of a "culture of death". It is to extend the practice of abortion in the non-Catholics, and the legalization of euthanasia in the Netherlands. Another Summer 1994 in Mexico, the Pope said that neither socialism nor capitalism can not solve the most critical of the planet. It should be noted that socialism as a means of organizing social life or social system is really nowhere and has never existed. Socialism in the USSR does not count - he also did not occur in its entirety on a number of historical reasons. Socialism in our country often goes under the category of totalitarianism - not enough that the world was so calumnies of the press, reprinted around the world and popularized not understand "stupid bourgeois" (the words of Karl Marx). They repeat like parrots the wake of our "social scientists" that socialism - is the same as fascism. From a psychological point of view (read Western classics - Erich Fromm and David Riesman!), Fascism - desire for solitude and insane persons associated for a time an artificial solidarity, mutual responsibility dark instincts (the release of the "chimera of conscience"), the idea of the tragic fate superman. Here is the same collective will to paganism death and radical - anti-Christianity. Let us pull into the abyss death and the mysterious song of our school youth frondiruyuschey Soviet "soldiers of the" Center ":" And for us all in bloom for all of us off. I must not think - we he who decides everything for us. Funny and sad return to their homes, just reward for the bride will be ours! Forward, and now - for the subway, go to soldiers of Ukraine "the Centre". Sing these songs for the potato harvest, students, youth and all that when it was clear - the person who calls and when, because there was no market Dalmatia prophet for 500 days, Grigory Yavlinsky, and the brilliant theorist "Phillips curve", the grand-son of two authors of Yegor Gaidar, the first privatizer and the author of Exhibits "red Tolik (voucher - the name a famous thief and a cheat in the Midwest H1H century).
70. could sing a song - for his back was strong and great power at the Mausoleum of holiday guys were serious hats, but the border was "locked." Easy to dissent in these conditions allowed by the UV Andropov frondirovanie intellectualist softened the difficulties of existence in a capitalist country, the seriousness of the global arms race and an enormous pressure on the confrontation between the unequal power of the two military-political blocs. In this confrontation between the Warsaw Pact was convicted on the geographical, geopolitical and ideological - to prove the first look at the world map and see the deployment of military bases. Russian Bolshevism oozed love for people, it was heresy orthodoxy - the love of peace, directed forward to a life full of optimism transitions transpolar distant buildings, city blue (now the word "blue" does not cause laughter among the young). Bolshevism and born of a genuine "socialism" of people to quality education and high, pulled up in space. People could not master the vital forces of Bolshevism - he was not allowed to join the nomenklatura in fact degenerate. Totalitarianism was alive and credible - he was friendly to people and life. Remember artistic images of totalitarianism - Major Zheglov, Krivoruchko professor of "wounded game, Finally, the military director of the state of shock "Mirrors Tarkovsky" Andrei - he struggles to move the object of the intellectual bullying little, but catches on planted a grenade. This totalitarianism is not life issyaknoveniem - it was the source of life of our people and our style of socialism ugly. This model, we should all be proud of - at least according to the American thesis: "Good or bad, but it is my country." Nekrasov, SN 1 In an interview with Liu Tiger is evidenced by the decrease in male sex in the conditions of postmodernity: The Decline of Men / / Society. Vol. 37. # 2. 2000. P.8 2 Cohn, IS Love blue sky. SPb 2001 s.323 3 Ibid. with. 232