not call his name. He is thin. It appears that his dry face covered with a barely perceptible aluminum powder - for so many years he spent near the aircraft. On the monitor of the computer rotates the mysterious multi-colored flower with golden petals and a bright red heart. Computer graphics engine represents another non-existent aircraft. He was very tired, but this fatigue contrasts stubborn stoicism rights, once and for all choices made. His choice - Russia, the defense industry, overcoming enormous, fell to his homeland threats.
To immediately be clear - I am a designer. We have technical people in our company Tech. We are making gas turbines. We have more than one hundred candidates and doctors of technical sciences, most service engineers. In our company employs 18,000 people and 6000 of them - are technical designers. They have engines. Plus we have a subsidiary company, it is still 5000 and 9000 people, and have a factory-partner - it's 20,000, for a total of about 50000 people. What are my continuous care and thoughts? I believe that we are losing the competitive race with the West. This occurs in aircraft and missile systems, air defense, offensive and defensive weapons. And, unfortunately, output while this is not visible. We, the factory people are doing everything in our power, everything depends on us. Spend all of the accumulated resources that are putting the last money because they are well aware: the state money in the end will give a military order, but the time will be lost. The country can not find the answer to the most the main question: "What?" Who is to blame - it is clear, this better not say, but - "What do I do? Today's time, of course, differs from that was 10 years ago. But each year thereafter is equal to the value of the previous five. This proportion, which is led by Bill Gates. From this proportion we are lagging behind. Many things are on the surface. Must confess that I made many mistakes that the current government strategy does not envisage an active industrial policy. Authorities realized that there is money, and thinks that everything else will follow by itself. Do not follow! Because aside money to deal with complex technical questions need in one place at one time to collect thousands and thousands of skilled people, they need to motivate, to make sure that they worked on a single goal.
So it was during the great Soviet project: Atomic, virgin, space. In many places, almost all erased. There are museums, flags, firm. Tupolev, Ilyushin, Mikoyan. And airplanes can not do. Was such a firm - the MiG, and others like her Lockheed - Martin. Americans were, and MiG's not. The name is, and products do not. And lies about prosperity is for all levels. Authorities did not know the truth, or knows it, but manages not to recognize. She can not recognize the loud, but it must do something. For everyone who has access to information, it is clear - we have remained a matter of time before everyone finally zagnetsya and curdle. After 5-10 years, so we fall behind by Europe that we all remain powder guns, and they have - modern sniper rifles with laser sights. Russia will be thrown back into the Stone Age. This applies to all - missile cruisers, submarines, aircraft and engines. Why say this? Because we do engines for cruise missiles, aircraft, Sukhoi, for Chinese and Indian aircraft. We did the engines, even when the entire country fell apart. Long time country makes serious mistakes. She was not ordered or weapon, or the latest technology under the banner of the fact that the military-industrial complex has ruined the Soviet Union. And he had ceased to exist. These 15 years, destroyed nearly all the features of the country. They revive, or at least stop their destruction of the red line, it is very difficult. If the answer to this will not be given as soon as possible, the world's powers just come in and take everything that we have today. We will stay within the boundaries of the Tver principality: without Siberia, Far East and the Urals. This vast area we have nothing to defend all our wealth, stocks of natural resources were left without protection. We very few people and no modern technology. Recent war, which had America - Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, two in Iraq. American infantry decides about 5% of combat missions. 80% decides to aviation, that is, cruise missiles and aircraft, 15% - this information field, that is, satellites and command and control. And only 5% - it is the police force. In view of our territory, our borders, our demography, we need to defend themselves using unmanned, completely new types of weapons. This modern tanks, a modern aircraft, this modern high-precision missiles. All Americans have achieved in Yugoslavia and in other wars - all this they did without the people. Loss of Americans are negligible. Because the average distance of high-precision missiles - is 2000-3000 km. All we have is the remnants of the Soviet Union that rot. What is a rocket that had lain 25 years in the vault? And it is the average age of our cruise missile. All the missiles are in the ampoules. Fuel is filled into the engine. Start, start working the powder charge, then the engine and it flew. In the ampoule is gum, which had rotted away. There were formed, air bubbles, because of which already occurred depressurization. The engine is started, the bubble gets into the fuel enters the combustion chamber and the engine stalls, the rocket falls, where run it. The country does not order any missiles or aircraft. We have seen, what we are fighting in Abkhazia, Georgia and Ossetia. This aircraft age 40-50 years. What kind of a "weapon of victory," if the pilot is flying blind? He has no mapping, no modern "grid". Such aircraft are very few may be in the air as consumes a monstrous amount of fuel. To fly around the map, linked to GPS, the pilot goes to the store, buys a GPS, primatyvaet it on his knee taped, flying and bombs on the overseas GPS. It's a shame. I talk with the leaders of Air Force, and with the tip of the Defense Ministry, and with people from the General Staff. And I see the tragedy. Instead of In order to deal with the case, the essence of the processes that occur in the Army, they are engaged in politics. How to turn to the President that will order from the Kremlin any man looked like.
military options are sharply reduced. On television, we broadcast one, but really - all very different. Now I'm not talking about the prestige of a military man raids pilots and their training. This is not my expertise. There are a huge number of aircraft. They all seem to be combat-ready. But can not fly. Today, the budget increased, poured kerosene, but immediately ran engine life. Everything! Money is given, but on kerosene. A repair engines - It is quite different amounts. And if the President will arrive in any regiment in the Arctic, for example, or somewhere else, then all will see it. Just not in the Lipetsk center where sit is not the pilots, and acrobats. They know how to skip the tricks in the air. This idea - that we see at the air show. And in war acrobats are not needed, there opponents there are hundreds of miles apart. They do not see each other, they see the radar, "grid". You just need a good number of pilots, a normal amount missiles and bombs, contained in a normal state of the art. Nothing more.
To immediately be clear - I am a designer. We have technical people in our company Tech. We are making gas turbines. We have more than one hundred candidates and doctors of technical sciences, most service engineers. In our company employs 18,000 people and 6000 of them - are technical designers. They have engines. Plus we have a subsidiary company, it is still 5000 and 9000 people, and have a factory-partner - it's 20,000, for a total of about 50000 people. What are my continuous care and thoughts? I believe that we are losing the competitive race with the West. This occurs in aircraft and missile systems, air defense, offensive and defensive weapons. And, unfortunately, output while this is not visible. We, the factory people are doing everything in our power, everything depends on us. Spend all of the accumulated resources that are putting the last money because they are well aware: the state money in the end will give a military order, but the time will be lost. The country can not find the answer to the most the main question: "What?" Who is to blame - it is clear, this better not say, but - "What do I do? Today's time, of course, differs from that was 10 years ago. But each year thereafter is equal to the value of the previous five. This proportion, which is led by Bill Gates. From this proportion we are lagging behind. Many things are on the surface. Must confess that I made many mistakes that the current government strategy does not envisage an active industrial policy. Authorities realized that there is money, and thinks that everything else will follow by itself. Do not follow! Because aside money to deal with complex technical questions need in one place at one time to collect thousands and thousands of skilled people, they need to motivate, to make sure that they worked on a single goal.
So it was during the great Soviet project: Atomic, virgin, space. In many places, almost all erased. There are museums, flags, firm. Tupolev, Ilyushin, Mikoyan. And airplanes can not do. Was such a firm - the MiG, and others like her Lockheed - Martin. Americans were, and MiG's not. The name is, and products do not. And lies about prosperity is for all levels. Authorities did not know the truth, or knows it, but manages not to recognize. She can not recognize the loud, but it must do something. For everyone who has access to information, it is clear - we have remained a matter of time before everyone finally zagnetsya and curdle. After 5-10 years, so we fall behind by Europe that we all remain powder guns, and they have - modern sniper rifles with laser sights. Russia will be thrown back into the Stone Age. This applies to all - missile cruisers, submarines, aircraft and engines. Why say this? Because we do engines for cruise missiles, aircraft, Sukhoi, for Chinese and Indian aircraft. We did the engines, even when the entire country fell apart. Long time country makes serious mistakes. She was not ordered or weapon, or the latest technology under the banner of the fact that the military-industrial complex has ruined the Soviet Union. And he had ceased to exist. These 15 years, destroyed nearly all the features of the country. They revive, or at least stop their destruction of the red line, it is very difficult. If the answer to this will not be given as soon as possible, the world's powers just come in and take everything that we have today. We will stay within the boundaries of the Tver principality: without Siberia, Far East and the Urals. This vast area we have nothing to defend all our wealth, stocks of natural resources were left without protection. We very few people and no modern technology. Recent war, which had America - Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, two in Iraq. American infantry decides about 5% of combat missions. 80% decides to aviation, that is, cruise missiles and aircraft, 15% - this information field, that is, satellites and command and control. And only 5% - it is the police force. In view of our territory, our borders, our demography, we need to defend themselves using unmanned, completely new types of weapons. This modern tanks, a modern aircraft, this modern high-precision missiles. All Americans have achieved in Yugoslavia and in other wars - all this they did without the people. Loss of Americans are negligible. Because the average distance of high-precision missiles - is 2000-3000 km. All we have is the remnants of the Soviet Union that rot. What is a rocket that had lain 25 years in the vault? And it is the average age of our cruise missile. All the missiles are in the ampoules. Fuel is filled into the engine. Start, start working the powder charge, then the engine and it flew. In the ampoule is gum, which had rotted away. There were formed, air bubbles, because of which already occurred depressurization. The engine is started, the bubble gets into the fuel enters the combustion chamber and the engine stalls, the rocket falls, where run it. The country does not order any missiles or aircraft. We have seen, what we are fighting in Abkhazia, Georgia and Ossetia. This aircraft age 40-50 years. What kind of a "weapon of victory," if the pilot is flying blind? He has no mapping, no modern "grid". Such aircraft are very few may be in the air as consumes a monstrous amount of fuel. To fly around the map, linked to GPS, the pilot goes to the store, buys a GPS, primatyvaet it on his knee taped, flying and bombs on the overseas GPS. It's a shame. I talk with the leaders of Air Force, and with the tip of the Defense Ministry, and with people from the General Staff. And I see the tragedy. Instead of In order to deal with the case, the essence of the processes that occur in the Army, they are engaged in politics. How to turn to the President that will order from the Kremlin any man looked like.
military options are sharply reduced. On television, we broadcast one, but really - all very different. Now I'm not talking about the prestige of a military man raids pilots and their training. This is not my expertise. There are a huge number of aircraft. They all seem to be combat-ready. But can not fly. Today, the budget increased, poured kerosene, but immediately ran engine life. Everything! Money is given, but on kerosene. A repair engines - It is quite different amounts. And if the President will arrive in any regiment in the Arctic, for example, or somewhere else, then all will see it. Just not in the Lipetsk center where sit is not the pilots, and acrobats. They know how to skip the tricks in the air. This idea - that we see at the air show. And in war acrobats are not needed, there opponents there are hundreds of miles apart. They do not see each other, they see the radar, "grid". You just need a good number of pilots, a normal amount missiles and bombs, contained in a normal state of the art. Nothing more.
I communicate with those who make the rockets, and those who make bombs. We are heading for disaster. In our country, smeared, and silenced almost everything. Any desire for truth, the disclosure of truth is perceived as a demarche. And the main question, "What do I do? Have to start with high schools, with schools, vocational schools. Today, for example, that a minimum program for the creation of military and civilian aircraft do not have tens of thousands assemblers. Take them nowhere. Today, there are also the objective processes that our government ignores. We have more than 50% of the military-industrial complex was concentrated in Moscow and Moscow region. There's now impossible to work because the wages of working in Moscow or ordinary engineer is Salary Air Force commander. Where can I get such money? Further. Today the whole world is crazy production. All produced by the thousands. Scale production determines the cost, technology level, the level of competence, funding and so on. Today we are making motors 5-th generation. Its the same make and Americans. Right around 5000. 3500 will buy U.S. government will buy about 2000 to those countries which take part therein. I like a man who has all forms of tolerance and responsible for the engine, I can not say how much we will buy the army.
We know how many pieces to be done for prototypes, and how many will buy the series, nobody knows. Today almost completely fallen polytechnic education. We have a huge number of graduates from the MAI. I ask the Institute: "Why are you so bad cook dvigatelistov? "And they laugh and say:" Why? " The best professionals out either in America or in Israel, and the remaining 80% of the specialty does not work. They need only MAI Diploma as a brand. "And then one by one, all lead to the collapse. As soon discover that we are not able to respond to technical challenges, we are immediately erase from the face of the earth. Today, technical direction - to resolve the issue rate of missiles and aircraft, rapid start. If the White House decides to cause по какой-то местности удар с воздуха, то в течение двух часов эта команда Президента должна быть исполнена. Что это значит? Это значит, создается платформа, ie, it's a plane, which must fly at a speed of 4.6 sound velocities, and the rocket, which flies 7.9 sound velocities. Withstand this speed, ie detect, catch and destroy it is virtually impossible. Ordinary, non-nuclear, high-precision warhead resolve all issues, nuclear weapons are no longer needed. Create a system Defense against these weapons is impossible, because the cost of creating these systems in the thousands and millions of times will be greater than the cost of creation is these systems. To catch a missile, which flies at 8 swings, you must have a missile that flies at speeds of 12 strides, plus you must have supervychisliteli, which should follow the objects, a huge surveillance system. What is the weakness of our country? We ignore all the trends that exist in the world. We go to some their identity by which unknown to date. We are stepping on the rake or two, or three times a day and night - every day.
I think, being of sound mind, that war would be. And the war will be very serious. It will happen much faster than anyone thinks. But the country is not ready for it. Do not be afraid if we are kicked out of the Group of Eight, but scary, if we declare a technological blockade. We have no machines, no huge amount of modern materials, no new elements, not even a tool. If you stop the supply of tools from Sweden, Japan, USA and Israel, we will have nothing to treat the metal, which is required for the aircraft. Work of the commission. For example, would like to recreate the Soviet military-industrial commission. The result is a mockery of the body which in Soviet times could solve any issue in the country, all the most difficult tasks. Today's body simply can not solve anything, and it works for some unknown reason. Anyone who asks for discussion issues - the troublemaker, the next time you can simply call. Everyone says that our weapons were very expensive. And why? Bought it in minute quantities, and to contain the plants, calculated on the entire process chain, you must have machining, welding, must have protective coating, all assembly plants, test sites, stands and booths. The amount that is ordered, obviously unprofitable. Plants spetsmetallurgii that ensure production of high-temperature alloys based on titanium, chromium, nickel, tungsten, they are loaded on 8-10% of capacity, and power have to keep everything. In that world, which is the largest consumer, we do not wait and there will not be allowed. China is by all indicators of capacities in the year introduces more than we have in general.
We are serious dwarfs or nanovelikany. We shied away from the extreme to extreme. We should all take advice from the West, make friends with him, and all of it to get - the license, technology, and stuff, stuff, stuff. Then we need to develop completely autonomous, we want to immediately have composite aircraft polukompozitnye engines. We all want, but you do not understand that to build a plant for production of composite materials Aircraft must have a huge sales volumes. But our orders never will recover these costs. The State explains why not give money. "Steal everything." Even control systems for the money the state does not believe it. And rightly so, that does not believe! There is a vicious circle, and no light at the end of the tunnel is not, and can not be. Creation of various companies end up in failure, and no one to ask. But nevertheless, we have an enormous advantage. We are not dead yet not quite grown old people who participated in major projects of the Soviet Union, who received a classical education and who have the ideology that they can convey. Who know what to do technically.
But among people who have the technical knowledge and those that manage money - a colossal wall. Between creators and the power, by strange coincidence, turned out to people who are not liable for anything. They set themselves the task at all costs to hold on to their privileged position, no matter what. This situation leads to frustration. Start to think that the country from collapse can only get those funds, which so skillfully Stalin. Another will not. We rolled down to the very serious repression. Say: "We gave you the money? Given. And where are they? Why fifteen years built submarine, built it, and the missiles to it, however, did not?". And so in each industry.
president became acquainted with the complex Iskander missiles there, we send thousands of kilometers away, there are our engines. The President talked with the developer of the complex 3 hours, we expect a decision on the construction of factories, because Iskander should be on line. As a result it ends nothing. And so everywhere. We have a very good aircraft Su-34. This attack, the only modern aircraft, on which stands the jammers, and can completely safely overcome the defense and throw the missile. But, unfortunately, the plant on which they are made, they can annually make one. Salaries at the plant is small, he is in a major city of Novosibirsk, where the salary does not solve anything, and a man with a normal degree in Engineering, engineering, technology, may come to another plant, and make it exactly at 2-3-4 times higher. But we have what we have, and this must be selected. But how? .. Existing government problem: by 2015, 4 times more productive. How to do this if, for example, the average speed of processing details with us in Russia - 2,5 thousand revolutions per minute. In the U.S. today, handling 30 to 50 thousand. High speed machining - 300-400 000 revolutions per minute, I mean the heat-resistant alloys. That is, even on such simple example shows the difference in 15-20 times. All of our declarative statements under a have no basis, no objective reasons. The only prerequisite - We have a lot of smart people - are genetically and education. Just from China we are different in the intellect. In principle, we have a "point of no return" has passed. We do not overtake the world and have to run across the path, intercepting the expense of high intellect, will and resources. We have, unfortunately, no example where we have collected All these three factors together. We have no Beria, the Queen, then Kurchatovs. All for some reason it seems that the President is enough to say the Premier, Premier - Vice-Premier, Deputy Prime Minister - the Minister, and all will be. We know the president in the face of all the oil and gas industry workers and metallurgists. But to the head of KB Sukhoi could get to him, call or even meet - is excluded. By Joseph Vissarionovich they could get when they wanted. Yes, he called them, but they could always come to him on any question - for aircraft engines, missiles, bombs ... This is nothing! We, the gasoline the country, in the end, and gasoline, and polymetallic ores, and ore will be taken away. Leave except that the outlets, Building and casinos.
Those tasks that we need to solve in the allotted time, require considerable resources. And we of course, lacking. With this plant we decide not to plant the problem and the problem state. We - "state-" the enterprise. The state thus is aside and does not give money. But for our monetary transactions jealously watches. For example, a certain country gives us 600 million dollars for the purchase of various equipment. We bring the equipment to 100 million, because it is impossible to bring everything at once. We immediately asked about the remaining 500: "Where Delhi? Maybe stole?".
That which we sights, something that we were ready, requires an entirely different understanding of the state. And not at the level of ministerial clerks. We're advocacy, releasing books and writing articles, conducting seminars, we bring here all the committees of the Duma, and so on. But this is not just us. In addition to our factory, there is another 5-6 points, where the same thing happens. These centers should be raised to a whole new level of relations with the state.
What is Siemens of Germany? Everything. This is Germany itself. And so it is possible to enumerate the various brands of the world powers - the pillars on which rests modern civilization. And our brands? Gas, oil .... Although we have only 10% of its oil supply to world markets. Next on the list - a Kalashnikov rifle. But now not all the army would go over to him - out of date. When Bush arrives, behind his back the economy and U.S. military power. When Putin arrives, everything is fine, but behind him is nothing. Supply to other countries, we too will soon nothing will. India, we will just about do not need. We have exhausted all Soviet novelty, and further we offer her nothing.
Bluff burst through a couple of years or much faster. Here's why: we are the eyes lose most of the manufacturing industry. Rates equal to the world, ruin the industry. Right now passed energy reform, I do not want to go there to climb, because in our hands is the only Russian gas turbine, and we got 54% of the direct efficiency. From next year the rates by region for electricity grows from 50 to 100% per year. Gas grows 25%. For plants this noose. Further. Do state employees increased wages, the labor market is changing, but labor productivity does not increase. All small Plants that do not export that do not play a big role - they are all going to die. And so dies the whole manufacturing industry. She falls apart before our eyes.
Previously the Ministry of Aviation Industry consisted of fifteen hundred picked men. And today it is 60 people. We had the academic and industrial science, and have been productive forces, that could do everything. Now this is not. The first thing we need - it is honest to recognize who we are and where we are. Grasp the real threat. This is the first. Second. You need to replace people who are at key locations. Managers need to provide everything you need: money, giving, protection. But it must all the time with them asking to do so they have taken responsibility, accepted it. If not, then the repression. Here, a no way out.
must give his, president, an indication that for three years, replaced the fuel combustion. The world today burns of 40-45%, we have the same - 18-20%. World tends reach 60% efficiency, and we go only by 22%. That is 1 to 3.
Let's move on to other equipment. Gas in the forward loop can simply be banned. We must remove all the fuel oil boiler. Comes to me head of the rural district and asks black oil boiler convert to gas, but it needs 20 million, I do not give. A subsidy on fuel oil boiler up to 100 million. The same is madness! And if it is prohibited by law in the oil, then everything will be okay. Need entire legislation that would prevent lift rates at low efficiency. The political problem should be supported by technical action. Everyone wants to live well, but nobody wants to work. In Chubais today personal tragedy. It consists in the fact that buyers are fragmented RAO UES will refuse entry of new capacity. And when all this will open - at Chubais will be personal tragedy.
price for the nation, will be marginal. This will happen in our lifetimes. The whole world is now watching over us, he is ready to invade at any moment and use the situation to their advantage. Above that employs thousands of talented people. Prepared organizationally. Are we not aware of it? We forgotten how to make airplanes. For example, to make the main plane, we have no avionics, "the board" no, not for the composite wings, how do we do? Oh well. Gave money - 150 billion. And where is the person who will answer for all this? No names. Dry - Full Tupolev - Full Ilyushin - surname. And so on. There are political, ideological machine, while it is technically a machine that performs the same function as the political. Only know about it less. She not declare their intentions, for it is the politicians do. But it defines all the real possibilities of the country. If today is the B-2 can fly to Yugoslavia of America, otbombit and back, this is one situation. Today, we can not build an aircraft carrier, which has 5,000 officers and men running around the hold, you can do such a ship, which opened the hatches and start 5000 cruise missiles simultaneously. And the carrier delivers them, as earlier served on the cruiser shells, so it feeds cruise missiles, and can simultaneously serve as 2,5 thousand pieces. And so a warship, where 300-400 people, could destroy one of the average European state. And half of these supersonic missiles and a half - subsonic. And we did not put a rocket on storage, we only maintain our heritage from the USSR.
Do We Need a President - a military technocrat? I think not. It can be of any profession - writer, lawyer and economist. But all around him need to be collected a decent and knowledgeable people - a real elite, the aristocracy. And in that aristocracy should be technocrats. They should be kept close to the president. And we lose time. All our clerk and as clerk born. They were not in any projects, they in no way directed, they are really nothing do not know. It's useless people. Security officer can not be chairman of the Military Industrial Commission.
state must be different. It must be strong in many respects. It must be an infrastructure strong. Arrives at Sheremetyevo airport, and there mess. The state must be healthy. I'm talking about the physical health. Russian for foreigners - a country with a decreasing population of very poor quality. Country declares that we will develop something else, but it's all bluff! We have to have a nuclear plant site. There did transportation system warheads, decontamination submarines, nuclear systems, cassette mining. Now there is this all there, now we're doing for our components for gas turbines. Inside there is a production of precision valves nuclear contours. We offer the State to make orders for these contours for "Nuclear Project 2", as they call it Kiriyenko. Order to refuse, but offer buy all the shops in which we produce. That is the level of corruption in the country such that it is already affecting foundations of the state. In Gazprom is impossible to put a single gas turbine, without paying a commission is not clear to whom, who have an obscene amount, it is much more than 20%. It turns out that the suppliers VAT paid twice: first, the State 18%, and then fees - 20%. No compensation, only 38% VAT. This is a full timeout. The state must be strong, healthy, educated. It should solve the problem of overcoming the demographic well. Maybe not quite overcome the traditional way. If I could, and the total insemination and cloning, and something else. I believe that we can sacrifice moral principles in order to preserve the ethnic group.
need to gather people who know and appreciate all the pluses and minuses. We do not have enough workers, engineers. We do not have anything to hold the territory. Should be 400 million Soviet people. And we have to Moreover, not Soviet. Hence, we should be even greater. We also distribute the idiotic people. Why do people want in Moscow? There, their abundance, and Siberia pants without people.
ideology of the state do not. Nobody wants to do for the country, let's just money. Of all the graduates, with whom we work, only of 15% we can grow the elite. 50% - a swamp. They were neither Octobrists or pioneers. Everything else - generally sucks.
Sometimes I feel that I do not work, and serve. Set and stand, no matter what. I work at the spot on which my destiny has set and all. I am not alone, we have a lot of people, dozens of people think so same as me. They are different people. Someone 75 someone 60 someone 40, and there are those who just turned 30.
What do we do? Leave in the U.S., or what? Just leave everything? To be sure that will come after us new people, in which all bloom? But no such people. I think that for so long can not continue. I guess that all changed needed a push from the outside. It is possible that a military conflict that would be much worse than Chechnya and Ossetia. Or sudden resignation of the government, or coup in the country. I do not know. I only know that there must be some serious changes. Somewhere in the parade falls Tu-160 on the head chiefs. It's really very dangerous. This old flies. I saw how destroyed all the plants, I realized that we might be in the bottle neck, when we come and say: guys, give whatever you like - just help.
at all, in Russian history happens the miracle which is the driving torque. Russian miracle, which draws from terrible hopeless situations. Miracle - it is a war, the phenomenon of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Stalin, even the appearance of early Putin in the early 2000's. These things are unpredictable, they foreshadowed the course of the preceding events. And now there historical improvisation, which breaks the whole situation.
The probability of this Impromptus enormous. If this does not happen - hence, would not the country. But there are forces that will produce a miracle. This becomes clear more and more people. Once all have different attitudes to this knowledge. Someone is trying to extract profit of yourself, someone is indifferent, someone with attention, and it is that someone will soon act to help his country. Personally, I see its role in maintaining the technological capabilities of the country. One of the largest world's finances have on technical upgrading. Before we started these deliveries, the plant was forced to sign a lot of documents, the vast number of constraints - that this equipment, we will not do any biological or chemical weapons or missiles. Inside there is a serious computer storage of information, and when repairmen come out of this company, then they see what we do - for speed, voltage, which metal handle. One day a repairman drank, took me and says: "What do you think we do not know what you doing on our machines?" All we see and know. Simply, we are silent, we are helping Russia to the world has not remained generally unipolar. Do you have an opportunity at least to do something against this. "This is representative of a very serious company one of the pillars of the world's supply. They put us a hundred machines, and are we on a par with Europe to do whatever we want. Now, if we also state our like this played up? Its his? But no. This machine, which can be processed metal at the molecular level - is electrochemical machining. This is crazy accuracy and quality. Therefore, the efficiency increases, falling fuel costs, grow more important indicators.
The plant has a very complicated relationship with authority. I will not go, explain the surface. We have our share of the state. When we were making engines for the Tu-154 and Il-76, we did not need anybody. For ten years we have bought one KB, attached 10 plants, where the state's share was 2%. We have cruise missiles, engines for fighter aircraft, engines for training planes. We are told: let's take back the plant. As soon as I give to the plant, then I'll sit in the waiting room of any official, which itself I would not put the master. I do not I want to work with people who represent the state. They have crippled psychology. For example, people want water. Someone from the source is selling water. Psychology so - what to buy water, you simply take away the source. The same psychology of today's state.
flew the Su-35. The next year, rising fifth generation fighter aircraft. On our engines, among other things. Very nice plane. We are finishing the testing of a new cruise missile. We have our engines increase the range of its flight in 2 times. Generic missile for all the armed forces. Previously, each of the armed forces had its own rocket. The same idiocy! In 80 types of troops engines. The main advantages of the new aircraft: stealth, supersonic afterburning speed, weapons inside the fuselage. In order to build something that necessary for the country, you need to build new cities, new productions, give birth and nurture new people. We must return to the experience that was the Soviet Union. We need to develop small towns, invest in their money. So it will be to develop production. All the children of scientists from the closed cities is very advanced intellectually. They all go to study in Moscow, and even further, and neither returned. And why would they go back into poverty? All technical colleges are preparing or auto mechanics or secretaries, or hairdressers. I am working after these vocational schools do not need it on modern machines can not work. I have to relearn them again. Minister of Education should be here with such a head, with his fist and an iron will. Fursenko is not the man.
Inozemtsev, an economist, said that development is impossible in Russia because that the elite of the country to receive funds for their existence from the gasoline economy rather than on innovation.
We could sell all the gas to China. China would have bought. But we do not define who we are and who we are. Under the table - an account in Western banks, real estate in London, and people are talking about "strong position relative to the West." We are waiting to begin the financing of military R & D activities. Instead, the decision on arms reduction. BBC should be reduced from 88 000 to 35 000. This signed Serdyukov. Fleet - from 300 to 72 surface ships. Who then Serdyukov? Ivanov - an empty passenger, he even said irrelevantly. At least one plant was record its meetings or meetings? After visiting ministers, Deputy Prime Minister, ask questions, ostensibly written protocol. Then, as a result there is only one TV picture. At our factory he visited 2 times with an interval of 3 years. No question he has not decided a single decision is not adopted. How can this be?
must put sverhtsel for the country. Need to change a lot of laws. For example, to prohibit by law to enter into any office if the person does not served in the Army. Also legislated to prohibit a property in other countries, if you hold public office. A person who serves must fully declare their income. Unable to run the state, and thus fill their pockets.
When Peter the Great the man who for some reason said, was the king at arm's length. And now the President and those most responsible person a lot of useless people. Putin we had at the plant. For two days we were visited and said: "For God's sake, do not say anything, we decide." It was June 2000. But until now, our problem was never solved. That such things - darkness. Kasyanov, Stepashin, Mironov, Mikhailov, Commander of the Navy - we all were, but nobody does not want to listen. In Russia engines for cruise missiles did not. They were made in Ukraine. Therefore, a discussion. What to do? Enter into a strategic dependence on Ukraine? Putin suddenly turns around and says: "Addresses, turnout will be wet." The Director said that to solve the problem of preventing war. As a result, we have built spetsproizvodstvo, built a test base, and today we have completely solved the problem. For three years we have built. The decision was taken to Putin, but there was no peace and no money was given. After Putin's all gone like clockwork. Americans are now invested huge money in the creation of the engine from the minimum number of parts: 2 monokolesa, turbine, engine, and flew. Our missiles are now worth a million dollars from the Americans - 200 000. It's a fantastic thing. And under those developed by the engines in America, creating new technology, trained people - and get a huge payoff. Then they will remove the pilots from their aircraft. People will sit at the computer, and each programmer will maintain a 02/03 aircraft. What is the pilot? This seat, parachute, catapult ... Risk! Then you burn millions of fuel to train these pilots. And then age factor - in 20 years began in 1940 - ended his career, waiting for retirement. We would also undertake the development and manufacture of aircraft without pilots. But we need the will and responsibility. They have a single-engine plane, we have a twin. Thus, our plane before it becomes more expensive. Soon we all would lose any price advantages. All meetings are held highbrow commissions for the sake of the first flight, that is, for the sake of the television picture. Anything else anyone not necessary. The rollout, the launch will come to all. Conscience, something no one else.
But to reach that goal if Tskhinvali shake-up that could be obtained? Positive that at least made the decision to strike. The kick is not misspent. The war was carried out conceptually. But where Gori, where Belgrade? Americans have been destroyed power, television, bridges, police, Ministry of Defense and the Central SPRYU without casualties. If it were possible, it should have done the same thing.
If Ukraine joins NATO, the first thing they Yushchenko ordered to send to Iraq 2.3 division. What do you think, do not send? Send. In order to make the independent republics Ajaria, the Crimea, we must prepare. Most graduates of Moscow State Institute of intelligence refuse to go - 75% failure rate. They do not like the long and dusty pit. Serdyukov sold training center for illegal immigrants on the ruble. And now, where they cook?
Now Putin and Medvedev. I think that the president of a country can not think of themselves and about his family. If the President thinks about the welfare of the country through the prism of his personal welfare, then this country is doomed. Can not be responsible for 140 million the man behind this great country and at the same time to think about their own safety. It seems they do not think.
We know how many pieces to be done for prototypes, and how many will buy the series, nobody knows. Today almost completely fallen polytechnic education. We have a huge number of graduates from the MAI. I ask the Institute: "Why are you so bad cook dvigatelistov? "And they laugh and say:" Why? " The best professionals out either in America or in Israel, and the remaining 80% of the specialty does not work. They need only MAI Diploma as a brand. "And then one by one, all lead to the collapse. As soon discover that we are not able to respond to technical challenges, we are immediately erase from the face of the earth. Today, technical direction - to resolve the issue rate of missiles and aircraft, rapid start. If the White House decides to cause по какой-то местности удар с воздуха, то в течение двух часов эта команда Президента должна быть исполнена. Что это значит? Это значит, создается платформа, ie, it's a plane, which must fly at a speed of 4.6 sound velocities, and the rocket, which flies 7.9 sound velocities. Withstand this speed, ie detect, catch and destroy it is virtually impossible. Ordinary, non-nuclear, high-precision warhead resolve all issues, nuclear weapons are no longer needed. Create a system Defense against these weapons is impossible, because the cost of creating these systems in the thousands and millions of times will be greater than the cost of creation is these systems. To catch a missile, which flies at 8 swings, you must have a missile that flies at speeds of 12 strides, plus you must have supervychisliteli, which should follow the objects, a huge surveillance system. What is the weakness of our country? We ignore all the trends that exist in the world. We go to some their identity by which unknown to date. We are stepping on the rake or two, or three times a day and night - every day.
I think, being of sound mind, that war would be. And the war will be very serious. It will happen much faster than anyone thinks. But the country is not ready for it. Do not be afraid if we are kicked out of the Group of Eight, but scary, if we declare a technological blockade. We have no machines, no huge amount of modern materials, no new elements, not even a tool. If you stop the supply of tools from Sweden, Japan, USA and Israel, we will have nothing to treat the metal, which is required for the aircraft. Work of the commission. For example, would like to recreate the Soviet military-industrial commission. The result is a mockery of the body which in Soviet times could solve any issue in the country, all the most difficult tasks. Today's body simply can not solve anything, and it works for some unknown reason. Anyone who asks for discussion issues - the troublemaker, the next time you can simply call. Everyone says that our weapons were very expensive. And why? Bought it in minute quantities, and to contain the plants, calculated on the entire process chain, you must have machining, welding, must have protective coating, all assembly plants, test sites, stands and booths. The amount that is ordered, obviously unprofitable. Plants spetsmetallurgii that ensure production of high-temperature alloys based on titanium, chromium, nickel, tungsten, they are loaded on 8-10% of capacity, and power have to keep everything. In that world, which is the largest consumer, we do not wait and there will not be allowed. China is by all indicators of capacities in the year introduces more than we have in general.
We are serious dwarfs or nanovelikany. We shied away from the extreme to extreme. We should all take advice from the West, make friends with him, and all of it to get - the license, technology, and stuff, stuff, stuff. Then we need to develop completely autonomous, we want to immediately have composite aircraft polukompozitnye engines. We all want, but you do not understand that to build a plant for production of composite materials Aircraft must have a huge sales volumes. But our orders never will recover these costs. The State explains why not give money. "Steal everything." Even control systems for the money the state does not believe it. And rightly so, that does not believe! There is a vicious circle, and no light at the end of the tunnel is not, and can not be. Creation of various companies end up in failure, and no one to ask. But nevertheless, we have an enormous advantage. We are not dead yet not quite grown old people who participated in major projects of the Soviet Union, who received a classical education and who have the ideology that they can convey. Who know what to do technically.
But among people who have the technical knowledge and those that manage money - a colossal wall. Between creators and the power, by strange coincidence, turned out to people who are not liable for anything. They set themselves the task at all costs to hold on to their privileged position, no matter what. This situation leads to frustration. Start to think that the country from collapse can only get those funds, which so skillfully Stalin. Another will not. We rolled down to the very serious repression. Say: "We gave you the money? Given. And where are they? Why fifteen years built submarine, built it, and the missiles to it, however, did not?". And so in each industry.
president became acquainted with the complex Iskander missiles there, we send thousands of kilometers away, there are our engines. The President talked with the developer of the complex 3 hours, we expect a decision on the construction of factories, because Iskander should be on line. As a result it ends nothing. And so everywhere. We have a very good aircraft Su-34. This attack, the only modern aircraft, on which stands the jammers, and can completely safely overcome the defense and throw the missile. But, unfortunately, the plant on which they are made, they can annually make one. Salaries at the plant is small, he is in a major city of Novosibirsk, where the salary does not solve anything, and a man with a normal degree in Engineering, engineering, technology, may come to another plant, and make it exactly at 2-3-4 times higher. But we have what we have, and this must be selected. But how? .. Existing government problem: by 2015, 4 times more productive. How to do this if, for example, the average speed of processing details with us in Russia - 2,5 thousand revolutions per minute. In the U.S. today, handling 30 to 50 thousand. High speed machining - 300-400 000 revolutions per minute, I mean the heat-resistant alloys. That is, even on such simple example shows the difference in 15-20 times. All of our declarative statements under a have no basis, no objective reasons. The only prerequisite - We have a lot of smart people - are genetically and education. Just from China we are different in the intellect. In principle, we have a "point of no return" has passed. We do not overtake the world and have to run across the path, intercepting the expense of high intellect, will and resources. We have, unfortunately, no example where we have collected All these three factors together. We have no Beria, the Queen, then Kurchatovs. All for some reason it seems that the President is enough to say the Premier, Premier - Vice-Premier, Deputy Prime Minister - the Minister, and all will be. We know the president in the face of all the oil and gas industry workers and metallurgists. But to the head of KB Sukhoi could get to him, call or even meet - is excluded. By Joseph Vissarionovich they could get when they wanted. Yes, he called them, but they could always come to him on any question - for aircraft engines, missiles, bombs ... This is nothing! We, the gasoline the country, in the end, and gasoline, and polymetallic ores, and ore will be taken away. Leave except that the outlets, Building and casinos.
Those tasks that we need to solve in the allotted time, require considerable resources. And we of course, lacking. With this plant we decide not to plant the problem and the problem state. We - "state-" the enterprise. The state thus is aside and does not give money. But for our monetary transactions jealously watches. For example, a certain country gives us 600 million dollars for the purchase of various equipment. We bring the equipment to 100 million, because it is impossible to bring everything at once. We immediately asked about the remaining 500: "Where Delhi? Maybe stole?".
That which we sights, something that we were ready, requires an entirely different understanding of the state. And not at the level of ministerial clerks. We're advocacy, releasing books and writing articles, conducting seminars, we bring here all the committees of the Duma, and so on. But this is not just us. In addition to our factory, there is another 5-6 points, where the same thing happens. These centers should be raised to a whole new level of relations with the state.
What is Siemens of Germany? Everything. This is Germany itself. And so it is possible to enumerate the various brands of the world powers - the pillars on which rests modern civilization. And our brands? Gas, oil .... Although we have only 10% of its oil supply to world markets. Next on the list - a Kalashnikov rifle. But now not all the army would go over to him - out of date. When Bush arrives, behind his back the economy and U.S. military power. When Putin arrives, everything is fine, but behind him is nothing. Supply to other countries, we too will soon nothing will. India, we will just about do not need. We have exhausted all Soviet novelty, and further we offer her nothing.
Bluff burst through a couple of years or much faster. Here's why: we are the eyes lose most of the manufacturing industry. Rates equal to the world, ruin the industry. Right now passed energy reform, I do not want to go there to climb, because in our hands is the only Russian gas turbine, and we got 54% of the direct efficiency. From next year the rates by region for electricity grows from 50 to 100% per year. Gas grows 25%. For plants this noose. Further. Do state employees increased wages, the labor market is changing, but labor productivity does not increase. All small Plants that do not export that do not play a big role - they are all going to die. And so dies the whole manufacturing industry. She falls apart before our eyes.
Previously the Ministry of Aviation Industry consisted of fifteen hundred picked men. And today it is 60 people. We had the academic and industrial science, and have been productive forces, that could do everything. Now this is not. The first thing we need - it is honest to recognize who we are and where we are. Grasp the real threat. This is the first. Second. You need to replace people who are at key locations. Managers need to provide everything you need: money, giving, protection. But it must all the time with them asking to do so they have taken responsibility, accepted it. If not, then the repression. Here, a no way out.
must give his, president, an indication that for three years, replaced the fuel combustion. The world today burns of 40-45%, we have the same - 18-20%. World tends reach 60% efficiency, and we go only by 22%. That is 1 to 3.
Let's move on to other equipment. Gas in the forward loop can simply be banned. We must remove all the fuel oil boiler. Comes to me head of the rural district and asks black oil boiler convert to gas, but it needs 20 million, I do not give. A subsidy on fuel oil boiler up to 100 million. The same is madness! And if it is prohibited by law in the oil, then everything will be okay. Need entire legislation that would prevent lift rates at low efficiency. The political problem should be supported by technical action. Everyone wants to live well, but nobody wants to work. In Chubais today personal tragedy. It consists in the fact that buyers are fragmented RAO UES will refuse entry of new capacity. And when all this will open - at Chubais will be personal tragedy.
price for the nation, will be marginal. This will happen in our lifetimes. The whole world is now watching over us, he is ready to invade at any moment and use the situation to their advantage. Above that employs thousands of talented people. Prepared organizationally. Are we not aware of it? We forgotten how to make airplanes. For example, to make the main plane, we have no avionics, "the board" no, not for the composite wings, how do we do? Oh well. Gave money - 150 billion. And where is the person who will answer for all this? No names. Dry - Full Tupolev - Full Ilyushin - surname. And so on. There are political, ideological machine, while it is technically a machine that performs the same function as the political. Only know about it less. She not declare their intentions, for it is the politicians do. But it defines all the real possibilities of the country. If today is the B-2 can fly to Yugoslavia of America, otbombit and back, this is one situation. Today, we can not build an aircraft carrier, which has 5,000 officers and men running around the hold, you can do such a ship, which opened the hatches and start 5000 cruise missiles simultaneously. And the carrier delivers them, as earlier served on the cruiser shells, so it feeds cruise missiles, and can simultaneously serve as 2,5 thousand pieces. And so a warship, where 300-400 people, could destroy one of the average European state. And half of these supersonic missiles and a half - subsonic. And we did not put a rocket on storage, we only maintain our heritage from the USSR.
Do We Need a President - a military technocrat? I think not. It can be of any profession - writer, lawyer and economist. But all around him need to be collected a decent and knowledgeable people - a real elite, the aristocracy. And in that aristocracy should be technocrats. They should be kept close to the president. And we lose time. All our clerk and as clerk born. They were not in any projects, they in no way directed, they are really nothing do not know. It's useless people. Security officer can not be chairman of the Military Industrial Commission.
state must be different. It must be strong in many respects. It must be an infrastructure strong. Arrives at Sheremetyevo airport, and there mess. The state must be healthy. I'm talking about the physical health. Russian for foreigners - a country with a decreasing population of very poor quality. Country declares that we will develop something else, but it's all bluff! We have to have a nuclear plant site. There did transportation system warheads, decontamination submarines, nuclear systems, cassette mining. Now there is this all there, now we're doing for our components for gas turbines. Inside there is a production of precision valves nuclear contours. We offer the State to make orders for these contours for "Nuclear Project 2", as they call it Kiriyenko. Order to refuse, but offer buy all the shops in which we produce. That is the level of corruption in the country such that it is already affecting foundations of the state. In Gazprom is impossible to put a single gas turbine, without paying a commission is not clear to whom, who have an obscene amount, it is much more than 20%. It turns out that the suppliers VAT paid twice: first, the State 18%, and then fees - 20%. No compensation, only 38% VAT. This is a full timeout. The state must be strong, healthy, educated. It should solve the problem of overcoming the demographic well. Maybe not quite overcome the traditional way. If I could, and the total insemination and cloning, and something else. I believe that we can sacrifice moral principles in order to preserve the ethnic group.
need to gather people who know and appreciate all the pluses and minuses. We do not have enough workers, engineers. We do not have anything to hold the territory. Should be 400 million Soviet people. And we have to Moreover, not Soviet. Hence, we should be even greater. We also distribute the idiotic people. Why do people want in Moscow? There, their abundance, and Siberia pants without people.
ideology of the state do not. Nobody wants to do for the country, let's just money. Of all the graduates, with whom we work, only of 15% we can grow the elite. 50% - a swamp. They were neither Octobrists or pioneers. Everything else - generally sucks.
Sometimes I feel that I do not work, and serve. Set and stand, no matter what. I work at the spot on which my destiny has set and all. I am not alone, we have a lot of people, dozens of people think so same as me. They are different people. Someone 75 someone 60 someone 40, and there are those who just turned 30.
What do we do? Leave in the U.S., or what? Just leave everything? To be sure that will come after us new people, in which all bloom? But no such people. I think that for so long can not continue. I guess that all changed needed a push from the outside. It is possible that a military conflict that would be much worse than Chechnya and Ossetia. Or sudden resignation of the government, or coup in the country. I do not know. I only know that there must be some serious changes. Somewhere in the parade falls Tu-160 on the head chiefs. It's really very dangerous. This old flies. I saw how destroyed all the plants, I realized that we might be in the bottle neck, when we come and say: guys, give whatever you like - just help.
at all, in Russian history happens the miracle which is the driving torque. Russian miracle, which draws from terrible hopeless situations. Miracle - it is a war, the phenomenon of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Stalin, even the appearance of early Putin in the early 2000's. These things are unpredictable, they foreshadowed the course of the preceding events. And now there historical improvisation, which breaks the whole situation.
The probability of this Impromptus enormous. If this does not happen - hence, would not the country. But there are forces that will produce a miracle. This becomes clear more and more people. Once all have different attitudes to this knowledge. Someone is trying to extract profit of yourself, someone is indifferent, someone with attention, and it is that someone will soon act to help his country. Personally, I see its role in maintaining the technological capabilities of the country. One of the largest world's finances have on technical upgrading. Before we started these deliveries, the plant was forced to sign a lot of documents, the vast number of constraints - that this equipment, we will not do any biological or chemical weapons or missiles. Inside there is a serious computer storage of information, and when repairmen come out of this company, then they see what we do - for speed, voltage, which metal handle. One day a repairman drank, took me and says: "What do you think we do not know what you doing on our machines?" All we see and know. Simply, we are silent, we are helping Russia to the world has not remained generally unipolar. Do you have an opportunity at least to do something against this. "This is representative of a very serious company one of the pillars of the world's supply. They put us a hundred machines, and are we on a par with Europe to do whatever we want. Now, if we also state our like this played up? Its his? But no. This machine, which can be processed metal at the molecular level - is electrochemical machining. This is crazy accuracy and quality. Therefore, the efficiency increases, falling fuel costs, grow more important indicators.
The plant has a very complicated relationship with authority. I will not go, explain the surface. We have our share of the state. When we were making engines for the Tu-154 and Il-76, we did not need anybody. For ten years we have bought one KB, attached 10 plants, where the state's share was 2%. We have cruise missiles, engines for fighter aircraft, engines for training planes. We are told: let's take back the plant. As soon as I give to the plant, then I'll sit in the waiting room of any official, which itself I would not put the master. I do not I want to work with people who represent the state. They have crippled psychology. For example, people want water. Someone from the source is selling water. Psychology so - what to buy water, you simply take away the source. The same psychology of today's state.
flew the Su-35. The next year, rising fifth generation fighter aircraft. On our engines, among other things. Very nice plane. We are finishing the testing of a new cruise missile. We have our engines increase the range of its flight in 2 times. Generic missile for all the armed forces. Previously, each of the armed forces had its own rocket. The same idiocy! In 80 types of troops engines. The main advantages of the new aircraft: stealth, supersonic afterburning speed, weapons inside the fuselage. In order to build something that necessary for the country, you need to build new cities, new productions, give birth and nurture new people. We must return to the experience that was the Soviet Union. We need to develop small towns, invest in their money. So it will be to develop production. All the children of scientists from the closed cities is very advanced intellectually. They all go to study in Moscow, and even further, and neither returned. And why would they go back into poverty? All technical colleges are preparing or auto mechanics or secretaries, or hairdressers. I am working after these vocational schools do not need it on modern machines can not work. I have to relearn them again. Minister of Education should be here with such a head, with his fist and an iron will. Fursenko is not the man.
Inozemtsev, an economist, said that development is impossible in Russia because that the elite of the country to receive funds for their existence from the gasoline economy rather than on innovation.
We could sell all the gas to China. China would have bought. But we do not define who we are and who we are. Under the table - an account in Western banks, real estate in London, and people are talking about "strong position relative to the West." We are waiting to begin the financing of military R & D activities. Instead, the decision on arms reduction. BBC should be reduced from 88 000 to 35 000. This signed Serdyukov. Fleet - from 300 to 72 surface ships. Who then Serdyukov? Ivanov - an empty passenger, he even said irrelevantly. At least one plant was record its meetings or meetings? After visiting ministers, Deputy Prime Minister, ask questions, ostensibly written protocol. Then, as a result there is only one TV picture. At our factory he visited 2 times with an interval of 3 years. No question he has not decided a single decision is not adopted. How can this be?
must put sverhtsel for the country. Need to change a lot of laws. For example, to prohibit by law to enter into any office if the person does not served in the Army. Also legislated to prohibit a property in other countries, if you hold public office. A person who serves must fully declare their income. Unable to run the state, and thus fill their pockets.
When Peter the Great the man who for some reason said, was the king at arm's length. And now the President and those most responsible person a lot of useless people. Putin we had at the plant. For two days we were visited and said: "For God's sake, do not say anything, we decide." It was June 2000. But until now, our problem was never solved. That such things - darkness. Kasyanov, Stepashin, Mironov, Mikhailov, Commander of the Navy - we all were, but nobody does not want to listen. In Russia engines for cruise missiles did not. They were made in Ukraine. Therefore, a discussion. What to do? Enter into a strategic dependence on Ukraine? Putin suddenly turns around and says: "Addresses, turnout will be wet." The Director said that to solve the problem of preventing war. As a result, we have built spetsproizvodstvo, built a test base, and today we have completely solved the problem. For three years we have built. The decision was taken to Putin, but there was no peace and no money was given. After Putin's all gone like clockwork. Americans are now invested huge money in the creation of the engine from the minimum number of parts: 2 monokolesa, turbine, engine, and flew. Our missiles are now worth a million dollars from the Americans - 200 000. It's a fantastic thing. And under those developed by the engines in America, creating new technology, trained people - and get a huge payoff. Then they will remove the pilots from their aircraft. People will sit at the computer, and each programmer will maintain a 02/03 aircraft. What is the pilot? This seat, parachute, catapult ... Risk! Then you burn millions of fuel to train these pilots. And then age factor - in 20 years began in 1940 - ended his career, waiting for retirement. We would also undertake the development and manufacture of aircraft without pilots. But we need the will and responsibility. They have a single-engine plane, we have a twin. Thus, our plane before it becomes more expensive. Soon we all would lose any price advantages. All meetings are held highbrow commissions for the sake of the first flight, that is, for the sake of the television picture. Anything else anyone not necessary. The rollout, the launch will come to all. Conscience, something no one else.
But to reach that goal if Tskhinvali shake-up that could be obtained? Positive that at least made the decision to strike. The kick is not misspent. The war was carried out conceptually. But where Gori, where Belgrade? Americans have been destroyed power, television, bridges, police, Ministry of Defense and the Central SPRYU without casualties. If it were possible, it should have done the same thing.
If Ukraine joins NATO, the first thing they Yushchenko ordered to send to Iraq 2.3 division. What do you think, do not send? Send. In order to make the independent republics Ajaria, the Crimea, we must prepare. Most graduates of Moscow State Institute of intelligence refuse to go - 75% failure rate. They do not like the long and dusty pit. Serdyukov sold training center for illegal immigrants on the ruble. And now, where they cook?
Now Putin and Medvedev. I think that the president of a country can not think of themselves and about his family. If the President thinks about the welfare of the country through the prism of his personal welfare, then this country is doomed. Can not be responsible for 140 million the man behind this great country and at the same time to think about their own safety. It seems they do not think.
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