November 5, 2010 at 9:35 AM
aleksei_44 Originally posted by
Here that little bureaucratic tihushnik, just a simply a Matveychev adviser Oleg thinks about the Russian people.
pleased him ratings of Russia concerning the level of corruption. Angry Mouse coat.
Meet: Matveychev Oleg
Counsellor of the Russian President for Domestic Policy.
most sweet in comments to psto His Honour, but psto too nervous. ( entertaining reading, especially for those who still have illusions. )
tanks moved into the "United Russia » « United Russia will hold a cleansing of the statements in the blog
- 11.11.10 19:53 - TEXT: Elizabeth Surnacheva
«United Russia" Boris Gryzlov, and personally promise to deal with a former employee of the Presidential Administration Oleg Matveychevym, called for "crush the opposition tanks. Scandal in the blogosphere, caused statements of the former employee of the Presidential Administration Oleg Matveycheva spin doctor, now touched the party "United Russia".
«This is to say or think only in a state of insanity. We will understand, "- wrote Thursday in his blog, the chairman of the Duma, the head of the supreme council party "United Russia" Boris Gryzlov. It was the first post Gryzlov Learn (blog opened on 30 September last year), which is lexically and thematically not like Official press releases.
So Gryzlov responded to a collective letter to bloggers, outraged at his remarks Matveycheva LJ. "... Power is the shepherds and cattle are cattle herders who graze ... I dream ... to one day have gathered all of you on the big Independence ... together with all of your banners and shouting officials at the lights! No corruption! power, people! ... and that's when all you got out went to Panzer Army and the whole svolotu ... reeled on to tracks, burnt to all red-hot iron, "- wrote on 3 November in his blog Matveychev (punctuation retained).
Who is Oleg Matveychev
Oleg Matveychev - well-known political strategist, bestselling author of "donkey's ears flap", and since 2006 served as a consultant, then Adviser Office of the President for Domestic Policy in 2010, gone ...
Perturbation of bloggers fueled by confusion with the official biography of the former official. At first it was called an advisor to President (from his once an adviser to management on internal politics of the presidential administration Matveycheva fired in early 2010), followed by vice-governor of the Vologda region (until the Governor Vyacheslav Pozgalyov has posted to twitter that Matveychev resigned since October 1, long before the odious posts).
Once screenshot statements spin doctor flew ðóíåò, Matveychev wrote that his "sentence of the tanks was a regular network provocation, which designed to show how easy it really is excited that evil spirits. " After that familiar Matveycheva wrote that the scandal has contributed to promotion upcoming book spin doctor. Learn
But users continue to demand an answer for the words of a former government clerk. They drew attention to the fact that Matveychev has a certain position in the party "United Russia" - is included in the commission of the Presidium of the General Council of the EP for the Coordination of advocacy in the regions.
As a result, the blogger Max Averbukh wrote a letter to Gryzlov, in which he requested clarification on whether the statements of ex-officials and party figure of the official position of the United Russia party.
Gryzlov, wrote Thursday that he saw the letter "only today". "I am very sorry that Gryzlov manipulated some forces that slipped him a paper, and he did not understand and began to give a reaction, "- said Matveychev in the air," Russian News Service (RSN). "We need more view, whose authority in the party above - Gryzlov, or my "- he added.
however, does still Matveychev any relation to the party, is unknown. In RSN broadcast, he stated that "never was and is not in the" United Russia ".
But in the summer of 2010 the decision of the Presidium of the General Council of the party he had actually been introduced of the advocacy committee. The chairman of this committee deputy Irina Spring refused to explain, is there now Matveychev in this structure . "Did we have to tell you about it?" - United Russia, angry, and added that aware of the situation and statements Gryzlov.
«All that is needed, Boris V. already announced, "- said Spring.
Secretary of the Presidium of the General Council of the Party Sergei Neverov has explained to that when a commission headed by the Presidium Member of the Presidium of the General Council of the party (and so is Spring), the formation of the personnel of the commission - the privilege of its chairman.
Does Matveychev to the Commission Spring - Neverova unknown. Matveychev himself continues to write in a blog. Judging by the accounts of bloggers who are familiar with Matveychevym, the disgraced political consultant can be in Italy.
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