Thursday, March 3, 2011

Anusol Actually Get Rid Of

Russia has the record for inflation in comparison with EU countries

Новость на Newsland: Продукты в РФ дорожают в шесть раз быстрей
Russia in January became the record inflation in comparison with EU countries. At the same foods in Russia rose in price in 6 times faster than in the EU, according to Federal State Statistics Service.
According to some data, which leads Finmarket, increase in food prices in Russia in January 2011 was 3,1%, which is 6 times greater than the rise in the cost of food in the EU (0,5%).
In January, among the countries EU the largest increase in consumer food prices compared to the previous month was registered in Cyprus (3,7%), Slovenia (2.9%), Slovakia (2,6%), compared from January 2010 - in Estonia (10,4%), Latvia (8,5%), Hungary (8.3%). At the same time in selected EU countries (Netherlands, UK, Sweden, France, Denmark) in January prices food decreased by 0,1-0,7%.

Food prices in Russia increased from January 2010 to 16,4% (average for EU countries by 2,7%).
In Russia, as well as the average for EU countries, the largest rise in January is still noted for vegetables - by 14,8% and 2,0% respectively. Significantly increased the prices of fruit - on the 5,3% (in the European Union, prices declined by 0,3%), sugar, jam, honey, chocolate and sweets - by 2,7% (increased by 1,0%).
prices for oils and fats for the month increased in the Russian Federation an average of 2,5% (in the EU - 0,6%), bakery products and cereals - by 2,3% (by 0,2%). Meat and meat products rose by 1.5% (average for EU countries - 0,2%), fish and seafood as well as dairy products, cheese and eggs - by 1,2% (in the EU - by 0,8% and 0,2%).

Compared with January last year, in January 2011 in the European Union, most notably increased consumer prices for vegetables, fruits, fish and seafood, oils and fats.
Over the same period in Russia, as in the EU, the largest price increase was noted for vegetables - by 75,5% and 6,7%.
Oils and Fats in Russia for the year rose by 25,4% (in the European Union average - at 2.8%) dairy products, cheese and eggs - by 16,6% (1,7%). Prices of bread and cereals, as well as for fruits grown, respectively, by 15,4% and 14,4% (in the EU - 2,6% and 5,2%). Sugar, jam, honey, chocolate and sweets went up by 11,9% (2,4%), meat and meat products - 6.8% (by 1,1%), fish and seafood - 5,6% ( by 3,1%).
Overall inflation in Russia in January In 2011 amounted to 2,4% in the deflation in the EU 0.4%. Annual inflation in Russia in January amounted to 9,6% on average in the EU - 2,8%.
Daria Neklyudova

The growth of prices, rates and inflation. Part 2


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