Thursday, March 3, 2011

Broken Veins Below Breast


In his time on the bridge of perestroika Posner Donahue imagination of Soviet citizens were affected and then became a catch phrase one of the participants "have sex in the USSR no. The lady had in mind, we have a soulful love. Today, in developed countries, advanced information economy ("New economy", where manual labor is no more than 5% of the total employment of the nation), adults - they are called baby boomers for the teenage mind infantile and adult behavior of subjects - spend $ 20 billion a year on Viagra. Last - a medicine, more drugs to treat "erectile dysfunction. Antidepressants and medically unjustified and sexological cosmetic surgery are not used because patients are sick, but because they want to just look good - sexy, youthful and attractive.
main drug market in the West does not cover older and really sick people (their disease declared a natural result of aging), but patients of middle age - from 40 to 55 years, that is, the baby boomers. The discovery three years ago, Viagra by Pfaytser sharply inflated profits in the market is due to payments of this category of consumers. Company earnings the first quarter of 2000 alone due to megaproizvodstva Viagra increased by 1.2 billion dollars, ie 45% for a year! The U.S. accounts for 2.5 billion dollars Revenue for such highly specific drugs for impotence from the imaginary 4.3 billion worldwide turnover of aphrodisiacs. In North America for sale 19 Millard recipes for 6000000000 patients - the consumers of Viagra in the corresponding first quarter of 2000! Today Pfaytser exploring the possibilities of massive the sale of the funds frigid women as an aphrodisiac to increase libido, as is well known in Western popular guides sexopathology two thirds of the women declared "Marsianka or frigid supporters simulate orgasm. Some pharmacists in these conditions, proving directly benefit drugs for pregnant women, just as the followers of Nietzsche in the last century watering their own small children with vodka for early cultivation of these supermen!

July 5, 1946 in the world was a bikini bathing suit, which was voted by journalists, "an invitation to rape." French fashion designer (former designer of engines) L. Reyar saw a nuclear explosion, conducted by the U.S. at Bikini Atoll, the name for its overturning the world works. In a bikini four triangles: three in front and one behind. To fight the project J. Heim "atom" (the smallest swimsuit in the world), created Reyar slogan - "a swimsuit that is smaller than the smallest swimsuit in the world." Back in 1943, the U.S. government under The program of universal savings ordered to cut 10% the amount of tissue in swimsuit (that's where there was a planned economy!). The Frenchman offered to minimize the fabric to the size of patches on a string so that all could pass a through a wedding ring.
Catholic countries have banned the bikini, and the American League decency required to Hollywood do not shoot a movie bikini, because the suit "opens in the girl everything but the maiden name of her mother." However, B. Bardot popularized the bikini and in 1960, the American Singer B. Hiland immortalized taboo suit the song "The little yellow polka dot bikini, three years later Hollywood made a film," Beach Party "and the Puritan America capitulated in a few years before the recognition of co-education of children of different races. As a result, the total exposure and the beginning of the wake of sexual Revolution, Americans began to experience serious problems with potency. Sexual Revolution in fact led to the mental castration of men!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

"baby boomers" - "Am I nice? Am I sexy? "Text
know that baby boomers improve their quality of life and at the expense of surgery - they are literally walking on a knife edge for the sake of illusory values of youth, beauty and success. Of the total annual volume of surgical operations to 31.5 million in U.S. 3,000,000 or 10% are purely cosmetic. If we subtract from this number 700 000 corrective operations needed for medical reasons testimony, then 2,3 million transactions simply monstrous and terribly expensive. These recent transactions include: Breast Implants (132 thousand), removal of implants (43 thousand). breast reduction (70 thousand), neck and facial implant, laser skin treatment, liposuction (removal of fat), fat injections, ear reconstruction, transplantation hair and so on. In fact, all this is done with the 50-year-old teenagers passing time of life crisis mid le, and fearful the thought of their own frailty. The main issues of their life cycle becomes: "How do I look? I sexy? Am I popular? I look young? What do people think about my body? ". As a result, 40% of cosmetic surgeries performed on men aged 34 years. Text
crisis of Western culture artificially choreographed by making the bulk of the population in the Roman empire "popyulos, demanding" bread and circuses. "Massa at the same time it becomes completely Children of outlook and a collective response is likened to social animal, that is, individuals of living under the laws of the "second signal system, but do not mind. We have already noted that the "new violence" - the term adopted in the western humanist thought describes the phenomenon of transformation of the virtual death of the west Civilization in the death of the real.
In studies of postmodern culture, attention is drawn to the fact that the possession of a penis is unique advantage of men before God. Moreover, God created man as a "phallic creatures, so the main religious symbol of humanity - An erect phallus as the body. It is obvious that this kind of "new violence" means the recovery of interest in the sexual side of man, and hence and restoration of the pagan phallic initiation.
Against the "New Violence" and act in the periphery. Thus, in Russia at a meeting of Russian intelligentsia with the administration of Russian president on Aug. 19, 1996 (the day of celebrating the defeat of the coup), the writer F. Iskander and pianist Nikolai Petrov suggested introduce moral censorship in connection with the invasion on television screens of aggressive layer of sexual minorities, "all Penkin and Moses". However, "the lingering resistance" this proposal has Westerner Mstislav Rostropovich, citing his familiarity with the E. John, by which he understood the origins of homosexual rock. Itself division of people into gomofilov and homophobia and is a product of aggression "by the new violence."

Introduction to the secret removal of sexual taboos
Obviously, the term "introduction" wore for 90 years. a more suitable meaning, like the meaning of the term "conclusion" for 30 years ... The atmosphere removal of various taboos and prohibitions (that is not forbidden - is allowed "as the saying goes into the taste of cooperators from the highest tribune), was struck by the life of the USSR late 80's - early 90 years, in the widest range from the abolition of Article 6 of the Constitution of the Soviet Union until further notice in the minds of people of faith in a brighter future, the scientific world, solidarity, collectivism and a sense of justice.
Western ideology of the market in the form Libre eshanzhizma penetrated the grounds of human society, and prevailing by 1993 disengagement Westerners liberals and patriots pochvennikov resulted in addition to the civil war in the heart of the capital in opposition to sexual emancipation, pornografizma, aggressive eroticism of the female type and intoxicating zakompleksovannosti, shame, alienation from the male issues sex switching activity on social. On the side of the first intentions were Democrats, on the side of the second moods were "red-brown, or "communist-fascists" in eltsinistskoy terminology. (Nicknamed then quite symptomatic: "unctuously-tsinistskoy).
Meanwhile sad experience in the field of drugs and sex, which acquired Scandinavia showed that the more a country of rampant pornography and the more naked bodies on screen, the less actual sex acts, the lower the birth rate. Freedom of sexual images turned "castration" of men of western spa societies. Now such a fate awaits the entire western, and then a global "cheloveynik" and not save him, no Viagra.
In Russia, sex revolution took the form of contamination Western consciousness the ideas of Dr. Freud, programs of sex education in schools, the draft laws of the State Duma of erotic products, the appearance of "prezervativnogo lobby" in the Federal Assembly (the fraction of "Women of Russia"), ie concrete realities of domestic version of the Western sexual revolution. In the 60 years. This process was carried out by British secret services in the form of a conversion project Tevistokskogo thinking of young people and create konsyumeristskogo society in developed countries for the realization of the eternal problem of the British Empire - to undermine the production power geopolitical rivals.
Generation Baby bummerov, which came to power today in the West was young in 1968 It is adored modernist image of a "society of the spectacle, created in line with the ideas of the late Frankfurt School. The latter has emerged as an early project of ideological subversion of the Comintern against the decayed capital of Europe, then came under the influence and financing of British intelligence and was used after the collapse of the Third Reich and its totalitarian racist myth as a leading source of new myth of the West - the myth of the consumer. In it under the guise of criticism of consumer hysteria and its superficial symptoms - psychological alienation - proclaimed the ideal of emancipation of the individual in a free dialogue.
in consumer the world has the right at all - he can eat everything, because the state regularly pays taxes, but at the level of the stomach "neither bourgeois nor proletarian, for steak equalizes all. " In this society, even presidents look like psychoanalysts and the main thing here - "hog it like a pig and be flexible as a snake" - overeat in a wide range of products from food to food the patient intellect and degenerate art. For baby bummerov people - not just the stomach, He has a man-member, one-vagina, anus and man, there is one single antiratsionalny ban on man as a thinking substance, social matter. Remains naked individualism and sensual pleasure, in which society is reduced to the level of the individual interacting with others individual at the level of the epidermis, where there is no love, but there is a marriage and sex, no friendship, but only a business relationship. Meanwhile, in the blessed socialist past all this has been, for the past be relevant past, is essentially a potential future of humanity.
To Frankfurt School sex turns into a field of ideological struggle - in the space of liberation. For these freydomarksistskih but not neofreydistskih revolutionaries (Left-right), before the barricades go up, you should get rid of the bourgeois in himself and in his sexual pair - get rid of bed and tempted implementation of the phantasm. In sex begin to confront "our" and "not-ours" - deep archetypal model of the real and imaginary freedom. From this point to overcome the surface profane criticism of Western civilization are sent to the path of its most profound criticism - traditionalists R. Guenon, Alexander Dugin.
What concerns us today, as white men, as men in the mainstream of discussion topics? Attending the murder of white civilization, the white race (descendants iafeticheskoy branches of mankind) by talking about the collapse of the Atlantean race, and lemurs, the presence of a file genokod humanity of the pyramids and in Tibet (J. Muldashev) ... Russian, Russia for over 10 years is on the cutting edge of this giant cutters, cut-off 1.5 million Russian each year - the last of the autochthonous population of the planet! a
Netherlands, Sweden, foggy Albion are filled with people from the Afro-Asian countries. British women in recent years have given the population explosion, apparently fearing the full replacement of white descendants of the major cities of Britain. Yellow race again conquers America - Boston, gateway to the U.S. from Asia - is mayor-Chinese. In Israel, the white minority trying to defend their rights and voted for Bush, America's Jewish community with African-Americans voted for Gore A. ... Come out of the laboratories of the CIA or the African jungle AIDS mows down its victims among western aristocracy and artists. Blackens Europe, America yellow and red. Short-lived hour when Paris will be difficult to distinguish from Algeria, and the fair-haired Viking will look like the exotic wonder.
At the same time, the Afro-Asian countries do not use condoms, not drinking beer, China and the entire black continent gives a huge increase in population. Today, the European intellectuals (Roger Garaudy, for example) sees salvation in making Islam, with its rigid male attacking the logic, but this logic is flawed - it has no place for a woman. Woman diminished, she - is secondary, but this is wrong, because woman gives birth, the woman - the soul of the people. From the moment a woman came to be regarded as a man in Western civilization (Christianity and "axial time" Karl Jaspers), homosexual relations are no longer human meaning.
the part of the feminist movement in the West there is a clear aggression toward segregation of women in the "seksoterapevticheskih fronts." This is the position known American lesbian L. Fulani, who spoke with one voice with the party of reform R. Perry in the last presidential election. Initially, Fulani has worked with a black lesbian Gestalt therapist, and then she went to work New York Institute for Social Therapy and Research to F. Newman and began group therapy black women. In the course of therapy they have read the "Manifesto of the Communist the party of Marx, along with Newman and then turned to the legacy of LS Vygotsky, who discovered the difference between the actions of the subject of himself and others - this interval and has been called revolutionary activity. But this activity is directed against the norm and against men. I think that Vygotsky - this "Mozart of psychology" - would be aghast at the sight of the direction in which the destructive use of his ideas.

Against program coming out / coming out ° F the closet :
project antiseksualnoy counter
IS Cohn believes that the need to deepen the sexual revolution, We also insist on antiseksualnoy counterrevolution. Cohn writes: "To emancipate the male body and make it a subject of reflection and artistic representation culture has been, if not removed, then relax a number of prohibitions:
a) nakedness;
b) on male nudity;
c) on sexuality;
r) on homosexuality » 2
In the liberalization program, the mechanism out of his gay ghetto: the open admission and the adoption of his own homosexuality, coming out / coming out ° F the closet (the publication or exit from the closet). It is assumed that the most terrible consequences of prejudice society against gay poured into so-called unmotivated suicide and the more than more educated teenager, and the more cultured family (?). Poet DA Prigov recalls his experiences as a homosexual:

we had company from school
Athletes Honor
And the nice surprise
Committed suicide
They suspected nothing about
Us, me and him
Just wondering force my
; Grief and anxiety
amazing how they then
, seemed to my
                                           Молодым годам
especially for men
Same Con, sorry about the beautiful young gays and lesbians believe that the likelihood of suicide increases dramatically if they:
a) too early to publicly reveal his homosexuality;
b) are in connection with the violence and harassment;
to) try to solve their problems with alcohol and drugs;
d) rejected by their families 3
In contrast to this destructive rescue program sees us return to our roots, to the old Vedic roots and the culture of healthy masculinity - the purity, integrity life, notions of hierarchy, rank, harmonious worldview cosmogonic concept. So, off the Western sexual revolution - a revolution against the men flawed women - feminists with their raskompleksovannostyu, pornografizmom, longing - down with all kinds of perversions! As we were told by an American intellectual, If the U.S. wins the line of political correctness and tolerance, just adoration of minorities and humiliation values white man, the next president America will become blind one-legged black-gay. " This intellectual remembered the fate of Russian intellectuals, engaged in the "Landmarks" self-flagellation, and in practice - "beliberdyaevskimi satanic mass» ...
Long live the healthy, strong men and beautiful, strong woman pink give birth children! And forget about sexual minorities and their problems with Dr. Freud, led an entire army of psychotherapists and psychoanalysts with their sofas! Long live antiseksualnaya counterrevolution men who are learning all the fullness of life in the national and religious traditions of the people! Conspiracy white intellectuals - men will allow us to save humanity from the boiler mondialist "end of history"!
What is offered to men Conspiracy?
love more women as a soul of its people, produce a healthy and abundant offspring. Text
feel sorry for gays and lesbians, sympathize with them and love them like brothers as executors of the great mission of genetic cleansing humanity of disease genes.
Promote the opening of the gay and lesbian clubs brothels in major cities, allowing the worst part of "God's people" go on "no." Remain bearing nation - Orthodox non-Christians, working and living on the model of reality-Nav, right.
create conditions for the salvation of mankind updated the Russian people - to realize "Russian idea" through the implementation of the project ELEPHANT (Union of leftist organizations and people) as "the path of law" to the Russian socialism.
Such general model and outline the strategic developments within the framework of which it becomes clear to the dispute of the androgyne and its details such as the assessment of unconventional sexual orientation in the world of Tradition and the Postmodern. Without a methodology in these items does not understand!
However, "higher Sociology (degeneralogiya) captures three sides of degeneracy - sexual perversion, mental illness and birth defects. It provides guidance on finding degenerates primarily in the field of power relations, which forms a new look at the class struggle - the struggle of normal people with degenerates, forming the western analogue of the Soviet Comintern - GOMINTERN (where the Internet is having on the west side kind GOMINFORMOM). This aspect of the matter is very problematic describes G. Klimov, author unknown in the national scientific literature. It is advisable to give a certificate, a comment about Klimov and so-called "klimovschiny.

Help - Comment: Klimov and klimovschina
Klimov, Gregory (1918 born), a Soviet officer, military engineers in the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, he emigrated to the U.S. during the first "Evmigratsii. Resides in New York, the plenipotentiary representative of the Klimov Russia - Vladimir Mironov L. (Krasnodar).
major works GP Klimov in degeneralogii: "Berlin Kremlin" (2 nd edition published titled "Wings of serf"), "The prince of this world", "My name is legion", "Red Kabbalah", "God's people." The last two works represent a synopsis of the phonogram 75 hours of video lectures a course on "Higher Sociology recorded GP Klimov to be broadcast on the "Russian television." These video lectures are still nowhere in Russia Showing ...
GP Klimov more than 50 years studying the secrets of degeneration (degeneration) - what the Bible calls the devil and "ruler of this world." The author claimed In 1999, the U.S. is every third person - "Legionnaire" (according to Dr. Kinsey), and among the leaders of the IMF - 90% "of proprietary degenerates" and "Yeltsin and typed them team "- a gang of degenerates," planted to do what they do, quite successfully. "
GP Klimov, however, believes that Russia is theoretically may be normal government, for imbeciles are "good, bad and nasty." Business for small - there were by simple tests (just like piece of paper on a string, we determine whether there is a cat under the sofa) to determine exactly what imbeciles rule in the country. A normal person for a long time in power will not stay, for wolves to live - for wolves howl. That is why the question arises about the teachings of GP Klimov as a whole - on the global klimovschine ...
culture of death and culture of life: eschatology and soteriology West Russia
What is the positive content of the concept Klimova? Klimov tells us about the huge mass "degradantov", aiming to seize power and seek to death. People are, in fact, share a Klimova dead and tending to death, half-dead and alive, full of life. The first group includes perverts and drug addicts - the doomed and creating mankind a kind of "umbrella of death." Pope Speaking at a Mass on the occasion of the Passover (Light Christmas) April 15, 2001, the appeal "to the city and the world," stated his fear that humanity HH1 century can to live under the sign of a "culture of death". It is about expanding the practice of abortion in the non-Catholic countries, and the legalization of euthanasia in the Netherlands.
the summer of 1994 in Mexico, the Pope said that neither socialism nor capitalism can not solve the most fundamental global problems. It should be noted that socialism as a way of organizing social life or social system is really nowhere and never existed. Socialism in the USSR does not count - He also did not take place in full on a number of historical reasons. Socialism in our country often goes under the category of totalitarianism - not enough that the world it came to defame the press, reprinted around the world and vulgarized understands nothing "bourgeois asses" (the words of Karl Marx). They repeat like parrots followed by our "social scientists" that socialism - is the same as fascism.
From a psychological point of view (read Western classics - Erich Fromm and David Riesman!) Fascism - longing lonely and alienated people associated for a time an artificial solidarity, mutual responsibility dark instincts (release of "chimera of conscience"), the idea of the tragic fate of the superman. Here the same collective will to death and radical paganism - anti-Christianity. Recall pulling into the abyss of death and the mysterious song of our school frondiruyuschey Soviet youth about the "soldiers of the" Center ":" And for us all in bloom for us everything burns. I must not think - to us he who decides everything for us. Funny and glum return to their homes, the bride's fair reward will be to us! All ahead, and now - by meter meter, go to Ukraine soldiers of the "Center". Singing these songs for harvesting potatoes, students, youth and all of it then it was clear - who is calling and where, for there was no prophet Dalmatian market for 500 days, Grigory Yavlinsky, and the brilliant theorist "Phillips curves", the grandson of the two writers of Yegor Gaidar, the first privatizer and the author of vouchers "red Tolik (voucher - the name of a famous robber and a cheater in the Midwest in H1H century).
70 years. could sing a song - behind him was strong and great power at the Mausoleum of the holidays were serious guys in hats, but the border was "under lock and key." Easy dissidence under these conditions allowed by the UV Andropov, intellectualist frondirovanie softened the difficulties the country's existence in a capitalist environment, severity of the global arms race and an incredible strain on the confrontation between the two unequal power of the military-political blocs. In this confrontation between the Warsaw the contract was doomed geographically, geopolitically and ideologically - to prove the first was enough to simply look at the world map and see military bases.
Russian Bolshevism oozed love for people, it was heresy orthodoxy - the love of peace, directed forward to a life full of optimism long-distance navigation, transpolar buildings, blue cities (now the word "blue" is just laugh at youth). Bolshevism and born of a real "socialism" taught the people to goodness and high, pulled up into space. The people could not master the vital forces of Bolshevism - he was not allowed to do so degenerated party nomenklatura elite. On totalitarianism was alive and credible - he was friendly to people and life. Let us recall the artistic images of totalitarianism - Major Zheglova, teacher Krivoruchko of "wounded game, finally, the military director of the shell-shocked" Mirrors "Andrei Tarkovsky - he barely moving the object of the bullying little intellectual, but catches on planted a training grenade. This totalitarianism is not issyaknoveniem life - he was the source of life of our people and our ugly model of socialism. This model, we should all be proud of - at least according to the American thesis: "right or wrong, but this is my country."
Nekrasov, SN

a In an interview with Liu Tiger is evidenced by the decline of men as sex in the conditions of postmodernity: The decline of males / / Society. Vol. 37. # 2. 2000. P.8
2 Kon IS Love sky blue color. S.P.b. 2001 s.323
3 Ibid. with. 232


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