Market Basket residents of Belgorod less than the rate of food in the gulag. Want gulag? Of course, we want to!
begin with the food that our government carefully "packed" in the consumer basket. Not once could read that the rate of food under the MP for retirees, much lower than the rates that the firm "Pedigree" considers it necessary for dogs, and below the level of supply, which provided the capital pets animal shelters. But specific data of this kind do not ever meet. But Belgorod newspaper Find »(№ 4, 2005) with reference to the" Work "has led food rations in the same Stalinist Gulag," which the authorities scare the inhabitants. And it turns out that for a variety of basic food standards in Stalin's camps were higher than those that the current regime laid the basis for the able-bodied PM resident of the "democratic" Russia.
Bakery in the PM 134.2 kg per year, 11.2 kg in a month - for soldering Gulag 21.6 kg potatoes and vegetables in a PM 204.6 kg per year, 17, 05 kg a month - for soldering Gulag 18 kg, meat and fish in the PM 54.4 kg per year, 4,5 kg a month - for soldering Gulag 4,8 kg. So that when the "democrats" sardonically ask: "Do you want again the gulag? ", millions of Russians have reason to respond:" We want to!!!
added that when the People's Commissar Ezhov its decision to lower food rations in the camps, which led to a sharp increase in deaths of prisoners, he was shot. For the incredible rise of mortality in the "democratic" Russia (in 2009, he was more than a half times exceeded the level of "Stalin" in 1950) nobody is not responsible.
Another comparison. For children "prosperous" Belgorod PM provides annually 85.6 kg grain products (including pasta, flour, cereals and legumes). On the day goes 237 grams. And starving Soviet Russia itself early 20-ies in a boarding school for homeless children, as they say pupils' republic SHKID "Panteleyev L. and G. White, the children received a day per pound (400 g) of bread. Millet porridge and soups at this pound is not included.
Fresh fruit - an essential element for food. In the PM, our power from their largesse laid for working-age population much as 23 kg per year - more than three times less than the required medically reasonable standards of consumption.
stunning planted in a PM to pensioners number of trips - 150 in a year. If we consider that person to go somewhere out of the house has a habit of returning back to the same transport, it turns out that a retiree may to make such a "trip" once in five days! Probably, the governor signing the PM was referring to his recommendation: to be healthy, we should move more. By the way, the social travel for veterans put 38 stamps per month. And many people, especially gardeners, even think this (228 trips per year at both ends) are clearly inadequate. I wonder what people would say if they were in compliance with the PM began to give to 13 coupons per month?
Payment HUS. The drafters of the PM proceeded from the standard 18 square meters per person. But as there are such who lives alone in a studio apartment or two in a two-bedroom. What should they? Move into a hostel? Difference That would be very big. If a family of two people in a studio apartment to pay for housing services around 800-900 rubles per person, then a single pensioner should put only one half of this expenditure cost of the entire market basket.
In the list of "services" separate graphs are "cultural services". On They identified the "5% of total expenditure on services per month. The total value - it's utility bills, plus 20%. That is, based on the cost of housing services according to the norm of housing, we for cultural services somewhere 50 rubles a month per person. Interestingly, the drafters of the consumer basket know how today is worth a movie ticket in theater, concert, how much is the book?
And another one, not the least important, the time - drugs for seniors. These, together with the essentials and sanitation as part of a group of "non-food items and up to 15% of pensioner total expenditure for this group, for children 12% for able-bodied 10% of the population. Which part of the PM allocated for the purchase of consumer goods, the law does not specify. Calculate yourself the cost of this group difficult because there is not time spending a month or a year, and 2.4 years 3.2 years 8.8 years, etc. But if you estimate the cost of food (roughly 1400-1500 rubles) and services (about 900-1000 rubles for those who fit into the standard of housing) and subtract them from the PM, we see that our government allows the retiree to spend on drugs about 150-170 rubles a month. Comment this "generous" offer by the retirees. Only I'm afraid that the comments will be mostly unprintable.
And the last. Set PM as a criterion of poverty, in principle, incorrect. Because the consumer basket PM as is listed in the law - is "a minimum set of food consumer goods and services necessary to maintain human health and ensure its functioning "(emphasis mine - VV). Consequently, people whose income is below the level of PM exist in an environment lacking its life. And it is not the same as poverty.
"Rossiyskaya Gazeta"
Vyacheslav Bobkov: One of the guns against poverty could increase in the minimum payment level labor. Photo: Kolybalov Arkady
Almost 90 percent of Russians have incomes below the "average" and thus live with low standards. In addition, their incomes do not allow to fill in the required size of state and voluntary insurance system. These are the results of studies conducted All-Russian Centre of living. Voiced them at the press conference, the center's director Vyacheslav Bobkov.
If we divide our society on the quality of life, can be get five groups: very poor - those whose incomes are below the average subsistence minimum (SM), today it is 5,153 rubles per person, nizkoobespechennye (with income 03.01 PM), secured below average (3-7 PM), average income (7-11 PM) and higher income (over 11 living wages).
So, early this year positive tendency. If in the first quarter of last year the most needy (those who received less than 5,000 rubles) was 17,4 percent, but now to 15,2 percent. This is due, according to experts, primarily from an increase in pensions. Although raised pensions do not allow the holders to purchase more than three Consumer lows, and on such a package in a large city can live with great difficulty.
Number nizkoobespechennyh (with an income of 5-15 thousand) left unchanged - 51.6 percent. Number of secured below the average (income from 15 to 35 thousand rubles) rose nearly 2 percent, from 25.5 to 27.3 percent. Slightly more (increase from 5,5 to 5,9 per cent) and was serednyachki, earning over 35 thousand rubles per person.
Nevertheless, according to Vyacheslav Bobkov, very comforting, these data will not name, because they suggest that two-thirds of Russians are on the threshold of physiological survival. The first group is barely enough money only for food. Second besides food can afford to buy clothes, but no more. Naturally, neither they nor the other can not rely on expensive purchases, even on credit. Representatives of the third group can buy in installments TV or refrigerator, but, for example, the car is unlikely to be pulled. "Thus, it appears that more than 90 percent of Russians do not even include the concept of "middle class", - said Vyacheslav Bobkov.
If we divide by the same criteria employed, the picture will differ only by nuance. Thus, even at the cost of living does not earn 12.6 percent of workers (in 2008 there were 14.2 per cent). Salary from 5 to 15 thousand Rubles gets the majority of Russians - 50,2 percent (in 2008 it was 47.4). And from 15,000 rubles to 35,000 - 24.8 percent, and it is 2.4 percent less than in 2008. The share of medium-and high-paying Workers, too, shrank - from 11.2 to 7.4 per cent.
During the crisis, according to the center, aggravated the problem of social inequality: only 3-4 percent of funds receives a "low income" portion of the population and more than 40 percent - High. And the difference between the poorest and the richest Russians - more than 20 times. The total capital of the ten richest Russian billionaires for the year increased nearly 2-fold - from $ 76 billion to 139 billion.
According to Vyacheslav Bobkov, one of the guns against poverty could increase the minimum wage (currently 4,330 rubles) to the size of the real cost of living минимума - 5153 рубля.
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begin with the food that our government carefully "packed" in the consumer basket. Not once could read that the rate of food under the MP for retirees, much lower than the rates that the firm "Pedigree" considers it necessary for dogs, and below the level of supply, which provided the capital pets animal shelters. But specific data of this kind do not ever meet. But Belgorod newspaper Find »(№ 4, 2005) with reference to the" Work "has led food rations in the same Stalinist Gulag," which the authorities scare the inhabitants. And it turns out that for a variety of basic food standards in Stalin's camps were higher than those that the current regime laid the basis for the able-bodied PM resident of the "democratic" Russia.
Bakery in the PM 134.2 kg per year, 11.2 kg in a month - for soldering Gulag 21.6 kg potatoes and vegetables in a PM 204.6 kg per year, 17, 05 kg a month - for soldering Gulag 18 kg, meat and fish in the PM 54.4 kg per year, 4,5 kg a month - for soldering Gulag 4,8 kg. So that when the "democrats" sardonically ask: "Do you want again the gulag? ", millions of Russians have reason to respond:" We want to!!!
added that when the People's Commissar Ezhov its decision to lower food rations in the camps, which led to a sharp increase in deaths of prisoners, he was shot. For the incredible rise of mortality in the "democratic" Russia (in 2009, he was more than a half times exceeded the level of "Stalin" in 1950) nobody is not responsible.
Another comparison. For children "prosperous" Belgorod PM provides annually 85.6 kg grain products (including pasta, flour, cereals and legumes). On the day goes 237 grams. And starving Soviet Russia itself early 20-ies in a boarding school for homeless children, as they say pupils' republic SHKID "Panteleyev L. and G. White, the children received a day per pound (400 g) of bread. Millet porridge and soups at this pound is not included.
Fresh fruit - an essential element for food. In the PM, our power from their largesse laid for working-age population much as 23 kg per year - more than three times less than the required medically reasonable standards of consumption.
stunning planted in a PM to pensioners number of trips - 150 in a year. If we consider that person to go somewhere out of the house has a habit of returning back to the same transport, it turns out that a retiree may to make such a "trip" once in five days! Probably, the governor signing the PM was referring to his recommendation: to be healthy, we should move more. By the way, the social travel for veterans put 38 stamps per month. And many people, especially gardeners, even think this (228 trips per year at both ends) are clearly inadequate. I wonder what people would say if they were in compliance with the PM began to give to 13 coupons per month?
Payment HUS. The drafters of the PM proceeded from the standard 18 square meters per person. But as there are such who lives alone in a studio apartment or two in a two-bedroom. What should they? Move into a hostel? Difference That would be very big. If a family of two people in a studio apartment to pay for housing services around 800-900 rubles per person, then a single pensioner should put only one half of this expenditure cost of the entire market basket.
In the list of "services" separate graphs are "cultural services". On They identified the "5% of total expenditure on services per month. The total value - it's utility bills, plus 20%. That is, based on the cost of housing services according to the norm of housing, we for cultural services somewhere 50 rubles a month per person. Interestingly, the drafters of the consumer basket know how today is worth a movie ticket in theater, concert, how much is the book?
And another one, not the least important, the time - drugs for seniors. These, together with the essentials and sanitation as part of a group of "non-food items and up to 15% of pensioner total expenditure for this group, for children 12% for able-bodied 10% of the population. Which part of the PM allocated for the purchase of consumer goods, the law does not specify. Calculate yourself the cost of this group difficult because there is not time spending a month or a year, and 2.4 years 3.2 years 8.8 years, etc. But if you estimate the cost of food (roughly 1400-1500 rubles) and services (about 900-1000 rubles for those who fit into the standard of housing) and subtract them from the PM, we see that our government allows the retiree to spend on drugs about 150-170 rubles a month. Comment this "generous" offer by the retirees. Only I'm afraid that the comments will be mostly unprintable.
And the last. Set PM as a criterion of poverty, in principle, incorrect. Because the consumer basket PM as is listed in the law - is "a minimum set of food consumer goods and services necessary to maintain human health and ensure its functioning "(emphasis mine - VV). Consequently, people whose income is below the level of PM exist in an environment lacking its life. And it is not the same as poverty.
"Rossiyskaya Gazeta"
Vyacheslav Bobkov: One of the guns against poverty could increase in the minimum payment level labor. Photo: Kolybalov Arkady
Almost 90 percent of Russians have incomes below the "average" and thus live with low standards. In addition, their incomes do not allow to fill in the required size of state and voluntary insurance system. These are the results of studies conducted All-Russian Centre of living. Voiced them at the press conference, the center's director Vyacheslav Bobkov.
If we divide our society on the quality of life, can be get five groups: very poor - those whose incomes are below the average subsistence minimum (SM), today it is 5,153 rubles per person, nizkoobespechennye (with income 03.01 PM), secured below average (3-7 PM), average income (7-11 PM) and higher income (over 11 living wages).
So, early this year positive tendency. If in the first quarter of last year the most needy (those who received less than 5,000 rubles) was 17,4 percent, but now to 15,2 percent. This is due, according to experts, primarily from an increase in pensions. Although raised pensions do not allow the holders to purchase more than three Consumer lows, and on such a package in a large city can live with great difficulty.
Number nizkoobespechennyh (with an income of 5-15 thousand) left unchanged - 51.6 percent. Number of secured below the average (income from 15 to 35 thousand rubles) rose nearly 2 percent, from 25.5 to 27.3 percent. Slightly more (increase from 5,5 to 5,9 per cent) and was serednyachki, earning over 35 thousand rubles per person.
Nevertheless, according to Vyacheslav Bobkov, very comforting, these data will not name, because they suggest that two-thirds of Russians are on the threshold of physiological survival. The first group is barely enough money only for food. Second besides food can afford to buy clothes, but no more. Naturally, neither they nor the other can not rely on expensive purchases, even on credit. Representatives of the third group can buy in installments TV or refrigerator, but, for example, the car is unlikely to be pulled. "Thus, it appears that more than 90 percent of Russians do not even include the concept of "middle class", - said Vyacheslav Bobkov.
If we divide by the same criteria employed, the picture will differ only by nuance. Thus, even at the cost of living does not earn 12.6 percent of workers (in 2008 there were 14.2 per cent). Salary from 5 to 15 thousand Rubles gets the majority of Russians - 50,2 percent (in 2008 it was 47.4). And from 15,000 rubles to 35,000 - 24.8 percent, and it is 2.4 percent less than in 2008. The share of medium-and high-paying Workers, too, shrank - from 11.2 to 7.4 per cent.
During the crisis, according to the center, aggravated the problem of social inequality: only 3-4 percent of funds receives a "low income" portion of the population and more than 40 percent - High. And the difference between the poorest and the richest Russians - more than 20 times. The total capital of the ten richest Russian billionaires for the year increased nearly 2-fold - from $ 76 billion to 139 billion.
According to Vyacheslav Bobkov, one of the guns against poverty could increase the minimum wage (currently 4,330 rubles) to the size of the real cost of living минимума - 5153 рубля.
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