This morning I left for Koh Bulon Pakbara the pier, or rather a PEIT village of fishermen on the mainland, known, because the pier is boarding speed boats for all the islands of Tarutao Park where I went.
In fact, I did not mention, but I had said I did not want to go on the island of Tarutao because I was told there was no sore sand flies, but, being on Koh Bulon, I was still bitten by sand flies, or flies, I do not know, but in any case, no mosquitoes. It's not as bad as my state last year, just a little.
I was awakened that night by cold. But at some point I got up to take the inside of my bag, my fleece jacket. I did not threaded, too hot, but I used it as cover.
I went to take my little bf around 9 pm. Banana Pancake and coffee. Mac told me he would take my luggage to my room at 10:20. The speed boat is scheduled for 11 hrs. I was prepared well in advance. I removed my sock elastic that protected my ankle because I have to go into the water to board the longtail. Mac told me that I should go to the beach Bulon Resort and not on the beach Pansand because the sea was too rough. Good.
I went to join him on this track other people waiting or arriving with their luggage. But my own luggage still not there. I was worried. It was 10:30. We were told that the speedboat was 20 minutes late. Good. It was then that I saw my suitcase arrived in a small cart. And we waited. Mac himself has arrived. He was communicating with his phone.
We were embarked on the longtail boat. There was a lot of passengers anyway. We sailed along the Panka Noi. One where there are the fishermen and mangrove. Now I know this ile! We toured the island. The sea was not rough at all. It helped to see the whole coast with cliffs, where there is no access by walking.
And then we went up Panka Yoi, and I was sure we would take passage Domi and Christian who lived there. And we did. That's how we ended up on the longtail boat single, common, who went to the speedboat.
All was highly synchronized schedules because we got a little beyond the island, at the large fishing vessels which were stationed,
..... the white speedboat appeared in the distance. As a star is expecting him.
There was a void that longtail went to meet him, and took on board passengers who came down to Koh Bulon. At least it was not like a mess when we arrived, where those who rode down those who hustled.
Then our longtail speedboat approached the already full of passengers. I feared greatly the passage of the longtail to speed. I had not lived it well to go. But here, the speed boat was not as great as we had to go, where there was a party before outdoors. The latter, there was only one part, covered behind the driver and his assistant.
So, smaller, there was no difference in level between the two boats I didn 't have to climb as the speed boat I feared, I just had to go to the same level, almost one boat to another. For baggage, are the guys who care.
I travel together with my boyfriend, the little boy thai (2) who was at the Marina Resort, and his mom. It was too stalk.
We arrived at noon Pakbara 5 minutes. Here, there is a pier, a pier.
Completed, the docking ship to ship at sea ... It is true that I had become accustomed to that part of me that Bulon well damn scared.
have not booked a hotel but it was an address given by Fabricius, the French guy who runs the stall Bulon muffins, the Happy House, and Domi, immediately asked the road . This one, it is not in the guidebooks, but indicated by a large sign on the main street. Turn left and then second left, just as we had explained Fabrice. This is where it goes when it goes has Pakbara.
The Happy House, it is very good. The owner speaks only Thai and very very little English. We have bedrooms upstairs with fan at 300 baht. There is a beautiful modern air conditioning, but it is 100 baht more. We said we would not use it. The room is very good, with two windows, the hotel itself overlooks a very quiet countryside.
We'll go around the city, oh! a street! it is up to the pier. Of speed boats, fishing boats.
We find a restaurant that offers WiFi. So, I'll get my computer and I eat "fried rice", it is 14 hrs, I burst the slab. I 16 hrs to rest well.
Then I returned to my hotel. On the way, a girl offered to take me in Samlo. This is really not far, but she recognized me, it is the corner shop. It does not go unnoticed, there's nobody here as tourists. Just one night passengers as we pass.
It takes me about taking the lane which is a continuation of that of the hotel. And I fell across the center of life of Thai Pakbara. That is where people live, not in the main street or around the pier.
I find lush vegetation, houses, small shops, small restaus few tables, family, a seller of gasoline in the bottle for motosbikes, children.
I pass over the fish stalls. Ah yes, here we are fishermen!
The vessels, one sees in the gardens.
I sympathize with the villagers. Hey! I walk the streets alone is not common. Everyone here runs in Samlo (ideal for families) or motobike. The village appears to be a Muslim, a lot of women wear the black veil over her hair. The men, some are also in traditional Islamic dress and wear the little hat.
At one point, I joke with people (in Thai) and a girl told me "guesthouse". I make him understand that I have a room already. And then I discovered that the guy who is at his side, with two small children, is the patron of my guesthouse, I did not recognize.
I continue the path that leads into the main street at the end. And in the "main road", I came across Dominic and Christian oncoming. They want to go the range that is supposed to be at the end of the long main road. It seems that the boss of the hotel told them, or made it clear that he saw "your friend taking pictures" ... I walk around with them, but soon, this long straight street full of traffic and get tired, I decided to let go.
On my way, I came across a French couple, who arrived later, and staying at the Best Guesthouse, mentioned in my guide, which is a little further down the street. So, we talk, then they invite me to continue on the roof of their bungalow. This is a hotel bungalow at 450 baht, air-conditioning. But while visiting their rooms I find it hotter than mine. There is only one small window. We stay there, talking for a moment on our journey. Then I go in hotel.
Pakbara I like. It is a real village, no tourists, and fishermen especially: one sees well in the streets, activities revolve around the fish caught, stalls on large plates.
The people are friendly and welcoming. Many super markets, fruit vendors, small cakes thai, it changes the islands, returning to civilization, consumption ....
I showered, then I called the phone Domi. A twice between 19 and 19:30 hrs, nobody answered me. I thought that they had decided to stay may be dining at the beach, and I decided to go to dinner alone in the main street. It is written in my guide at 22:30 Pakbara asleep. If I want dinner, I have dinner early. Indeed, at 19.30 in the main street is already almost the curfew, the shops close their iron curtain.
The restaurant remains open internet, and I my installs. Then comes a couple of young French people of Saint Laurent du Var, crossover starting from my hotel, they live there, and just do it. And then comes Christian, and Domi follows. They did not stay at the beach was full of mosquitoes. By cons, they liked the Thai atmosphere, the vendors of pancakes with coconut ... And Domi has not bathed. Water is not so beautiful in the islands.
I've taken a "Panang curry chicken" at 80 baht, not terrible. I asked not too spicy and so he was not spicy at all. With rice and a small Leo too hot it made me 135 baht.
is true here everything is much cheaper than in the islands. He was 21
hrs when I went back, and I put myself on the computer (no Internet of course).
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