Yes, I slept well. Electricity is cut off at midnight so most of these lights that illuminate the bungalows and paths throughout the Resorts. We have finally arrived in complete darkness outside.
I was cold, the early morning alarm clock to 5 hrs. Is that the windows, as J have said, have no windows, so ... and it is not hot at all night. I asked this morning to receive coverage, but it seems they do not. Luckily I have my meat bag silk. No, there is no top sheet from here, not as in almost all the hotels where we slept. Yet here, c is the high end. But it is Thai custom, no top sheet.
I went back to sleep after 5 hrs, but I was still awake within 7 hrs. Noise of engines. I've thought it was the speed boats, at 8 hrs, but I think those are the sounds of vehicles on the only road to the island to the left of my bungalow. I am not yet on the road, but I still hear them. There are not too many longtail boats here. They are on the beach Bulon Resort, and as there are only two lines of boats speed boat in the morning to Bulon who comes Koh Lanta / Koh Muk and the one who just Lipe. ...
It's sunny in the morning, and as I am in the east, the vegetation is very bright.
front of my home in the morning with the sun
I'll take my breakfast. A crepe with banana slices in it, different from past pancake breakfast. It is rolled, undercooked, and thinner. 50 baht. Plus a very good coffee, at 25 baht. Breakfast at 75 baht cheaper than the 90 baht at Dong Lipe.
I'm actually going to balance the high cost of the bungalow being careful with my food expenses, and it will be good like that. I'm at 850 baht for housing (negotiated), 75 baht for breakfast, qq 50 baht snack throughout the day with bottles of water (500 ml bottle of drinkable water is 10 baht ) and less than 200 baht for dinner. I have to walk by less than 1200 baht per day. I remain very much in my budget. That one has nothing to do in this island. It does not transport, it would not go in restaus, cafes, there must be "an" Internet café Bulon Resort, but I'm not going. Dear, 3 baht per minute. I do not nibble throughout the day. I eat a real meal in the evening thai, which is not huge at Marina's small portions. And a small beer by night. A Small Change (Note that the bottle is 10 baht more expensive than the Canon at restoration of the Marina).
I then quickly went to the beach. It's sunny and the beach as it is, I guess it is morning the best time. I did not go to the beach resort of Bulon but which is just opposite, in continuation of our hotel, across the sports field of the school. It is even more beautiful, but she actually joined to the left of the beach Bulon Resort.
I walked up to the right, at the entrance of Pansand Resort, the most expensive hotel of the island. Well for the most expensive hotel of the island, the beach is disgusting. And I had read. The sea full of stones discovered, impossible to swim in front of the Resort.
Watch the beach from the most expensive hotel on the island
beach at low tide the rocks Pansand Resort |
There are a few people on the beach, but it's not the crowd. The sea with waves. But I still manage to go swimming, twice. There are waves, certainly, but the waves are not too violent. The white sandy beach, huge, not full of people, is very good, and it is true, it looks a bit like that of the Andaman Resort Koh Lipe.
My beach in front, white sand
I take good, I take pictures, I bathe, I tan. But not lontemps. The sky clouds over, drops begin to fall, I pack up, and soon the heavy rain is falling. I have to run, and cover me in my sarong, which is used to everything, and took refuge in the restaurant of my resort. The rain is great but not too long.
Domi and Chris are about to leave the hotel, for another hotel, cheaper on the other side of the island. I did not want me to go post on the bay where they go, the Panka Yoi. I'm sure Domi, she likes it here, the Marina, but hey, them, still two months traveling in Asia. For me, it's the end of the trip for this year, more than 8 days, and I'm going home.
I remain alone in my Marina Resort. I spent 5 nights. 5 nights of calm, relax, and alone. Not bad. I think I like. My bungalow is right in the middle of the palms and trees, I have the impression of having a room in the trees. The place is beautiful. I 'll hang out, screw around, write on the computer.
The rain stopped and I leave to the beach. It is very near the beach is very handy. The sky is still dark, the sea also.
I lay a little on my sarong, but not for long. Here's a few drops of rain again and begin to fall again very strong. I cross the fast fast Bulon Resort, at which I was and I enter my Bugalows.
No luck with the weather here! This is not the constant rain, but showers. And so far there had not been bothered by the rain.
I dragged the bungalow on my terrace. He replu again and again. Short rains that wet but good. And then it stops, the sun re-appears, and it repleut.
There is no much to do except go to the beach, or walking by the road through the island. Oh, I've not said, the island is Muslim. Some women wear a small black veil but not much. A Bulon, there is no the Chao Lay, the people of the sea gypsies, who were to Lipe. The sea gypsies, they are not Muslims.
He was already 14 hrs past when I wanted to eat something. And this desire was immediately directed into my head to the seller roti I had seen on the road yesterday. So I decided to do my walk in the forest, road, path, which rises behind the bungalow.
My seller had covered his hotplate, but it soon appeared that my view.
She even told me yesterday she saw me go when I visited the bungalows which are just behind. I asked her if she could cook me a roast in the egg, but well cooked and not too greasy. I did not want to have a roast and a greasy fried egg fried in the middle with a raw yolk.
She even told me yesterday she saw me go when I visited the bungalows which are just behind. I asked her if she could cook me a roast in the egg, but well cooked and not too greasy. I did not want to have a roast and a greasy fried egg fried in the middle with a raw yolk.
Well it's been perfect. She took a ball of dough already prepared. It has spread. It's a very fine paste. Then she spread a beaten egg over the dough. She made leather round pancake on the plate, then folded the dough four on its contents. She asked me if I wanted sweet or salty. Weird for me to imagine the sweet egg. She said it was a little long because his plate was not hot. But I have time, and I prefer well done. Then, as they all do, she cut the square into small rectangles of roti to make it easier to eat, and gave me a fork.
This was my lunch, late for 25 baht. (1 / 2 Euro).
My roti |
ago a sign outside his shop. I read that they offer a boat trip in the neighboring islands, 4 tracks: White Rock / Bulon Rank / Bulon Bamboo / Bulon Chicken. Boat rental is 1500 baht for 4 / 5 hours, and it takes a minimum of 5 persons and a maximum of 7. Voila, I'm all alone! And plus it's raining!
I continued my way. I managed to apply for a card at my reception. It helps a little, anyway, even if I have a drawing of the island well ahead now.
I will soon now until Chalae Resort, which is the hotel of simple bungalows, many central.
The first time it seemed very long, very short now.
I decided to walk the path that leads south of the island to Ao Muang, otherwise known as Mango Bay. I did indicate the direction in the middle of houses. Yes, I turn around in circles, but it's so easy to find its direction in the middle of the forest.
Everybody knows that I do subgenre very well in the forest. And then I decided to go walking alone because it is very small, because it meets people, villagers and tourists, in the end there is always the sea, bay or another, and even the trees I do not feel lost.
But why I am still being bitten by mosquitoes every time I walk, so I put myself though the repellent on the legs and arms.
I went to another hotel bungalows very simple. I thought it was Sulaida, but that's not what name it is Sulaina some something like that. There is a restaurant with terrace and a small shop.
Here I am in the village, houses Here and there, some very beautiful and modern, others just abandoned, and not really regrouped.
a set of bungalows called Jungle Resort, which is more than precarious as cabins. But then I met people who were staying there, 150 baht and 250 baht fares, and they said it was very good, very clean. Unless we are at the heart of the island and not on the beach.
I 'd read on the blog Msiha books, which had also been living on Koh Bulon, having to walk through a forest of rubber trees to reach the bay to the south. That's right. We enter a beautiful forest, the trail is well marked, and it crosses a huge rubber plantation with bowls attached to the trunks, still filled with latex. It's very nice.
I do not see many birds cons. She said she had seen beautiful hornbills. Me, nothing at all. However, when I'm on my balcony of my bungalow, what I hear their strange songs. Ah, I just saw several birds with white body and gray wings. What is c?
Then two paths presented themselves to me. And fortunately, a group of ... French appeared in one of the trails. M They said that they came from or was driving the sea and fishermen's houses, and another that also led to the sea I chose to take it to where they came from.
On the map these paths seem to be very long, but every time they told me in 5 minutes you're there. I arrived very quickly at the end of the road, sea, and where are the houses of fishermen, fish traps, nets, and there, not very clean. They were putting away the nets and I filmed. I was very well received, although I knew that a group of French had just go through it too.
On the way back I came back by the small restaurant / bungalows and the small shop, and bought my first dress this trip comes at a price defying all Koh Phi Phi or Koh Lipe, ie 150 baht, for similar models. I tried the dresses bra swimsuit in front of a small group of villagers who helped me choose the color that suited me best, and some wore the black veil. It was laughter and good-between women.
I then went through the small supermarket where I was yesterday, and I bought two bananas, weighed, for 15 baht and 10 baht for water.
In return, the coast at the bar of the Rastafarians, the Rock Bar is always hard to take. it goes up and resdescend. It where it goes up the most.
I was lucky because just arrived at my bungalow resort, it began to rain very strong, and within seconds my T shirt was all wet. I ran to my bungalow. It rained and it was soon after arrested.
It does not really nice since I'm on Bulon. I have no luck when he was almost always beautiful throughout my journey. But Bulon gives me great joy, because I do not find myself in this Thai tourist. This island has a beautiful beach, OK, but the sea has waves, and the weather is rain. This island has a magnificent forest and its smallness, can walk in forest forest without getting lost. And it's an island where the villagers are very friendly, very cool. Encounters with people, the little words of it, from there, it's a real pleasure.
is a huge difference to Koh Lipe. I liked Koh Lipe. For the beach, sea, and distraction (I'm not the party) is great.
But Koh Bulon is a return to another Thailand, a quiet and beautiful nature is beautiful and accessible. We do nothing, or very little of his days. You do not hear much noise, although there are some nuisances like samlos on the road, or tractors garbage collection on the road, or the few longtail boats on the sea, but so little, compared to Lipe , where, again, they are really the main noise.
Bulon, nevertheless, remains calm. There are not many people. And tourists who are quiet are also whispering.
Overall I am very happy to finish by five days on this island where there s nothing to do. Koh Bulon makes me want to write, to speak with her. But the lack of electricity on the island, limit myself, because my computer battery lasts only 2 hrs 1 / 2. Afterwards, I must wait 18 res to put everything back in charge.
I write on my terrace. It was only 3:30 p.m. when I came back. It is very quiet. Domi and Christian no longer occupy the bungalow next door, and it remained unoccupied throughout the afternoon. I have the feeling of being alone among the trees, except the French under the bungalow that I hear in their bathroom.
Even what I'm happy davoir my computer with me. This m occupies much when I'm alone. I can write. I can work my photos. A big thank you to those who saved my life before leaving Paris that he walks amongst me.
I now know to manipulation by opening the heart, it goes very fast. Only the keyboard that I broke a few feet because it's happening constantly qwert qwerty English to French, and I do "Shift / Alt" every time I open a new type file.
I'm on my terrace, and he continues to pleuviotter.
No wonder that this forest is so beautiful and lush. I never imagined that Koh Bulon had a British climate with more heat, and again it is really not so hot as that. Well I'm in shorts and t-shirt with suspenders, anyway ...
It rained till evening. At 19 hrs I decided to go to dinner. It was not raining. Dinner only, waiting for his flat doing nothing, it's not very pleasant. I the only one at his table. But we must do. I ordered a dish easy, Thai, hoping it goes fast. The "chicken basil leaves," rice, a small Chang. Well I waited 45 minutes, ending at doing nothing, to do nothing. My dish arrived. Here is a very small portion for everything, and I must say that culinary level, it is not the best preparation I had. The "chicken basil leaves" Family to Lipe, was excellent, so although I did not like this restaurant, and in large quantities. In comparison.
So I ate my plate at any speed, I was hungry, and there was not much to eat. It cost me 90 baht + 20 and 60 of rice beer (I thought she was 50, but I think I have done, they gave me the bottle, which is more expensive and not Can. Here they grapillent 10 baht in every way, on everything, I'll be careful). Yesterday, they had already made a mistake in the bill that I did not dare mention, because it was only 10 baht.
So I ate my plate at any speed, I was hungry, and there was not much to eat. It cost me 90 baht + 20 and 60 of rice beer (I thought she was 50, but I think I have done, they gave me the bottle, which is more expensive and not Can. Here they grapillent 10 baht in every way, on everything, I'll be careful). Yesterday, they had already made a mistake in the bill that I did not dare mention, because it was only 10 baht.
Once finished my dinner, my fellow diners, a couple spoke to me, or me, I do not know. And that is how I, who had told myself that I could watch a movie on my computer this evening, taking advantage of electricity, I had occasion to discuss all evening, finally up to 21 h 30 with my fellow diners. They were Swedes, aged 60, they would also celebrate very soon in the next island, Koh Lipe, along with their families joined them. They had studied French as a second language in Sweden, which astonished me, and they were happy, I think, to speak French with me. They were a painter and graphic artist, he, she and director of art gallery in Stockholm. They lived in Bulon Resort, a room at 1300 baht, and came here to change a little restaurant. The discussion was very interesting, with highly educated people, and it was very enjoyable.
At 21:30, they turned back, and me to my room. I did not want to watch a movie, it was too late. And what was my surprise to discover that someone was entering my room ...
a cat! This is what it is to have windows that do not have windows!
He was very much there on my floor. I grabbed the body and I put it outside on the terrace. But he came back with a vengeance. Where? By which window! I then caught again and I put it this time down the stairs. Hoping he would not reappear. Fortunately I have the net around the bed. I found that they could at least have put nets in windows in the resort, at least, they did not want to put the tiles.
I went to bed not too late, in 22 hrs, under the net. I can not catch the curtains so that air does not penetrate far, the wind stirs the curtains ever.
The cat is not re-appeared.
a cat! This is what it is to have windows that do not have windows!
He was very much there on my floor. I grabbed the body and I put it outside on the terrace. But he came back with a vengeance. Where? By which window! I then caught again and I put it this time down the stairs. Hoping he would not reappear. Fortunately I have the net around the bed. I found that they could at least have put nets in windows in the resort, at least, they did not want to put the tiles.
I went to bed not too late, in 22 hrs, under the net. I can not catch the curtains so that air does not penetrate far, the wind stirs the curtains ever.
The cat is not re-appeared.
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