Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Possible To Get Nauseas From Flu Shot


Pemi / Prix ARRABAL Born in 1932 né:

2010 Prix International du Théâtre Millénaire (Brésil)

2009 Romania: 'Premiul "literature" Tudor Arghezi "for his" opera omnia. " & 'Holder of onoare Cetate. "

Prix de la Ville de Nice l'affiche du â "Panique Festival! Cervantes / Arrabal "Culture Award

CAPEA Offenbach am Main (D)

" Europäische Kulturhauptstadt »Linz (A)

Theatre New Fernando Arrabal" (Ciudad Rodrigo);
"adoptive son Ciudad Rodrigo (Spain).
"Honorary Citizen" Erlanger (D)
"Fronteira do Pensamento" with Bob Wilson, Win Wenders, Philip Glass and Bernard Henri Levy. Porto Alegre (Brazil).
"Fernando Arrabal-Le Théâtre Funambule. Avignon (France) 2007

Spinoza (Festival Teranova)
" Delta Sigma Pi St. John University (New York)
Keys of the City of Miami (USA) Doctor Honoris
Cause. Thessalonique (Grèce)
Max Honor, Theatre (Espagne)
Prix Pasolini, cinéma (Paris)

2006 Honorary Citizen (Rute)
Grand Prix d'Interprétation (Quend Festival, film: "Avida)
BITTEF Grand Prix Festival Theatre (Belgrado)
Teranova Price (Claude Genzlinger) France.
Freeman of Spa (Belgium).
Keys town of Fontenay (France) 2005

Legion of Honour of
Premio Asociación Checa of Directores de Cine
Avignon Festival: Gold Medal Char de l'Isle sur la Sorgue

Panic First Prize, International Book Fair (Brussels)
Premio "Francisco de Vitoria (Puerto Rico)
Premio Wittgenstein (Universidad de Murcia)
Prime Art Prize" Blue Cow "
Festival Jury Prize Cinema "La nature dans tous ses arts"
Delta Sigma Pi (St. John 's University) International Prix Poésie
Oriani (Teranova Festival) Award
Lethe (Leon)

2003 Gold Medal of San Fando (Buenos Aires)
XVIII Iberoamerican Theater Festival, Cadiz (Espagne)
Promoteur de l = Ordre de la Grande Gidouille
National Literature Prize (Espagne) 2002

Artelgallo Creativity Award (Espagne)
First Gold Medal at the University of X
Basque English Theatre Festival, Alicante (Espagne) d = Or
Médaille de la ville d = Avignon (France)
2001: XIV
Ercilla Award for best show of the year "The automobile graveyard" (Espagne).
European Academy of Arts, Sciences and Humanities
National Theatre Award 2001 (Espagne)
In the last vote was the Cervantes Prize finalist with the votes of Camilo Jose Cela, Jose Hierro and Francisco Umbral @ ..

"satraps" du Collège de = Pataphysique (1)
Film and Literature Award "Eninci (Espagne)
National Prize for Literature (Espagne).
Prix de la Francophonie (France)

(1) Le Corps des Satrapes du Collège de = Pataphysique avait déjà Transcendants co-opts them Marcel Duchamp, Max Ernst, Boris Vian, Jacques Prévert, Raymond Queneau Rene Clair, Jean Dubuffet, Man Ray and Eugene Ionesco, and April 20, 2001 he has co-opted with Fernando Arrabal's Transcenders Umberto Eco, Eduoardo Sanguineti, Camilo Jose Cela, Jean Baudillard and Dario For.

Premio Alessandro Manzoni "di Poesia (Italy). Franziska
Megert crea http: / / www. arrabal. org

1998 Society Award of Authors, (France).
Universidad Popular Municipal de Jaen (Spain)
Premio "Mariano de Cavia," (Spain).

1997 Grand Prize of the City = Antibes (France). Feira do Livro
43, Porto Alegre (Brazil)
Medal of the Center of Civilization and Culture ' (New York University). Ordre
Marulic Marko (Croatian State).

1996 Grand Prix de la Société des Gens de Lettres (France).
Prix du Centre National du Livre (France).

Officier des Arts et des Lettres (France).
feast of San Roque, Betanzos (Espagne)
Premier Prix "Théâtre de la Roseraie" (France).
Gold Medal of the Circulo de Bellas Artes de Madrid
. Gold Medal of the City of Melilla, (Espagne). 1994

Nabokov Novel Prix International (Italy).
Espasa Essay Prize (Espagne).
Médaille d = Or du Ministère de la Culture, (Egypt).
Premier Prix "pluriel au Théâtre" (France). 1993

Prix Théâtre de l = Académie Française.

1986 Gold Medal of Fine Arts, Ministry of Culture (Espagne). 1984 Worlds

Theater Prize (New York). Premio Nadal de Novela

1983 Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres (France).

1976 Obie Award (Theater) (New York).

1968 Grand Prix de l = Humour Noir (France).

1967 Grand Prix de Théâtre (France). 1965

Prix du Théâtre (France).
1959 Award Recipient

Ford Foundation,
with Italo Calvino, Hugo Claus, Charles Tomlinson, Günter Grass and Robert Pinget (New York).

1942 National Award for Gifted

Arrabal's universe is a fantasy world that is unlike anything known or imagined, the degree of dissimilarity reaches the limit of the conceivable, just like yourself: Milan Kundera

Fernando Arrabal possesses the priceless treasure of a genuine say: Camilo Jose Cela

Arrabal is in the synagogue of the theater of the absurd, which is less absurd drama and more reasonable to has ever written. He stripped Nuria Espert in film to embellish the image of his mother, now back in María Jesús Valdés. Unburied dead as was the English theater has enough sulfur whiplash, dark glare Arrabal's prose to make our whole scene is loud and re-raise to be ... The last time I went Cervantes jury, Camilo Jose Cela, José Hierro and I fought for Fernando Arrabal. I raised my voice to vote Arrabal, this English Españolísimo and seconded Cela me, as expected, "I concur, almost violently, the insightful words of Francisco Umbral ' Francisco Umbral. If

Arrabal exist would have to invent!: Juan Goytisolo

Arrabal The knowledge produced is tinged with a moral light that is in the very stuff of his art: Vicente Aleixandre

The exceptional human and artistic value Fernando Arrabal has been hoisted to the forefront of today's writers: Samuel Beckett


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