Pemi / Prix ARRABAL Born in 1932 né:
2010 Prix International du Théâtre Millénaire (Brésil)
2009 Romania: 'Premiul "literature" Tudor Arghezi "for his" opera omnia. " & 'Holder of onoare Cetate. "
Prix de la Ville de Nice l'affiche du â "Panique Festival! Cervantes / Arrabal "Culture Award
CAPEA Offenbach am Main (D)
" Europäische Kulturhauptstadt »Linz (A)
Theatre New Fernando Arrabal" (Ciudad Rodrigo);
"adoptive son Ciudad Rodrigo (Spain).
"Honorary Citizen" Erlanger (D)
"Fronteira do Pensamento" with Bob Wilson, Win Wenders, Philip Glass and Bernard Henri Levy. Porto Alegre (Brazil).
"Fernando Arrabal-Le Théâtre Funambule. Avignon (France) 2007
Spinoza (Festival Teranova)
" Delta Sigma Pi St. John University (New York)
Keys of the City of Miami (USA) Doctor Honoris
Cause. Thessalonique (Grèce)
Max Honor, Theatre (Espagne)
Prix Pasolini, cinéma (Paris)
2006 Honorary Citizen (Rute)
Grand Prix d'Interprétation (Quend Festival, film: "Avida)
BITTEF Grand Prix Festival Theatre (Belgrado)
Teranova Price (Claude Genzlinger) France.
Freeman of Spa (Belgium).
Keys town of Fontenay (France) 2005
Legion of Honour of
Premio Asociación Checa of Directores de Cine
Avignon Festival: Gold Medal Char de l'Isle sur la Sorgue
Panic First Prize, International Book Fair (Brussels)
Premio "Francisco de Vitoria (Puerto Rico)
Premio Wittgenstein (Universidad de Murcia)
Prime Art Prize" Blue Cow "
Festival Jury Prize Cinema "La nature dans tous ses arts"
Delta Sigma Pi (St. John 's University) International Prix Poésie
Oriani (Teranova Festival) Award
Lethe (Leon)
2003 Gold Medal of San Fando (Buenos Aires)
XVIII Iberoamerican Theater Festival, Cadiz (Espagne)
Promoteur de l = Ordre de la Grande Gidouille
National Literature Prize (Espagne) 2002
Artelgallo Creativity Award (Espagne)
First Gold Medal at the University of X
Basque English Theatre Festival, Alicante (Espagne) d = Or
Médaille de la ville d = Avignon (France)
2001: XIV
Ercilla Award for best show of the year "The automobile graveyard" (Espagne).
European Academy of Arts, Sciences and Humanities
National Theatre Award 2001 (Espagne)
In the last vote was the Cervantes Prize finalist with the votes of Camilo Jose Cela, Jose Hierro and Francisco Umbral @ ..
"satraps" du Collège de = Pataphysique (1)
Film and Literature Award "Eninci (Espagne)
National Prize for Literature (Espagne).
Prix de la Francophonie (France)
(1) Le Corps des Satrapes du Collège de = Pataphysique avait déjà Transcendants co-opts them Marcel Duchamp, Max Ernst, Boris Vian, Jacques Prévert, Raymond Queneau Rene Clair, Jean Dubuffet, Man Ray and Eugene Ionesco, and April 20, 2001 he has co-opted with Fernando Arrabal's Transcenders Umberto Eco, Eduoardo Sanguineti, Camilo Jose Cela, Jean Baudillard and Dario For.
Premio Alessandro Manzoni "di Poesia (Italy). Franziska
Megert crea http: / / www. arrabal. org
1998 Society Award of Authors, (France).
Universidad Popular Municipal de Jaen (Spain)
Premio "Mariano de Cavia," (Spain).
1997 Grand Prize of the City = Antibes (France). Feira do Livro
43, Porto Alegre (Brazil)
Medal of the Center of Civilization and Culture ' (New York University). Ordre
Marulic Marko (Croatian State).
1996 Grand Prix de la Société des Gens de Lettres (France).
Prix du Centre National du Livre (France).
Officier des Arts et des Lettres (France).
feast of San Roque, Betanzos (Espagne)
Premier Prix "Théâtre de la Roseraie" (France).
Gold Medal of the Circulo de Bellas Artes de Madrid
. Gold Medal of the City of Melilla, (Espagne). 1994
Nabokov Novel Prix International (Italy).
Espasa Essay Prize (Espagne).
Médaille d = Or du Ministère de la Culture, (Egypt).
Premier Prix "pluriel au Théâtre" (France). 1993
Prix Théâtre de l = Académie Française.
1986 Gold Medal of Fine Arts, Ministry of Culture (Espagne). 1984 Worlds
Theater Prize (New York). Premio Nadal de Novela
1983 Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres (France).
1976 Obie Award (Theater) (New York).
1968 Grand Prix de l = Humour Noir (France).
1967 Grand Prix de Théâtre (France). 1965
Prix du Théâtre (France).
1959 Award Recipient
Ford Foundation,
with Italo Calvino, Hugo Claus, Charles Tomlinson, Günter Grass and Robert Pinget (New York).
1942 National Award for Gifted
Arrabal's universe is a fantasy world that is unlike anything known or imagined, the degree of dissimilarity reaches the limit of the conceivable, just like yourself: Milan Kundera
Fernando Arrabal possesses the priceless treasure of a genuine say: Camilo Jose Cela
Arrabal is in the synagogue of the theater of the absurd, which is less absurd drama and more reasonable to has ever written. He stripped Nuria Espert in film to embellish the image of his mother, now back in María Jesús Valdés. Unburied dead as was the English theater has enough sulfur whiplash, dark glare Arrabal's prose to make our whole scene is loud and re-raise to be ... The last time I went Cervantes jury, Camilo Jose Cela, José Hierro and I fought for Fernando Arrabal. I raised my voice to vote Arrabal, this English Españolísimo and seconded Cela me, as expected, "I concur, almost violently, the insightful words of Francisco Umbral ' Francisco Umbral. If
Arrabal exist would have to invent!: Juan Goytisolo
Arrabal The knowledge produced is tinged with a moral light that is in the very stuff of his art: Vicente Aleixandre
The exceptional human and artistic value Fernando Arrabal has been hoisted to the forefront of today's writers: Samuel Beckett
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Milky Cervical Mucasam I Pregnant
Legion of Honor
... Le clou of soirée à la Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain ... Jack Lang allait remettre the Legion 'honneur à ... Fernando Arrabal. Il faut à confirmer < j.lang @ > et l'heure de convocation is 18 h 29 (!) November 29, 2006. Arrabal accepts this distinction created by Napoleon , Surprise particularly as the appointment of Arrabal dates back to July 14, 2005.
On D-Day and H Hour, guests flock. Women are groomed. Jack Lang is impeccable blue blazer, pink shirt with black tie. His complexion weathered captures light cameras. His neck is stretched so inimitable to the caller. The room is full. Many ITP (very important persons): Michel Piccoli is withdrawn, all discrete, Christine Angot royal spins Pierre Berge, Jean-Marie Colombani, director of the World examines, Michel Houellebecq open walls, lowering his head like fire walking Pacadis, Agnes Varda is surrounded and others like Viviane Forrester, Pierre-Andre Boutang, the director of the TNC etc.. awaiting the start of the ceremony. The silence. Jack Lang
attack. He laced up his goggles, carves his sentences. He still has his amazing trick with three adjectives inflection crescendo, but in sobriety here. Not more than 7 min. Once handed the coin ... Arrabal has planned "three hours of speeches, but will do that." The genius of 74 years finally talk about ten minutes. It sparkles as much as the first time we had crossed in 1983 in Linares. He and the organizer Rentero were a godsend to the English press! He mentions the game of chess, quotes young champions than anyone in the room, apart from him and I do not know, takes me to witness. Eyes converging ... His speech goes through all the last giants of the culture that shaped (see his website) . Her career is long, it plays leapfrog over the years. It concludes with a "viva la muerte, viva la suerte" warmly applauded. . But the party starts. Jack Lang gives the starting signal of champagne, wine, asparagus and other entertainments hot. Socializing will begin. The swirl around cocktail tables begins. Paris is magnificent from the terrace on the eighth floor. Jack is surrounded. Relaxed. Asked, of course. Arrabal is in top form, as the flashes also. He tells many stories: Spassky, tipped to the legion of honor, who refused it then recanted - but too late - a few years later. Kibbitz his visit in 1973 in a USSR championship thanks to a former correspondent with AFP he earned a spot. The last guests scatter. Many expect the ballet taxis. W e are in Hollywood. Curtain.
EL PUNT (in català) 30.XI.06
Legionari of Honor
La Cronica Jordi Soler .
maintain the universally recognized playwright Fernando Arrabal a curious friendship. In the mid 60s in the attic of the farmhouse that unforgettable Ramon Batlle and his wife Juanita, Fulgencio plorada as a painter, and recently-deceased were in Riudellots of His, the company's Théâtre La Croix Rousse Lyon was staged the work you Fanda Lis Arrabal of that. It was a private performance just for friends, but that glorious night in Riudellots were not only those who had Ramon Batlle Girona, but rather illustrious representatives of the cultural world of Barcelona. There was missing, oddly enough, Fernando Arrabal. Then we went and learned who was the author of the work in question. He was a man who painted, which made films, he wrote, he knew that a nest of playing chess and generally lived in Paris, among other things. When this newspaper noted how Internet-tool for us - I could access the website of Mr. Arrabal, and the web, your email address. From this finding, I do get it almost every day on the strip of Sisyphus, we write e-mails that try to be funny and-extravagant respect for their status-Patafísica satrap, I send in Catalan palindromes and also some trifles I know he likes erotic enough. Arrabal has written eleven novels, a hundred books of poetry, a hundred plays published in nineteen volumes and Seven feature films are shot. In Spain we have awarded the Medal of Fine Arts, the award of trial Sword, Gold Medal of the Circulo de Bellas Artes and the gold medal of the city of Melilla. In 1984 he won the Christmas novel, and in 1998, Mariano de Cavia. France has not forgotten him: Poe Award Lugné theater, Théâtre du grand prix, grand prix of humor noir, the Chevalier des Arts et Lettres ... and seven more higher awards. Is gold medal of the Ministry of Culture of Egypt, and New York has been awarded the Obie Award, Theatre World prize and medal of the Center of French Civilisation. And as I write these lines today, yesterday, for the reader-Wednesday 29 November, in Paris at the Cartier Foundation for Contemporary Art, the French deputy and former Minister of Culture Jack Lang handed him the insignia of Knight of the Legion Honor along with writer and journalist Laure Adler and Losselliani Otari, who is this great free tool that only says "Otari losselliani search did not match any documents." Ayckbourn has been seen on television programs doing amazing things, like that time with Fernando Sánchez and André Dragon Malvy, or that giving answers an impressive intellectual capital to Jesus Quintero. I do not know if the TVE correspondent in Paris, Audije Paco, who is also his friend, send a news event in Madrid. Hopefully yes. Anyway, congratulations with all my heart, mon vieux!
France Medal of rebellion "congenital" Fernando Arrabal
RUBEN AMON. Correspondent PARIS .- Fernando Arrabal block is like a beginner when Jack Lang Soldier le Pech Effect on the medal of the Legion of Honor. It was "the culmination of a solemn paradójica trayectoria y Valiente", according told the former French minister of Culture, although Arrabal prefirió interpret it as a way to ecstasy in the name of Santa Teresa de Jesus.
The proclamation was won laughter from the attendees on the rooftop of the Cartier Foundation, a panoramic view of Paris that approached Fernando Arrabal to heaven without losing sight of earthly complicity of his "seeing-eye." We are talking about Michel Houellebecq
, reference transgressive and invited French literature prize inseparable from an act predictably aristocratic Parisian surrealist and the rhythm of the gauche caviar. For the French left
eat oysters and drink champagne. Much more when it comes to pay tribute to the playwright, filmmaker, poet and writer who has best survived the shock of all avant-garde. Already said yesterday the filmmaker Agnès Varda eyeing medals in the Arrabal comrade's chest: "I love this character. I love his work. Has been a source of vitality for the culture, a fixture against the current which has the merit of having preserved their validity and timeliness. " Both sides praised
implicitly agree with Jack Lang comprehensive biographical sketch drawn on the rostrum. Not only recalled the commitment of Arrabal with freedom and culture. He also
enthusiastic eulogy of its ambiguities and contradictions. Including disorders with chastity and the oxymoron of the relentless lucidity. "Fernando Arrabal" Mitterrand stated the bishop, "has been essentially a traveler. A traveler in biographical terms and a passenger in cultural terms has been able to swing without fear and without prejudice to enrich the identity of French culture ... and not just French. Fernando Arrabal has been, above all, a congenital disobedient. " The event was scheduled at 18 hours and 29 minutes. A nod to the award-winning arrabalesco despised being late and then boldly offset to the microphone on stage.
"It was in this city where Reviewed on disorder and chaos. Now I am in ecstasy, as Teresa of Avila. And vindicate the hope that our world will populate the quixotic. In the bottom I am a patriot. So will you allow me to say goodbye in English: the fate alive. "
The text of the speech, she had written together on a restaurant Fernando Arrabal and Houellebecq. This explains the passages secretive and inscrutable, although both colleagues chose to define it as an exercise in sublime poetry in honor of San Ignacio de Loyola, Picasso, Juan Gris and "the English exiles in general."
was a way to look in the mirror. In fact, Fernando Arrabal, proud to bring another medal chest 'of transcendent satrap medal ", he intimated that his dream had been living in Paris. And it had.
... Fernando Arrabal Address
[Author's note: I read my speech, as usual, in the shortening or lengthening it, and adorning the cooing of improvisation.]
"That's 480 years, says the legend, escaped from his home, his immortal doves and a girl alien of Avila, Therese. She loved the theater, transported by her chills. She was fascinated by chess and its eddies. Centuries later it became the patron saint of art-science of the exchequer, that of Marcel Duchamp. After several days of running away she would have told constables who had discovered: "I escaped away from home to find the pain and grace of the 'destierro' in Paris ... to win the glory '. Today, the tenth player in the world, another girl alien, this time twelve years old and champion of China, Hou Yifan, reiterated that his dream is to 'live modernity, emigrated to Paris'.
"They all emigrated (or saying much). They arrived in exile, finally, create Modernity. Luis Vives and Ignatius of Loyola and Tommasso Campanella (who died in Paris 21 May 163 9), and a thousand others, were the precursors. From the beginning we were very numerous, we Spaniards: Miro grace, knowledge Dali, Juan Gris and Picasso's discovery of joy. {When Michel Houellebecq and I have corrected my text [at Dome cafe worship and tradition - one hour before the ceremony] that he preferred j'accole the 'trade' in the name of Picasso}. Then come the lions lounge or twinks of the jungle and foliage like Russian Alekhine, the polycephalic Bourbaki, the Italian Modigliani, the Romanian Tzara, Czech Kundera, or 'Reunion' {Houellebecq this time, the they wanted me the name (more accurately), 'Creole'}.
"But especially in the heart of Modernity has been created for today only theater that crosses borders. A theater that staged the revival, the thrill and terror of contemporary literature. A theater, with its claws and its forecast, announced yesterday the disappearance of the Titans and the arrival of the gods. We were baptized in various ways. Of the most infamous was cooped wanted our works in the barracks "vanguard". The name that has most shocked the paradoxes ('theater of the absurd') has not enthused Beckett. Upon receiving the book Esslin and seeing us, we the four pioneers of this adventure, on the cover of the seminal book, he said: 'Theater of the absurd, how absurd! " {Here, Houellebecq has asked me to extend my review of nurses and of the cradles of our theater (From the catacombs of Saint Germain-off off to New York) And for an hour at least. [I want to reassure the audience by saying that I will not put into practice this advice. Although Michel Houellebecq, changing public opinion, has reiterated: "we must take three hours"]}
"Before donating his person (alas) to the French Republic, Jack Lang was the first to celebrate with laurel and lightning celebrations and rites of the stage with its Festival of modern theater. With what pleasure I could go along with 'Jack and Monique' scenes and lookouts in Shiraz, Belgrade, Edinburgh, Valencia (Calif.), Caracas or Tokyo. Unfortunately today I no longer see them in "barracas" and on the boards of the great theater of the world ... they are chained to the chariot of the state.
"We, the playwrights who have created this scene of modernity or we are exiles: Irish Beckett, Ionesco, Romanian, Russian or Polish Adamov Topor. On behalf of all I received Wednesday, November 29 honor armyworm (Legion of Honour), they deserved much more than me, and precisely at the hands of Jack Lang. {"Scientific Discovery: the magic of the Legion of Honor travels at the speed of sound and not light" I said, very happy (yes!) Houellebecq, since the call Mirto.
} "In our theater alone bear skinned mates with the turtle "décarapacée. But beneath the volcano.
"The singing of the choir under the fan servant reeks of power.
"Far from" our stage "the Scriptwriter formal written by the sweat of his brow, suffering from rheumatism
"We 'Desterrados' (and the founders of modernity) live scattered in exile, with humility, bluebells and crowns. Or we meet in small groups of rock armor. We like girls aliens, Teresa of Avila and Hou Yifan of Beijing, all the same, those of yesterday, today and tomorrow, sages and fools, heroes and fools . We have not come to live better or less bad, because we strive to belong to the legion of Quixote, the knight errant, with words of beauty and science and humor. VIVA LA SUERTE "F. Arrabal.
... Le clou of soirée à la Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain ... Jack Lang allait remettre the Legion 'honneur à ... Fernando Arrabal. Il faut à confirmer < j.lang @ > et l'heure de convocation is 18 h 29 (!) November 29, 2006. Arrabal accepts this distinction created by Napoleon , Surprise particularly as the appointment of Arrabal dates back to July 14, 2005.
On D-Day and H Hour, guests flock. Women are groomed. Jack Lang is impeccable blue blazer, pink shirt with black tie. His complexion weathered captures light cameras. His neck is stretched so inimitable to the caller. The room is full. Many ITP (very important persons): Michel Piccoli is withdrawn, all discrete, Christine Angot royal spins Pierre Berge, Jean-Marie Colombani, director of the World examines, Michel Houellebecq open walls, lowering his head like fire walking Pacadis, Agnes Varda is surrounded and others like Viviane Forrester, Pierre-Andre Boutang, the director of the TNC etc.. awaiting the start of the ceremony. The silence. Jack Lang
attack. He laced up his goggles, carves his sentences. He still has his amazing trick with three adjectives inflection crescendo, but in sobriety here. Not more than 7 min. Once handed the coin ... Arrabal has planned "three hours of speeches, but will do that." The genius of 74 years finally talk about ten minutes. It sparkles as much as the first time we had crossed in 1983 in Linares. He and the organizer Rentero were a godsend to the English press! He mentions the game of chess, quotes young champions than anyone in the room, apart from him and I do not know, takes me to witness. Eyes converging ... His speech goes through all the last giants of the culture that shaped (see his website) . Her career is long, it plays leapfrog over the years. It concludes with a "viva la muerte, viva la suerte" warmly applauded. . But the party starts. Jack Lang gives the starting signal of champagne, wine, asparagus and other entertainments hot. Socializing will begin. The swirl around cocktail tables begins. Paris is magnificent from the terrace on the eighth floor. Jack is surrounded. Relaxed. Asked, of course. Arrabal is in top form, as the flashes also. He tells many stories: Spassky, tipped to the legion of honor, who refused it then recanted - but too late - a few years later. Kibbitz his visit in 1973 in a USSR championship thanks to a former correspondent with AFP he earned a spot. The last guests scatter. Many expect the ballet taxis. W e are in Hollywood. Curtain.
EL PUNT (in català) 30.XI.06
Legionari of Honor
La Cronica Jordi Soler .
maintain the universally recognized playwright Fernando Arrabal a curious friendship. In the mid 60s in the attic of the farmhouse that unforgettable Ramon Batlle and his wife Juanita, Fulgencio plorada as a painter, and recently-deceased were in Riudellots of His, the company's Théâtre La Croix Rousse Lyon was staged the work you Fanda Lis Arrabal of that. It was a private performance just for friends, but that glorious night in Riudellots were not only those who had Ramon Batlle Girona, but rather illustrious representatives of the cultural world of Barcelona. There was missing, oddly enough, Fernando Arrabal. Then we went and learned who was the author of the work in question. He was a man who painted, which made films, he wrote, he knew that a nest of playing chess and generally lived in Paris, among other things. When this newspaper noted how Internet-tool for us - I could access the website of Mr. Arrabal, and the web, your email address. From this finding, I do get it almost every day on the strip of Sisyphus, we write e-mails that try to be funny and-extravagant respect for their status-Patafísica satrap, I send in Catalan palindromes and also some trifles I know he likes erotic enough. Arrabal has written eleven novels, a hundred books of poetry, a hundred plays published in nineteen volumes and Seven feature films are shot. In Spain we have awarded the Medal of Fine Arts, the award of trial Sword, Gold Medal of the Circulo de Bellas Artes and the gold medal of the city of Melilla. In 1984 he won the Christmas novel, and in 1998, Mariano de Cavia. France has not forgotten him: Poe Award Lugné theater, Théâtre du grand prix, grand prix of humor noir, the Chevalier des Arts et Lettres ... and seven more higher awards. Is gold medal of the Ministry of Culture of Egypt, and New York has been awarded the Obie Award, Theatre World prize and medal of the Center of French Civilisation. And as I write these lines today, yesterday, for the reader-Wednesday 29 November, in Paris at the Cartier Foundation for Contemporary Art, the French deputy and former Minister of Culture Jack Lang handed him the insignia of Knight of the Legion Honor along with writer and journalist Laure Adler and Losselliani Otari, who is this great free tool that only says "Otari losselliani search did not match any documents." Ayckbourn has been seen on television programs doing amazing things, like that time with Fernando Sánchez and André Dragon Malvy, or that giving answers an impressive intellectual capital to Jesus Quintero. I do not know if the TVE correspondent in Paris, Audije Paco, who is also his friend, send a news event in Madrid. Hopefully yes. Anyway, congratulations with all my heart, mon vieux!
France Medal of rebellion "congenital" Fernando Arrabal
RUBEN AMON. Correspondent PARIS .- Fernando Arrabal block is like a beginner when Jack Lang Soldier le Pech Effect on the medal of the Legion of Honor. It was "the culmination of a solemn paradójica trayectoria y Valiente", according told the former French minister of Culture, although Arrabal prefirió interpret it as a way to ecstasy in the name of Santa Teresa de Jesus.
The proclamation was won laughter from the attendees on the rooftop of the Cartier Foundation, a panoramic view of Paris that approached Fernando Arrabal to heaven without losing sight of earthly complicity of his "seeing-eye." We are talking about Michel Houellebecq
, reference transgressive and invited French literature prize inseparable from an act predictably aristocratic Parisian surrealist and the rhythm of the gauche caviar. For the French left
eat oysters and drink champagne. Much more when it comes to pay tribute to the playwright, filmmaker, poet and writer who has best survived the shock of all avant-garde. Already said yesterday the filmmaker Agnès Varda eyeing medals in the Arrabal comrade's chest: "I love this character. I love his work. Has been a source of vitality for the culture, a fixture against the current which has the merit of having preserved their validity and timeliness. " Both sides praised
implicitly agree with Jack Lang comprehensive biographical sketch drawn on the rostrum. Not only recalled the commitment of Arrabal with freedom and culture. He also
enthusiastic eulogy of its ambiguities and contradictions. Including disorders with chastity and the oxymoron of the relentless lucidity. "Fernando Arrabal" Mitterrand stated the bishop, "has been essentially a traveler. A traveler in biographical terms and a passenger in cultural terms has been able to swing without fear and without prejudice to enrich the identity of French culture ... and not just French. Fernando Arrabal has been, above all, a congenital disobedient. " The event was scheduled at 18 hours and 29 minutes. A nod to the award-winning arrabalesco despised being late and then boldly offset to the microphone on stage.
"It was in this city where Reviewed on disorder and chaos. Now I am in ecstasy, as Teresa of Avila. And vindicate the hope that our world will populate the quixotic. In the bottom I am a patriot. So will you allow me to say goodbye in English: the fate alive. "
The text of the speech, she had written together on a restaurant Fernando Arrabal and Houellebecq. This explains the passages secretive and inscrutable, although both colleagues chose to define it as an exercise in sublime poetry in honor of San Ignacio de Loyola, Picasso, Juan Gris and "the English exiles in general."
was a way to look in the mirror. In fact, Fernando Arrabal, proud to bring another medal chest 'of transcendent satrap medal ", he intimated that his dream had been living in Paris. And it had.
... Fernando Arrabal Address
[Author's note: I read my speech, as usual, in the shortening or lengthening it, and adorning the cooing of improvisation.]
"That's 480 years, says the legend, escaped from his home, his immortal doves and a girl alien of Avila, Therese. She loved the theater, transported by her chills. She was fascinated by chess and its eddies. Centuries later it became the patron saint of art-science of the exchequer, that of Marcel Duchamp. After several days of running away she would have told constables who had discovered: "I escaped away from home to find the pain and grace of the 'destierro' in Paris ... to win the glory '. Today, the tenth player in the world, another girl alien, this time twelve years old and champion of China, Hou Yifan, reiterated that his dream is to 'live modernity, emigrated to Paris'.
"They all emigrated (or saying much). They arrived in exile, finally, create Modernity. Luis Vives and Ignatius of Loyola and Tommasso Campanella (who died in Paris 21 May 163 9), and a thousand others, were the precursors. From the beginning we were very numerous, we Spaniards: Miro grace, knowledge Dali, Juan Gris and Picasso's discovery of joy. {When Michel Houellebecq and I have corrected my text [at Dome cafe worship and tradition - one hour before the ceremony] that he preferred j'accole the 'trade' in the name of Picasso}. Then come the lions lounge or twinks of the jungle and foliage like Russian Alekhine, the polycephalic Bourbaki, the Italian Modigliani, the Romanian Tzara, Czech Kundera, or 'Reunion' {Houellebecq this time, the they wanted me the name (more accurately), 'Creole'}.
"But especially in the heart of Modernity has been created for today only theater that crosses borders. A theater that staged the revival, the thrill and terror of contemporary literature. A theater, with its claws and its forecast, announced yesterday the disappearance of the Titans and the arrival of the gods. We were baptized in various ways. Of the most infamous was cooped wanted our works in the barracks "vanguard". The name that has most shocked the paradoxes ('theater of the absurd') has not enthused Beckett. Upon receiving the book Esslin and seeing us, we the four pioneers of this adventure, on the cover of the seminal book, he said: 'Theater of the absurd, how absurd! " {Here, Houellebecq has asked me to extend my review of nurses and of the cradles of our theater (From the catacombs of Saint Germain-off off to New York) And for an hour at least. [I want to reassure the audience by saying that I will not put into practice this advice. Although Michel Houellebecq, changing public opinion, has reiterated: "we must take three hours"]}
"Before donating his person (alas) to the French Republic, Jack Lang was the first to celebrate with laurel and lightning celebrations and rites of the stage with its Festival of modern theater. With what pleasure I could go along with 'Jack and Monique' scenes and lookouts in Shiraz, Belgrade, Edinburgh, Valencia (Calif.), Caracas or Tokyo. Unfortunately today I no longer see them in "barracas" and on the boards of the great theater of the world ... they are chained to the chariot of the state.
"We, the playwrights who have created this scene of modernity or we are exiles: Irish Beckett, Ionesco, Romanian, Russian or Polish Adamov Topor. On behalf of all I received Wednesday, November 29 honor armyworm (Legion of Honour), they deserved much more than me, and precisely at the hands of Jack Lang. {"Scientific Discovery: the magic of the Legion of Honor travels at the speed of sound and not light" I said, very happy (yes!) Houellebecq, since the call Mirto.
} "In our theater alone bear skinned mates with the turtle "décarapacée. But beneath the volcano.
"The singing of the choir under the fan servant reeks of power.
"Far from" our stage "the Scriptwriter formal written by the sweat of his brow, suffering from rheumatism
"We 'Desterrados' (and the founders of modernity) live scattered in exile, with humility, bluebells and crowns. Or we meet in small groups of rock armor. We like girls aliens, Teresa of Avila and Hou Yifan of Beijing, all the same, those of yesterday, today and tomorrow, sages and fools, heroes and fools . We have not come to live better or less bad, because we strive to belong to the legion of Quixote, the knight errant, with words of beauty and science and humor. VIVA LA SUERTE "F. Arrabal.
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